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高三英语Unit 5(I)ADVERTISING人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 5(I)ADVERTISING二. 知识总结与归纳1. The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.广播电视和其他大众传播媒体的发展是与广告发展同步的。hand in hand:手拉手,密切关联的,连在一起地High unemployment and high crime often go hand in hand.They sat down, close together, hand in hand.有关hand的一些短语:by hand:用手;手工地;in hand:手头上用;at hand:在手边;at first hand:直接地go with:与同行;与相配Her hat goes well with her dress.Shall I go with you ?2. Defenders of ads say that ads help us make informed choices as consumers by introducing good quality products.广告的拥护者说广告通过高质量的产品介绍帮助消费者作出明智的选择。informed:在这里表示“有事实根据的,了解情况的;有知识的,明智的”The news is from informed sources.Accurate weather forecast can help people make an informed decision on outing.3. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it.另一方面,批评者有时指责公司滥用广告误导我们,让我们相信某种产品比它的实际情况要好,或者购买某种产品会让我们更加愉快。accuse sb. of sth.:指控指责某人He was accused of being a spy.He accused me of neglecting my duty.注意比较另一个表达:charge sb. with sth. :控告;指责The driver was charged with speeding.They charged him with dishonesty.4. By introducing a brand name to potential customers, and by associating the product with the customers needs, companies are able to influence the choices customers make.通过给潜在的顾客介绍一种品牌和把产品与顾客的需要联系起来,公司能够影响顾客的选择。associate .with .:与有联系;参与;与有交往The people with whom Mr. Smart associates are all highly respectable.I dont want to be associated with that affair.associate:还有“联想;联系”的意思The doctor was always associated in the childs mind with injections and pains.5. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.消费者每天看到如此大量的广告,因此广告商必须使出浑身解数使消费者明白他们的意图。get across :通过;使被理解He found it difficult to get his Chinese humor across to an English audience.The bridge was destroyed, so we couldnt get across.6. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.接近消费者的最好的机会是投合消费者的情感。appeal to:投合的兴趣;有吸引力;呼吁,恳求;上诉Blue and red appeal to me, but I dont like grey or yellow.She wrote to her uncle in which she appealed for advice to him.He decided to appeal to a higher court.7. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.掌握了一些事实和数据之后,顾客就能够更好地应付销售人员的强有力的劝说了。be armed with / arm .with.:准备好(一种比喻的用法)Ive armed myself with all the facts I need to prove my point.Each lawyer entered court armed with the evidence he planned to use to support his case.短语的本意是:武装;装备I was armed with a stick before I answered the door.8. A similar trick is used in so-called “bait-and-switch” ads, that is the customer is shown one product(the bait)and then given another.另一类似的诡计是所谓的“钓饵偷梁换柱”的广告,也就是说,消费者所见到的是一种产品(钓饵),而实际买到的却是另一种产品。so-called:所谓的(不信任或轻蔑的意思)They are so-called VIPs.This is so-called “paradise on earth”.【典型例题】一. 单项选择:1. Its well known that plants _ light.A. dependB. result inC. react toD. react with答案:C分析:react to:对有反应。2. We always _ computers _ Bill Gates.A. think; ofB. associate; withC. refer, toD. regard, as答案:B分析:associate .with.:把和;联系起来。think of:考虑;评价;refer to:查阅;涉及;regard .as:把看作为3. I shall _ the loss of my laptop computer in the newspaper, with a reward for the finder.A. informB. advertiseC. announceD. publish答案:B分析:在报纸上登广告寻找丢失的电脑,并且对找到者施以回报。inform:通知;announce:宣告;publish:出版,公布4. Its a programme designed to _ mainly to 1625 year-old.A. attachB. referC. appealD. contribute答案:C分析:appeal to:迎合口味;吸引;这个节目主要吸引了16至25的人。attach to:系,固定;附着;重视;contribute to:对贡献;促成5. We need to get the message _that too much sunlight is dangerous to skin.A. downB. overC. aroundD. across答案:D分析:我们需要让人们理解过强的阳光对皮肤有害的事实。get across:使被理解。get down:下来;开始;get over:恢复;克服;get around:四处走动6. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music.A. to make herself hearB. making herself hearC. making herself heardD. to make herself heard答案:D分析:Helen不得不大声喊为了能让自己的声音压过音乐声。to make是不定式做目的状语;heard过去分词做宾补(make oneself done结构)。二. 翻译句子:1. 人们常在傍晚看到那对夫妻手拉手地在河边散步。2. 老师试图把问题讲清楚,但解释之后全班还是不懂。3. 这个计划很符合他父亲的心愿。4. 你觉得这项政策向民众传达了什么样的信息呢?5. 买车时,安全问题是你应该考虑的第一要素。答案:1. The couple are often seen walking down the river hand in hand.2. The teacher tried to explain the problem clearly, but the explanation did not get across to the class.3. This plan appeals to his father very much.4. What message do you think this policy is trying to get across to the public ?5. When buying a car, safety should be the first thing for you to take into consideration.【模拟试题】一. 单项选择:1. She was accused _ cheating in the exam.A. inB. ofC
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