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两星期 屋顶 车顶 观念 概念 杂草 野草 除杂草 台 平台 讲台 火车站的 月台 烤 面包等 敬酒 烤面包 片 吐司面包 干杯 梳子 梳 发 角 角度 目录 买 购买 种子 萌芽 树干 躯干 大衣箱 使 发出咔嗒声 咔嗒声 裁缝 剪裁 缝制 衣服 门诊部 小诊所 textbook weekly relevant remote interpreter otherwise privilege astronaut anniversary political adjust adjustable adjustment participate participation participant operate operation operator donate donation donator voluntary volunteer distribute distribution arrangement arrange security secure muddy mud donate donation adjustable adjust adjustment volunteer voluntary participants participate participation hearfrom be dyingto theotherday berelevantto participatein dryout dryup inneed getthrough stickout makeadifference comeacross dryout isdyingto participate in inneed driedup cameacross doubtwhether didrealize wherehecouldlookfartherintothedistance not butwhatyoudothat from beadjusted adjustment living whichmadeitdifficultforhimtoadjusttothe first yearcollegelife makingitdifficultforhimtoadjusttothefirst yearcollegelife participate participation takepartin Withsomanystudentsparticipatingin donation donator for donatedalotofmoneyto Theoldmandonatedalotofmoneytotheschool enablingthestudentstoreturntotheirclassroom 运转 操作 动手术 起作用 经营 operating beoperated operation for tostay isdyingtogobacktohishometown islongingtogobacktohishometown tospend in helpthoseinneed otherwise Otherwise of tohave distribute to among distribution fromthereshecouldsee fromwhereshecouldsee notonly but also either or neither nor 等 itisnotwhatwesaybut whatwedothatmakesadifference
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