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2012届高考英语考前冲刺精选动词不定式与动名词1The classroom needs _Aclean Bcleaned Cto cleanDcleaning 2My brother is here _ study EnglishAforBwith Cto Dby 3Im hungryGet me something _Aeat Bto eat CeatingDfor eating 4I havent got a chair _Ato sit Bfor me to sit on Cto sit onDfor sitting5Ask him to go to the post office _ some stampsAto get Bfor getting Cin order he getsDwhat he gets 6She desires not _ for an hourAdisturbBto be disturb Cto be disturbedDto have disturbed 7The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _AcatchingBto be caught Cbeing caughtDcaught 8I cant imagine _ that with themAdo Bto do Cbeing doneDdoing 9After he had worked several hours, he stopped _ a cup of coffee to refresh himselfAto drinkBdrinking Cdrink Ddrank 10It is no good _ him to see you offAto expect Bexpecting Cof expectingDfor expecting 11Its getting very lateMaybe we shouldnt goNo, lets goGetting there late is better than _ at allAwe dont arriveBto arrive not Cnot to arrive Dnot arriving 12They failed to pass the exam last time;I regretted _ themAto be not able to helpBbeing unable to help Cbeing not able to helpDnot be able to help 13James liked fishing _Aand hunting had been enjoyed by himBand hunting was also enjoyed by him Cand hunting was also enjoyedDand he also enjoyed hunting 14We cant understand _ at the poor little match-girlAthey laugh Btheir laughing Cthem to laughDthem why laugh 15Only one of these books is _Aworth to read Bworth being read Cwroth of readingDworth reading 16He used to _ at sevenNow he has got used to _ at sixAget up;getting upBgetting up;get up Cget up;get upDgetting up;getting up 17Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computerAto have inventedBinventing Cto inventDhaving invented 18The girl is seriously illThere is _Anothing to do but send for a doctor Bsomething but to ask a doctor to come Cnothing to do but to send for a doctorDanything to do but sending for a doctor 19The rest of the money _ to AliceAis to send Bare to send Cis to be sentDare to be sent 20Although swimming is his favorite sport, yet he doesnt like _ todayAto swimBswimming Cswim Dto have swim 21_ the same mistakes again made his parents very angryAHis having madeBHe has made CHe had makingDHim making 22I find the man hard _Ato be pleasedBpleasing CpleasedDto please 23Bob didnt have the idea _ but he had to do with his classmatesAfor cleaning the classroomBin cleaning the classroom Cof cleaning the classroom Dto clean the classroom 24He insisted _ the working siteAto be sent to Bbeing sent to Con being sent toDthat to be sent to 25He is not sure which restaurant _Afor eatingBto eat Cto eat at Deating at 26During the next ten years, she had to work hard _ for the necklaceApayingBto pay Cfor payingDin order to paying 27Janet was angry at _Amy not waiting for herBI didnt waiting for her Cme not wait for her Dme to not wait for her 28He is illHe has kept _Acoughing all night longBto cough at night Ccough since yesterdayDbeing coughed day and night 29I prefer staying at home _ the theaterAto go to Bfor going to Cto going toDthan go to 30The teacher advised him _ by the difficulties that he met withAnot be discouragedBnot to be discouraged Cnot to discourage Ddid not get discouraged 31The patient doesnt like _ nowAate Beat CeatingDto eat 32Alice was sick _ such noiseAof hearingBto hear Cof being heardDheard 33I regret _ you that the sports meet has been put offAtellingBto tell Ctell Dtold 34The machine requires _ so the workers are required _ readyArepair;to getBrepairing;to get Crepairing;gettingDto be repaired;getting 35How I regretted _ the play that day! Ahaving not seenBto havent seen Cnot having seenDto not have seen 36Albert has the ability to _ properly with the complicated situationsAsolveBkeep in touch Cdeal Dget along 37He made a long speech _ his ignorance (无知) of the subjectAonly to showBonly showing Cshowing Denough to show 38I dont allow _ in my drawing roomI dont allow my family _
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