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2012届英语复习模块能力检测:Module2 The Renaissance(外研版选修8). 单词拼写1. The advertising campaign didnt have much effect (影响) on sales. 2. Most people said that pay was their main motivation (动机)for working. 3. On behalf (代表)of our school I would like to thank you all. 4. The symptoms the doctor told us yesterday was really disturbing (令人不安的). 5. Were it not for music, life would be dull (枯燥的). 6. At Christmas people appealed (恳请)to us for the poor. 7. A passerby (过路人)told us the news that our team had won the game. 8. The outcome (结果)of the discussion was not what he expected. 9. As a professional(职业)basketball player, Yao Ming spends most of time training on the playground. 10. Whoever lets out the confidential (机密的)document will be punished. . 句型转换1. To our surprise, he wasnt affected by the sad news. To our surprise, the sad news had no effect on him. 2. You should seek advice from your teacher on this matter. You can turn to your teacher for advice on this matter. 3. Why should I take the blame for his mistakes? Why am I to blame for his mistakes? 4. It is believed that he has been working hard. He is believed to have been working hard . 5. Do you know what caused his failure in the game? Do you know what led to his failure in the game? . 语法和词汇知识1. Peter will _ his job as the manager of the finance department next week. A. set out B. take outC. take up D. set up【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:下周彼得将开始他作为金融部门经理的工作。A项“开始着手做”,B项“拿出来”,C项“开始从事”,D项“创建,树立”。从句意可知选C。 Rosa _ the company from her father and managed to keep it going in a new way. A. took in B. took upC. took away D. took over【解析】选D。take in“吸收”;take up“拿起;占据;从事”;take away“拿走,带走”;take over“接管”。由句意可知罗莎从父亲那里接管了那家公司,因此D项为正确选项。 2. The film star has asked _ but the journalists just keep following him wherever he goes. 2010杭州模拟A. to be left alone B. left aloneC. to leave alone D. being left【解析】选A。ask to do sth. 要求去做某事,先排除B、D两项,leave sb. alone让某人单独相处,放任自流,在此处用被动语态,因此选A。 Any suggestion? Youd better _ the last sentence as it is rather misleading. Sounds reasonable. Then could you _ a good ending to it? A. put out; increase B. leave out; addC. pick out; find D. knock out; choose【解析】选B。句意为:“还有建议吗?”“你最好删去最后一个句子,因为太容易误导了。”“听起来有道理,那么你能加上一个好的结尾吗?”put out 熄灭;leave out删掉;pick out 挑出;knock out 敲出。根据句意选B项。 3. We said wed give her another chance, and we must _ our promise. A. appeal to B. stick toC. lead to D. owe to【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我们说过我们将再给她一次机会,我们必须信守诺言。appeal to 吸引,呼吁;lead to 导致;owe to 归功于;stick to 信守,坚持;符合句意。4. I have kept the photo _I can always see it, as it reminds me of the days when I studied in Britain. 2010温州模拟A. at which B. whenC. where D. at the place【解析】选C。考查where引导的状语从句。句意:我把照片放在了我总是能看到的地方,因为它能使我想起我在英国学习的日子。此处where引导地点状语从句,如果D项at the place后加where构成定语从句也对。He has something inside that makes him a starand I think thats _ his confidence comes from. A. how B. whenC. where D. which【解析】选C。根据comes from可以得知,该句表示“自信心的来源之地”,所以用where。how表示方式;when表示时间,与题意不符;which从语法到意义都不合适。 5. There is a feeling in him that hell be chosen to attend the London Olympic Games _ his country. A. in order that B. on behalf ofC. in favor of D. in case of【解析】选B。句意:他有一个感觉那就是他要被选中代表他的国家去参加伦敦奥运会。表示“代表”之意用on behalf of,A项表目的,C项表支持,D项“以防”。所以选B。6. We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that _ for their sons bad performance at school. A. are to blame B. is to be blamedC. are to be blamed D. is to blame【解析】选D。句意为:我们都感觉应该对他们的儿子在学校的恶劣表现承担责任的是杰克和他的妻子。as well as连接两名词充当主语成分,谓语动词的单复数和最前面的主语保持一致;be to blame“应受到责备”,常用主动形式表示被动含义,故D项正确。 7. We are seeking _ a solution to the problem. A. to B. forC. of D. in【解析】选B。句意:我们正寻找解决这个问题的方法。seek后可用to do sth. 或for sth. ,空后是名词,因此选B项。 8. Although this medicine can cure you _your illness, it will have a bad effect _you. A. for; in B. for; onC. of; at D. of; on【解析】选D。cure sb. of sth. 意思是“治愈某人的疾病”,have an effect on为固定搭配,意思是“对有影响”。 9. His deeds _the others to make more efforts to help those in trouble. A. permitted B. inspiredC. allowed D. promised
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