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山东省曹县三桐中学2014-2015学年度上学期段考高二年级英语试卷命题人(高二英语组),考试时间(120)分钟第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第1节 :单项填空(共10小题;每题1.5分)1. The doctor suggested that the patient _to a more advanced hospital at once. A.must be sent B.was to be sent C.be sent D.should send2. Mrs. White showed her students some old maps_from the library. A.to borrow B.to be borrowed C.borrowed D.borrowing3. _ interested her most was the longitude line. A.What B.It C.That D.As4. -Kate , where did you get your material _? -In the library upstairs. A.to type B.typed C.tying D.to be typed5. Can you think of some cases _drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didnt obey them? A.why B.where C.as D.which6. The stamps , once_, will be very popular with stamp collectors. A.being printed B.printing C.to print D.printed7. -Are you going to Toms birthday party? -_. I might have to work. A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sounds great D. Dont mention it.8. Not a single paper _without spelling mistakes this term. A.did Tom write B. Tom did write C. Tom wrote D.wrote Tom.9. She had just finished her homework _her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. A.when B.while C.after D.since10. -Who should be responsible for the accident? -The boss , not the workers , they just carried out the order_. A.as told B. as are told C.as telling D.as they told 第二节:完形填空(共30小题,A篇每题1分,B篇每题1.5分。满分40分) A Adam Braun established the organization “Pencils of Promise”in 2008. It has _11_more than 22,000 children in Africa , Asia and Latin America. It all started when he was a college student . He was visiting India when a _12_boy stopped him on the street, and asked him for food. Mr Braun asked the boy what else he would want . “ I thought the _13_was going to be A ball or A bike or A boat . However, his reply was a pencil .So I gave him my pencil and he just lit up with _14_. I realized he never had gone to _15_before , and that was the reality for57 million _16_children around the world” Braun said. Mr. Braun _17_money for his project by using social media. He _18_the first Pencils of Promise school in Laos years ago . Since then ,his group has helped pay for more than 200 schools in rural areas of Laos, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ghana. Pencils of Promise works closely with the _19_education departments . Local people are willing to donate their money for childrens education , because they know Adam Braun is making a _20_to their life. 11. A. studiedB. helpedC. treatedD.received12. A.healthy B.boringC.smartD.hungry13. A.solutionB.planC.answerD.sing14. A.joyB.coldC.fearD.surprise15. A.prisonB.schoolC.theaterD.bed16. A.sickB.poorC.lovelyD.healthy17. A.lentB.raisedC.stoleD.spent18. A.attendedB.designedC.visitedD.established19. A.strictB.powerful C.efficientD.powerful20. A.promiseB.mistakeC.differenceD.decision B Once there was a little bird that lived in the old times. When a sage(智者)was thrown int a _21_by his enemy, the little bird saw what happened and decided to put it out to _22_the sage. The little bird_23_bringing a few drops of water in his_24_youth from the nearby river. The larger birds in the tree _25_and laughed at the little bird, saying, “Why are you carrying the _26_?” The little bird said , “ To put out the fire around the sage.” The larger birds continued _27_, “How could you put out such a huge fire with so little water? It is _28_” Do you know what the little bird _29_? “ I dont know whether I will manage to put out the fire or not but I know what I have _30_to stop the fire.” Hearing the answer , all the larger birds were_31_. We often think that our effort is the factor(因素) responsible for our _32_. This is a wrong way of _33_.If we believe we can succeed, we shall succeed, Our _34_is just a sacrifice(牺牲) that we are willing to make ._35_, the little bird knew that with a few drops of water the fire would not be put out but it was his _36_to do whatever he could to achieve this goal. Its the action , not the fruit of the action, that is _37_.You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your _38_or may not be in your time , but that doesnt _39_ you stop doing the right thing.You may never know_40_results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result. 21. A.roomB.fireC.riverD.plane22. A.remindB.stopC.helpD.surprise23. A.startedB.allowedC.suggestedD.imagined24. A.longB.tinyC.strongD.beautiful25. A.refusedB.understoodC.heardD.watched26. A.cupB.presentC.waterD.fruit27. A.warningB.laughingC.teachingD.compla
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