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江苏省南通中学高二英语单元测试(M5u1-2)听力(10分)第一节(共5小题;每小题0.5分,满分2.5分)1. What does the man want from the woman?A. A paint brush. B. A picture. C. A hammer.2. Whats the man looking for?A. A book about cards.B. A book about furniture.C. A book about cars.3. Where does the woman live?A. Rome.B. Paris.C. San Francisco.4. What did the man break?A. His leg.B. His letter.C. Skiing.5. What did the womans family do about the high food cost?A. They had a disaster.B. She grows her own food.C. They eat in a restaurant.第二节(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What are they talking about ?A. They are talking about their holiday.B. They are planning their visit to some relatives.C. They are talking about how to entertain Aunt Barbara.7. How do they feel about Aunt Barbara?A. They are afraid of her.B. They think that she complains too much.C. They miss her very much.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where is the flat?A. In the center of the city.B. Far form a busy road.C. Near a school.9. How many bedrooms does the house have?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four10. What floor is it?A. 5th.B. 15th.C. 25th.听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。11. Where was the bomb?A. In a phone box.B. In a corner of a house.C. Outside the newspaper office.12. What did Andrew do when he discovered the bomb?A. He threw it away.B. He called the police.C. He took the bomb apart.13. What do we know about Andrew?A. He was slightly injured.B. He was blamed for being late for school.C. He managed to deliver all the newspapers.14. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Policewoman and witness.C. Radio hostess and guest.听第9段材料,回答第15至16题。15. What can we learn about the man?A. He had been ill for some time and was getting better.B. He had already got perfectly well.C. He had just fallen ill.16. What is the womans advice to the man?A. Stop taking the medicine from that day on.B. Continue to take the medicine as before.C. Begin taking less of the medicine than before.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the speaker doing?A. Reporting a football game.B. Telling a story of a football fan.C. Giving a special report about a football player.18. How did the team feel about the next days game?A. Excited.B. Worried.C. Confident.19. What did Carlos say about the cup?A. He was not very sure of winning the cup.B. His team would try their best though there was little chance of winning the cup.C. His team would win the cup even if they lost the game.20. Why did Carlos keep the name of starting players a secret?A. He wanted every player to be fully prepared for the game.B. He hadnt made the final decision about it yet.C. He wanted to give the fans a surprise. 单项选择(共20题,每题1分,共20分)21.They looked forward with hope _from you, but you never wrote a word to them.A. of hearing B. to hear C. to hearing D. hearing22.The injured were lying in hospital _the shock from the traffic accident.B. to suffer B. suffered C. suffered from D. suffering from23.Weather _ _the size of crops.C. determines B. is determined to C. is determined by D. make up its mind24.The poster was revised _the suggestions of other group members.A. based on B. to base on C. basing on D. which based on25. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_. A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind26. -Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?- _. I love getting close to nature. A. I couldnt agree more B.I afraid not.C. I believe not D. I dont think so.27. He was determined not to be the first _it.A. say B. saying C. to say D. says28. The brave soldiers were determined to save all the people _ in the field.A. trapped B. being trapped C. were trapped D. trapping29. Thousands of people were at the airport, _ the visiting president.A. cheered for B. cheered about C .to cheer about D. cheering for30. He failed in the driving test again. He_.A. must have disappointed B. must have been disappointedC. might be disappointed D. couldnt be disappointed31 .He felt guilty about losing ,and bad about_ football as you are.A. being as gifted at B. being so gifted forC. not being as gifted at D. not being so gifted for32. It seems you need to apologize quickly _ a good friend. A. avoiding to lose B. to avoid losing C. avoiding losing D. to avoid to lose33. When _ according to the instructions, the drug has no effect.A. taking B. taken C. to take D. take34. _ you work hard, it is not difficult to pass the examination.A. As far asB. So long asC. As well asD. So do35.Though _, climbing does much good to us.A. to be tiringB. tiredC. tiringD. to be tired 36. The
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