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广东省湛江市2018届高三英语下学期第二次模拟考试试题第I卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASome Great Mini Adventures in the UKIts time to come out of winter hibernation and get into the great outdoors. From souped-up bike rides to white water rafting for beginners, theres an adventure here for everyone.Swim with seals, Lundy Island Suits Water babies Difficulty: ModerateThis small island off the coast of Devon has an abundance of wildlife to discover. The cliffs are home to scores of birds; the grassland harbours the Lundy pony and sika deer and the sea grey seals. Its these sea mammals that offer the most memorable encounters. Well-known for getting up close and personal with snorkelers, they often nuzzle their human visitors (despite rules stating people should keep a distance!).Epic sunset picnic, Edinburgh Suits Everyone Difficulty: EasyRising above Edinburgh is the former volcano known as Arthurs Seat. Glaciers later shaped it into a wedge-like hillock. It has several walking routes up to its 251-metre summit and a few free attractions to explore - from the ruins of an old fort to a 15th-century chapel and bird-rich Duddingston Loch. With its closeness to the shops, getting supplies for a picnic is a simple affair, and then you can climb to the top to watch the sun set over the city.A mini-pilgrimage, Kent Suits Walkers on a quest Difficulty: ModerateWith Spains Camino de Santiago drawing a record number of hikers, the UK has muscled in on the renaissance of walks with a spiritual slant. The British Pilgrimage Trust is working to establish the Old Way, an ancient pilgrimage (朝圣) route rediscovered from Britains oldest road map. To walk the 217-mile route from Southampton to Canterbury takes about a fortnight, but the last three days from Ham Street to Canterbury Cathedral - taking in ancient woodlands, a medieval castle, the ancient Saxon shoreline (now miles inland), holy wells and even a safari park, makes for a worthy wander no matter what your beliefs.21. On Lundy Island, what will probably make you most unforgettable?A. Birds.B. The Lundy pony and sika deer.C. The sea grey seals.D. Old buildings.22. Along the way up to the mountain in Edinburgh, you can .A. see a live volcanoB. visit some places of interestC. find many souvenir shopsD. watch the sunrise23. How long does it take to cover the 217-mile route from Southampton to Canterbury?A. Three days.B. A month.C. Two weeks.D. A quarter.BAfter September 11th, as it became apparent that the United States would bomb Afghanistan, an open letter written by an Afghan appeared on the Internet. It requested Americans to realize that Afghanistan was already a devastated country. It needed food, not vengeance; sympathy, not hate.The Kite Runner, a novel by Afghan-American writer Khaled Hosseini, takes this one step further. The first novel to be written in English by an Afghan, it spans the period from before the 1979 Soviet invasion until the reconstruction following the fall of the disgusting Taliban.The novel portrays the Afghans as an independent and proud people who for decades have defended their country against one invader after another. But the narrator wonders if his people will ever go beyond the range of the tribalism that continues to threaten Afghanistans integrity. “Maybe,” he thinks, “it was a hopeless place.”As a boy, Amir cowardly betrays his servant and best friend, the Hazara boy Hassan. When the Russians come, Amir and his father move to California, where Amir becomes a successful writer. He embraces America because it “had no ghosts, no memories, and no sins.” But when Amir learns that a childhood mentor is ailing back home, he returns to discover that his relationship to Hassan had been deeper than he realized. This leads him on a dangerous journey to rescue and adopt Hassans son, whose father the Taliban had executed.The novel derives its name from the Afghan custom of doing battle with kites. Although the book can sometimes be exaggerated and garrulous (唠叨的), it provides an extraordinary perspective on the struggles of a country that, until that mournful September day, had been for too long ignored or misunderstood. And despite its more disturbing episodes, the novel ends with a note of optimism about Afghanistans future, an optimism that the whole world would prefer to see unspoiled. Inshallah, as Afghans say: God willing.24. Why did an open letter by an Afghan appear on the Internet?A. Because Americans wanted to give a hand to Afghanistan.B. Because Afghanistan made another attempt to bomb America.C. Because it wanted to pour oil on the flames.D. Because it tried to avoid the revenge from America.25. What does the underlined word “this” refer to?A. Afghanistan is a prosperous country.B. Afghanistan needs a favor rather than hate.C. Afghanistan is to blame
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