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2013届高三英语复习专题练习:Unit1 Cultural relics(新人教版必修2).单项填空1What about traveling to Kunming by air this winter holiday?_, but my father promised to take me to Sydney.ASounds great BAll rightCI cant DNo way解析:答语的后一部分是委婉的拒绝,礼貌的说法是对于对方的建议先给予肯定,因而正确答案是A项。答案:A2I havent got _ clear idea of what she has experienced, but she is now _ different Lily from what she was three years ago.A不填; a Ba; aCa; 不填 Dthe; 不填解析:have an idea of . “对了解”;人名前面或后面有限制性的修饰语,前面可加不定冠词,表示在某时的状态。答案:B3Young as she is, our English teacher is very experienced and _ by all of us.Athinks highly of Bhighly thought ofCthinks high of Dhigh thought of解析:此处表示被动意义, be highly thought of意思是“受到高度评价”。答案:B4(2012莆田质检)It remains _ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.Aseen Bto be seenCseeing Dto see解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。remain为系动词,后可接不定式作表语。根据句子结构可知, it为形式主语,whether从句为真正主语。“Jim是否适合打决赛还有待观望”,因此应用不定式的被动语态。答案:B5It is a long time _ I saw you last.Yes.And it will be a time _ we see each other again.Awhen; after Bafter; whenCsince; before Dbefore; since解析:句意:“自从我上次见到你以来我们好久没有见面了。”“是的,还得过一段时间我们才能再次相见。” It is/has been一段时间since .“自从以来多久了”; It will be一段时间before .“多久之后才”。答案:C6What do you think of the furniture on sale?Pretty good.But _ what you bought with the samples I dont think it _ the money.Acomparing; worth Bcompared; worthwhileCcompare; worthy Dcomparing; value解析:句意:“你认为正在出售的这件家具怎么样?”“很好。但把你买的那件和这些样品相比较,我认为这件不值多少钱。”设空处所在句子,既无并列连词又无从属连词,由此可知第一空考查分词作状语,排除C项;主句主语I与compare之间为逻辑上的主动关系,排除B项;worth后可跟the money/the price/钱数,故选A项。答案:A7(2012福州模拟)Old as she was, she still _ herself to be young and beautiful.Apictured BregardedCfancied Dhoped解析:考查动词辨析。句意:尽管她年纪大了,她仍旧认为自己还很年轻很漂亮。picture vt.“认为;想象”,但没有picture oneself to be结构; regard .as,但此时as不能换成to be; hope也没有hope sb.to do结构。fancy sb./sth.as/to be “认为某人/物是”,所以C项符合题意。答案:C8Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behavior such as poor eating habits, which _ increases the risk of heart diseases.Ain return Bafter allCin turn Dby design解析:句意:压抑的环境导致像不良饮食习惯这样的不健康的行为,这继而又增加了患心脏病的危险。in turn “相应地;转而;依次”; in return “作为回报”; after all “毕竟;终究”; by design “故意地”。答案:C9(2012芜湖质检)My brother is always going to school early. It is _ for him to be late.Arare BcommonCusual Dpositive解析:考查形容词辨析。根据前面“My brother is always going to school early.”可知“他很少迟到”, rare“稀少的”,符合句意。common “常见的”;usual “通常的”; positive “积极的;肯定的”。答案:A10(2012安徽百校高三联考)How do you find the match between Spain and Switzerland?Its _! Powerful Spain lost the game by 01.Apuzzling BamazingCtiring Dannoying解析:考查形容词辨析。根据问句“你觉得西班牙队和瑞士队的比赛怎样?”和答语中的“强大的西班牙以01输了”可知, amazing “令人惊讶的”,符合句意。答案:B11All the _ indicate that he has been deeply involved in the crime.Aevidence BfactCfactor Dcause解析:考查名词辨析。句意:所有证据表明他参与了犯罪。evidence意为“证据”,符合句意。fact “事实”; factor “因素”; cause “原因”。答案:A12There is no doubt that these cultural relics _ the state should return to their state.Abelonging to Breferring toCbelonged to Dreferred to解析:考查belong to的用法。belong to 没有被动语态,该处是现在分词作定语相当于which belong to,故选A。答案:A13The farmer used wood to build a house _ to store grain.Awith which Bin whichCwhich Dwhere解析:在英语中“介词关系代词不定式”相当于定语从句的缩略结构,如本句中的in which to store grain就相当于in which he could store grain。在该结构中,“介词关系代词”不可以用关系副词替换。答案:B14It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of the two missing children.Alook upon Blook afterClook into Dlook out解析:考查词组辨析。句意:据报道,警方将很快调查失踪的两个孩子的案件。此处look into表示“调查”。答案:C15(2012宿州模拟)The employee you have been thinking highly _ dishonest.Aof proving Bof provesCof to prove Dof being proved解析:句意:你一直很器重的这个雇员被证明不诚实。you have been thinking highly of是定语从句, The employee _ dishonest为主句,分析主句结构可知其缺少谓语,故选B项。 答案:B.完形填空(2011潍坊市抽样检测)A farmer once owned an old mule (骡子). One day, the mule fell into a nearby well, and he began to _1_ and made a lot of loud noise. After carefully assessing the _2_, the farmer felt sympathy for the mule, but _3_ that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving, then he called his _4_ together and told them what had happened and _5_ them to help shovel (铲)some dirt to bury the old mule in the _6_ and put him out of his suffering.Hearing many people coming
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