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2008高三英语复习系列学案Chapter12 SBII Unit1-Unit2要点突破重点句型1. By asking why, how and what if, curious minds find new ideas and solutions.2. It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.3. There did not seem much point in working on my Phi) - I did not expect to survive that long.4. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt of. 5. Even though I have interviewed famous people, the story I like best is about an ordinary young woman . 6 it was the first time that I had written with real passion. 7. The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries am respected and different views and opinions are tolerated. 8. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth. 9. They build a theory about the way in which things happen and the causes and effects.10. More than ninety responsible and caring citizens, madetheir voices heard today. 重点词汇1. undertake v. 着手做2. analysis n. 分析3. inspiration n. 灵感4. within prep. 在的里面5. curious adj. 好奇的6. debate v. 争辩7. graduate v. 毕业8. disable v. 使丧失能力9. seek v. 寻找10. observe v. 观察11. match v. 和相配12. astronomer n. 天文学家13. engage v. 使订婚;使从事于14. intelligent adj. 理解力强的15. experient v. 进行实验16. media n. 传媒17. fire v. 解雇;开除18. difficulty n. 难事19. bum v. 燃烧20. inform v. 通知21. talent n. 天资;天赋22. present v. 呈现;描述23. effort n. 努力24. ignore v. 不理;忽视25. tolerate v. 忍受26. concern v. 使担忧27. rmire v. 退休28. bore v. 使厌烦29. attitude n. 态度;看法30. update v. 更新 重点短语1. go by (时间)经过2. turn out to be 结果是3. on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面4. within oneself 在某人能力范围之内5. dream of / about 梦想6. reach ones goals 达到目标7. be curious about 对好奇8. the other way around 相反地9. a top university 一所著名的大学10. be punished for 因而受惩罚11. nine out often 十分之九12. a promising postgraduate 一个有前途的研究生13. be addicted to 对上瘾14. bum down 烧毁15. foronce 就这一次16. spare no effort 不遗余力17. on all sides 在各方面18. adapt to 适应19. be armed with 用武装20. be concerned to 担心,担忧21. change ones mind 改变主意22. go up 上升,增长23. in an organized way 有组织地,有条理地24. fall in love with 与相爱25. current affairs 时事 交际用语1. What do they mean?2. What are they known for?3. What makes a scientist successful?4. What do these three great minds have in common?5. What are you interested in?6. Thats correct / true.7. Its hard to say.8. Its clear that.9. There is no doubt that.10. I would rather.11. Whats your opinkm?12. Maybe it would be better to choose.词汇短语【考点9】complete 的用法 辨析:accomplish;complete;finish三词均意为“完成”,但所接名词不同。accomplish一般后接“任务、使命、目标、航程”或其他抽象名词。complete意为“完成,完结”,多指完成一项指派的任务或把未完成的事情完全结束,强调整个的全过程,后所接的名词往往更具体些,如“建筑物、工程、书籍”等。finish意为“结束”,多指着手进行的事或所作的动作完成,尤指完成工作的最后一步,后面可接名词或动名词,如“用完、吃完”等。complete a book写完一本书,finish a book读完或写完一本书。例如:One more week,and well accomplish the task. 再给我们一周,我们就能完成这项任务。When the building has been completed, it will look impressive. 这座建筑物完成后一定会很宏伟。Have you finished typing that letter? 你把那封信打好了没有?【考例9】(2004广东) _ the programme, theyhave to stay there for another two weeks. A. Not completing B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed考查目标 非谓语动词及其时态。答案与解析 C 非谓语动词的否定形式是在其前加not。故排除D项,主语they执行非谓语动词所表示的动作,故可排除B项,根据句子的意思,“没有完成计划”的动作应发生在have to say动作之前,故应使用现在分词的完成体。【考点4】curious的用法 构词: curiously adv. 好奇地 curiosity n. 好奇心;求知欲 搭配: be curious about 对(感到)好奇;很想知道 curiously (enough) 说来(足够)奇怪 句型: be curious to do sth 急于千某事;渴望干某事 Its curious that. 真奇怪【考例4】(1998上海) Dont be too _ aboutthings you are not supposed to know. A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious考查目标 形容词在语境中的用法。答案与解析C be curious about表示“对某事好奇”。2. debate n. & v. 辩论,争辩,参加辩论;讨论,考虑 (如何较好) They were debating about a foolish question. 他们正在争论一个愚蠢的问题。 They debated the question in whispers. 他们小声辩论了这个问题。 After a long debate, they finally reached an agreement. 经过长时间辩论后,他们终于达成一致协议。 The subject was hotly debated. 这个主题经过激烈的辩论。 We were debating where we should go for our holiday. 我们正在讨论去哪里度假。 提示 debate多作可数名词,有时也作不可数名词。 After much debate, we decided to move to Oxford. 我们经过充分讨论决定迁往牛津。5. disable vt. 使丧失能力 He was disabled in the war;he lost his left arm. 他在战争中残废了;他失去了左臂。 The disabled are to receive more money. 残疾人应该接受更多的捐助。【考点8】effort的用法 搭配: make a good / great effort 做出很大努力 make an effort 尽心;努力 make every effort 尽一切努力 句型: make a great / good effort (to do sth) make every effort make great / good efforts Please make an effort to do sth 请劳驾干 do sth with a great effort / great effo
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