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课 题 : Book7 Unit5 Words 学习目标 : Master how to use some important words.学习重点 : recommend/ acknowledge/ occupy/ requirement/ comfort学习难点 : 词汇在具体语境中的灵活运用。学习过程 :重点单词1recommend vt.推荐;建议高考佳句It is such a great hotel that I would recommend it to any friend of mine who is going to Beijing.(2012陕西高考短文改错)它是那么好的一个旅馆,我会把它推荐给任何来北京的朋友。(1)recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend that sb. (should) do 建议某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气)(2)recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐某物recommend sth. to sb. 把某物推荐给某人recommend sb.as . 推荐某人为(3)recommendation n. 推荐;介绍信I recommend you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish.我劝你在没有做出蠢事之前先仔细考虑一下。The teacher recommended that everyone _ the English party.老师建议每一个人都应积极参加英语晚会。链接高考(2010福建高考)Teachers recommend parents_ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.Anot allow Bdo not allowCmustnt allow Dcouldnt allow解析:考查虚拟语气。recommend后跟宾语从句应用虚拟语气,其结构为(should)动词原形,这里省略了should,故A正确。2acknowledge vt.承认;确认;答谢经典例句He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world.(牛津P16) 普遍认为他是世界最佳球员。(1)acknowledge doing sth. 承认做了某事acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as . 承认某人/某事acknowledge that . 承认It is acknowledged that . 是大家公认的(2)acknowledge sb.s letter 向某人表示信已收到(3)acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.我对几家本地企业的资助表示感谢。He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services, such as water conservation.(2012北京高考阅读D)他承认荒野的确提供了有用的服务,例如水的保护。He money to the flooded area.他承认给洪灾地区捐过款。3occupy vt.占用;占领;占据教材原句I have been so occupied with work that I havent had time for social activities. 我一直忙于学习,以致于没有时间去搞社交活动。(1)occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth. 忙于;专心于occupy ones mind/thoughts/attention 占据某人的头脑/思想/注意力(2)be occupied in doing sth. 忙于做某事be occupied with sth. 从事/忙于某事(3)occupation n. 占领;职业;工作You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8!(2011天津高考阅读B)因为抚养四个八岁以下的孩子,你可以想象我是多么忙碌。He would have attended your birthday party but he _ a very important experiment.他本来想参加你的生日晚会,但是他忙于一个非常重要的实验。The famous writer was occupied in writing autobiography.那位著名作家忙于写自传。Occupied in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club.忙于在家照顾三个孩子,她再也无暇去俱乐部进行娱乐活动。4requirement n要求;必要条件;需要经典例句Pilots and their aircraft must meet strict safety requirements.(朗文P1014) 飞行员和飞机必须符合严格的安全要求。(1)meet/satisfy ones requirement满足/达到某人的要求(2)require vt. 需要require doing/to be done 需要做require sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事require that .(should) do sth. 要求Not all goods can satisfy the customers requirements.并非所有的商品都能满足顾客的需求。These young trees will require _ carefully.这些小树需要悉心照料。The situation required that an immediate decision.当时的情况需要我们立刻作出决定。5comfort n舒适;安慰vt.安慰教材原句Also, when I miss my family, its a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with.还有,我想家的时候,有一个像家一样的地方可以去,这真是一种安慰。(1)for comfort 为了舒服in comfort 舒适地give comfort to 安慰(某人)take/have/find comfort in . 从中得到安慰(2)comfort sb. for sth. 因某事安慰某人(3)comfortable adj. 舒适的;令人感到安慰的A hot cup of milk on a cold night is a real comfort.在寒冷的夜晚喝杯热牛奶真舒服。Her parents her failing in the driving test.因她驾驶员考试没通过,她父母来安慰她。She leads a happy and comfortable life.她过着幸福而舒适的生活。2
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