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英语口语自学教材,一片通美语初级口语单词1200个,第157课。agree动词 同意, 赞成, 意见一致.I couldnt agree with you more.我实在非常同意你的意见.The people in the office will never agree.办公室裡的人永远都不会同意的.baby名词 婴儿, 幼兽, 幼鸟, 宝贝.The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother.这婴儿一看到他的母亲就不哭了.动词 把 当婴儿般对待, 娇纵.Dont baby him too much, or he will stay like that.别太娇纵他, 否则他会一直像那样.形容词 婴儿的, 幼小的.bottom名词 底部, 下端, 臀部.The ship went down to the bottom of the sea.那艘船沉到海底去了.形容词 最低的, 最后的, 最下的.Thats my bottom line.那是我的底线.动词 基於, 根据.bridge名词 桥, 桥樑, 舰桥, 驾驶台.Dont burn the bridge behind you.不要烧掉你背后的桥. (勿自断退路)动词 架桥於, 把 连结(或弥合)起来.The meeting was able to bridge the two countries.这次的会议成功地 (已能够) 搭起这两国沟通的桥樑.bright形容词 明亮的, 鲜明的, 晴朗的.You have a bright future waiting for you.你的前途似锦.副词 明亮地, 欢乐地.You will smile bright when you see her.当你看见她时你将会笑得很开心.3
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