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河北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解(100)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOne winter evening, a storekeeper was going to close up his shop. Suddenly he saw Seth, a lazy, good-for-nothing fellow grab a pound of fresh butter and hide it in his hat. No sooner had the storekeeper seen the act than he hit upon exactly the right revenge (报复). He would punish the thief, and satisfy his own appetite for fun.Seth had his hat on his head, and the butter in his hat. He was anxious to leave. However, the rightful owner of the butter offered him a cup of hot drink, took him by the shoulders and planted him in a seat close to the stove. The grocer stuffed in the stove as many sticks of wood as he could possibly fit inside.Seth already could feel the butter settling down closer to his hair, so he jumped up, declaring that he must go.“Sit down; dont be in such a hurry,” replied the grocer, pushing him back into the chair again.Streak after streak of the butter came pouring from under the poor mans hat. The fun-loving grocer kept on stuffing wood into the stove. Then, as if surprised, he remarked, “You seem to be sweating as if you were warm! Let me put your hat away for you.”“No!” exclaimed poor Seth at last, unable to stand it a moment longer. “No, I must go; let me out.”A greasy(油腻的)waterfall of butter was now pouring down the poor mans face and neck, soaking(浸泡)into his clothes, and trickling down his body into his boots. He was bathed in oil from head to toe.Just as his victim rushed out the door, the grocer said, “I think the fun Ive had out of you is worth the money, so I shant charge you for that pound of butter in your hat.”1. Why did Seth put the butter in his hat?A. Because he just wanted to play a trick on the grocer.B. Because he had nowhere to put the butter but in the hat.C. Because he wanted to revenge himself on the grocer.D. Because he didnt want to pay for the butter.2. What is NOT the action that the grocer took as a revenge?A. The grocer offered Seth a cup of hot drink.B. The grocer forced Seth to take a seat near the stove.C. The grocer overcharged Seth for the butter.D. The grocer offered to take off Seths hat.3. What was the purpose of the grocers hospitality(好客)?A. He wanted to punish Seth. B. He wanted to be kind to Seth.C. He wanted to make friends with Seth.D. He wanted to sell more of his goods.4. What is the best title of the passage?A. Great fun B. The right revengeC. A fun-loving grocer D. A foolish customerBNo longer the hobby of adults alone, knitting (编织) is now considered cool for all ages. Now, lets look at the story of Sander Pickard in Berthoud. Sander is an eight-year-old boy who is on a task to break the world record for finger knitting, a type of knitting done without needles. The last count of Sanders knitting string was 188 meters, though it is much longer now. Knitting has created interest among Sanders classmates in Berthoud. “Max, Jacob, Anoka, Rheine, and Josh have helped Sander add to the going-for-the-world-record knitting,” said the teacher. So many different people have contributed to the task, and it is colorful. “It looks like a giant beautiful butterfly. The girls at school help him by knitting in colors.”Sanders interest in knitting originated not only from his mothers influence, but from Lisa Bauer, who teaches knitting at Berthoud Library. Bauers love of knitting began as a child, and became stronger and stronger. As a former school teacher, Bauer has done research on the benefits of introducing children to knitting. “Knitting makes talkative children quiet, and helps them pay attention to what they are doing. It offers children pleasure in the course, and when they finally finish a piece of knitting, they get excited and are satisfied.” Bauer said, “Using both hands makes children smarter, by stimulating a lot of different nerve centers in the brain.” To pass time while riding in the car, watching TV, or listening to the radio at home, Sander often knits. While not working on breaking world records, Sander enjoys knitting, lying in a hammock (吊床) between two branches of his homes apple tree. It provides a perfect place for finger knitting!5. The passage is mainly about _.A. the fashion in modern timesB. Lisa Bauers research on the benefits of knittingC. how Sander broke the knitting record D. Sanders knitting and his task to break the record6. According to Lisa Bauer, what can a boy benefit from knitting? A. Knitting helps him to kill time. B. Knitting can make his sense of color better. C. He can learn how to work with other children. D. He can focus himself on doing something.7. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “stimulating”? A. Making something change a lot. B. Making something keep working. C. Making something more active. D. Making something much slower.8. According to the 4th paragraph, after finishing a pie
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