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广东省深圳市耀华实验学校2020学年高一英语下学期入学考试试题(华文部,无答案)I.选择填空(20%)i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共20小题,每小题1分)1. She was not awake in the hospital, and totally unaware of her familys presence with her.A. concerned aboutB. not realizingC. confused with2. The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different families.A. when they grew upB. on birthdaysC. when they were born3. Try to keep your email as short as possible. Long paragraphs can be difficult toread and take in.A. make shorterB. gather inC. absorb4. The accident disabled him and now he has an artificial arm.A. made.handicapped B. made.illC. made. foolish5. This product is friendly to the environment. I think it will become popular soon.A. practicalB. not harmfulC. faithful6. A _ sketch of the story is a story which is approximately correct, but not exact.A. roughB. simplifiedC. brief7. To _ something is to think or believe that it is true or possible based on theknowledge one has.A. considerB supposeC. suggest8. A _ means a way of working out a problem or dealing with a difficultsituation.A. projectB. suggestionC. method9. The _ is the degree to which something is good or bad.A. qualityB. quantityC. scale10. Human beings must _ light pollution. That is to say, we must try hard toreduce it.A. fight againstB. play againstC. stand against11. Bob felt so _ with his father and shouted, “If you really _ me, please listen to what I say!”A. ashamed; care ofB. annoyed; care about C. surprised, car for12. When Teddy saw those giant creatures, he stood there _ fear and suddenlyheard someone shouting, “Dont step forward! Keep _ the area!”.A. in; offB. with; awayC. at; out of13. Peter, _ your question, its better to _ of people you want tophotograph, especially those you are working in close.A. to answer to; ask allowanceB. in reply to; ask permissionC. on hearing; ask agreement14. Panda Coco has lived in a zoo since she was born. Can you imagine _ her alone in the forest?Well, I dont think she can survive _ the wild.A. to leave; atB. forgetting; onC. dumping; in15. Haveyou _ the invitation to his house-warming party?No, I have _ to help my dad fix up the house.A. received; agreedB. accepted; decided C. refused; prepared16. The stadium is _ the one in our city.Yes, its said that it will be _ stadium.A. as four times big as; the second Chinas largestB. four times the size of; Chinas second largestC. four times as big as; the Chinas second largestD. as big as four times; Chinas the second largest17. Watch out! Your hair _ caught in the machine!Thank you! I _ realize I was so close to it.A. must be; didntB. may get; dontC. needs to be; willD. might get; didnt18. Mum, when _ you last see my chessboard? I cant find it now.Ohyesterday afternoon. But afterwards your father _ somewhere.A. did; had it fixedB. do; had fixedC. did; had fixed itD. do, has it fixed19. Mr. Smiths flight _ canceled due to the terrible weather. He wont arrive until tomorrow.Oh, what a pity! I thought he _ to my graduation ceremony today.A. has; cameB. has been; was comingC. was; was comingD has; would come20. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?A. Three years passed since my brother joined the Charity Group.B. Robinson built himself an egg-shaped house that was powered by the sun.C. You can neither play computer games at home nor hang out with friends.D. What tasty smell the cake is giving!II.完形填空(15%)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1.5 分)Consider these situations: You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to 21 your instructor to go to see it. You have heard an inspiring lecture, and want to 22 your newlyfound knowledge with a roommate who didnt attend the lecture.How to give this type of23 ? You could tell everything you 24 about the book, movie, or lecture, but you will probably just want to select the25 points and tell these to your listener. This, of course, is called summarizing.To create a good summaryone that is both accurate and briefyou need to follow two steps. First, 26 information by reading, taking notes, or listening carefully so that your summary is as brief as possible but still accurate and 27 . Your audience will help you decide how thorough you need to be. If you give your summary to 28 , perhaps for an examination, it will need to be extremely complete29 accurate. You will need to keep in mind any30 your instructor might have given you during the lecture to indicate what he or she considers especially important. If you are summarizing a movie for a friend, you can be less thorough. Part of the task of su
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