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BBC英语听力2012年03月合辑(文本翻译):BBC0301The funeral of the American singer Whitney Houston has just ended in Newark, New Jersey. It took place in a Baptist church, where she first began her singing career as a child. After many tributes by friends and family, the service concluded with a recording of Whitney Houstons greatest hit I Will Always Love You. As part of the ceremony, Stevie Wonder performed his hit Loves in Need of Love Today.美国歌手惠特尼休斯顿的葬礼举行在新泽西纽瓦克一处浸礼会,童年的休斯顿就是在这个教堂里开始了歌唱生涯。朋友和家人为她送上了诸多颂词,最后葬礼结束时播放了惠特尼休斯顿最伟大的歌曲I Will Always Love You。史提夫汪达还在葬礼上表演了他最热门的单曲Loves in Need of Love Today。Theres been violence in the Syrian capital Damascus, where a Chinese diplomatic mission has met President Bashar al-Assad and called for restraint in the conflict between his forces and the opposition. A funeral in Damascus turned into one of the biggest demonstrations yet seen there. Opposition activists said at least one person was killed when security forces opened fire. Another 12 people were reported killed in other parts of the country.叙利亚首都大马士革暴力事件不断,一支中国外交使团在首都会见阿萨德总统,呼吁克制阿萨德军队与反对派之间的冲突。大马士革的一场葬礼,升级为这里至今为止最大规模的游行。反对派活动分子称安全部队开枪,至少1人死亡。据悉在叙利亚其他地区,另外12人丧生。Diplomats at the United Nations nuclear watchdog in Vienna say that Iran is on the verge of greatly expanding its nuclear programme at an underground site. They say its preparing to install thousands of new machines for enriching uranium at the facility near the city of Qom. Bethany Bell reports.联合国驻维亚纳核观察机构外交人员称,伊朗即将在一处秘密场地扩展核项目。称伊朗准备为库姆市附近的设备安装数千台新机器来进行铀浓缩。Bethany Bell报道。New-generation centrifuges could greatly speed up the production of material that could be used for nuclear warheads. Western countries fear that Iran is secretly trying to develop a nuclear bomb, and theyve increased international sanctions. But Tehran says its nuclear work is purely peaceful. This week, inspectors from the United Nations nuclear watchdog will be holding talks in Tehran to address the concerns about Irans controversial nuclear work.新一代的离心机能大大加快生产制造核弹头的原材料,西方国家担心伊朗秘密开发一种核弹,就对伊朗加强了国际制裁。但伊朗当局称其核项目纯粹用于和平目的。本周,联合国核观察机构的检查员将在德黑兰举行会议,将就伊朗富有争议的核项目进行对话。There have been more clashes in Senegal between police and people protesting against President Abdoulaye Wades decision to stand for a third term in next weekends elections. Thomas Fessy reports from the capital Dakar.塞内加尔民众抗议反对总统阿卜杜拉耶瓦德参加下周第三任期的选举,警察和民众冲突不断。Thomas Fessy在首都达喀尔报道。The security forces have engaged in street running battles, firing tear gas and rubber bullets at scores of youths who have mounted barricades, setting ablaze tyres and throwing stones back at the police. This is happening right in the centre of the capital, just a few blocks away from the main square of the citys business centre, where the protesters were hoping to hold a rally. Just about a week ahead of the election, they say they will continue to protest until the incumbent President Abdoulaye Wade withdraws his candidacy for a third term. Thomas Fessy reporting安全部队开始了巷战,他们使用催泪瓦斯和橡皮弹,打击数十名越过路障的青年,这些青年人点燃轮胎,并向警察投掷石块反击。这次冲突就发生在首都的中心,几个街区外是该市的商业中心主大街,抗议者本计划在这里举行集会。现在距大选还有一周时间,抗议者称将继续对抗下去,直到现任总统阿卜杜拉耶瓦德放弃竞选第三个任期为止。Somali leaders have signed an agreement which they hope will end the countrys crisis. Somalia has been without a central government for the last 20 years. Martin Plaut has the details.索马里领导人签署一份协议,希望以此结束本国的危机局面。过去20年来,索马里一直没有中央政府。Martin Plaut报道。The plan envisages a new smaller parliament with an upper chamber of elders. Thirty per cent of MPs will be women. The constitution would provide for a federal system of government building on the autonomous regional assemblies that already exist. The agreement - signed by the current government, two regional administrations and a pro-government militia - will be discussed at next weeks London conference on Somalia. But the Islamist group al-Shabab, which holds much of the centre and south of the country, did not participate in the agreement.协议计划成立一个较小规模的新议会以及长老上层内阁,其中30%的议员将是女性。在现存的自治区大会基础上,宪法将提供一套联邦政府体系。现任政府、两个地区当局和一个亲政府的民兵组织签署了这项协议,下周伦敦的索马里会议将会讨论该协议。但控制该国中部和南部大部分的伊斯兰阿尔沙巴布组织并没有参与进来。Reports from Russia say that 17 security personnel have been killed during four days of fighting on the Chechen-Dagestan border in the North Caucasus. Seven insurgents were also killed in whats been the worst violence in the region in months. Russia is facing an Islamist insurgency along its southern border more than a decade after it defeated a separatist movement in Chechnya.来自俄罗斯的报道称,在北高加索车臣与达吉斯坦交界处发生持续4天的战斗,17名安全人员丧生,还有7名叛乱人员死亡,这是数月来该地区最严重的暴力事件。10多年前,俄罗斯镇压了车臣的分裂主义运动,如今又面临伊斯兰的叛乱。Votes are being counted in the Baltic republic of Latvia in a referendum on whether Russian should become the second official language. The Central Election Commission said around two thirds of registered voters participated. Ethnic Russians, who make up a third of Latvias population of about two million, feel discriminated against as proficiency in Latvian is neede
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