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Module 3 Music Teaching plan 1 Teaching aims: Enabling the students to 1. know some words about music 2. know something about three great composersTeaching steps:I. Lead in Do you like music? What words can you think of? violin, guitar, drum, piano, etc. Turn to page 21. Read the words first. Translate them into Chinese at the same time. Answer the questions:1.composer 2. choir 3. drums, guitar, piano, saxophone 4. drums, piano, violin, saxophone 5. drums, piano, saxophone, violin 6. erhu, drums The pictures from left to right show: violin, classical guitar, drums, saxophone, erhu, pianoII. 1. Turn to page 22. Decide which of these words you expect to see in a passage about music. Read them and tell the Chinese of these words. 2. Read the passage and finish Activities 2-4.3. Check the answers together.Activity 2: choose the best title.Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth CenturyActivity 3: Read the passage again and answer the questions:Which of the composers1. Haydn, Mozart 2. Beethoven3. Haydn4. Mozart5. Beethoven6. They all met each other.7. Mozart, Beethoven8. HaydnActivity 4. Work in pairs. Answer these questions:1. He made them longer and for a larger orchestra.2. He worked in eastern Austria for 30 years.3. He composed over 600 pieces of music.4. He was six years old.5. They were friends for ten years.6. His father taught him.7. No, he continued composing when he became deaf.III. Read the text for more details and try to say something about one of the three great composers.IV. Language points: 1. be known asbe known for be known to 2. changeinto 3. have a beautiful singing voice 4. where 定于从句 5. of all time 6. live 35 years 7. have musical talent 8. play the harpsichord 9. by the time 10. as well 11. give concerts 12. be impressed with/ by 13. it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. 14. go deafV. Homework: Read the passage. Make some sentences with the language points.Module 3 Music Teaching plan 2Teaching aims: Enabling the students to 1. know some rules of Adverbial Clause of time 2. make some sentences with Adverbial clause of time 3. write a letter.Teaching steps: I. Revision. Ask some students to say sth about the three Great Composers of the 18th century. Each at a time. Correct the mistakes if any. Ask the students to pay attention to the following sentences: 1) He learned to play the harpsichord when he was four. 2) When he was six, he played the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria. 3) While he was still a teenager, Mozart was already a big star. 4) As he grew older, he began to go deaf. The underlined sentences are all Adverbial clause of time. In this module, we are going to deal with this grammar item. II. Turn to page 24. Grammar 1 Adverbial clause of time Activity 1. Read the sentences and answer the questions. A: Which of the sentences refers to a single event in the past?Sentence 1. B. Which of them refers to a period of time in the past?Sentences 2 and 3. C. Which of them refers to a progressive change?Sentence 4.audience: a large audience 观众甚多 作主语时,谓语动词单数、复数形式都可以。 The audience is/ are always very excited by a wonderful goal. 精彩的进球总会使观众非常激动。 Activity 2. Match the two parts of the sentences: 1b 2d 3c 4a all over 1) 到处、处处 look all over for the lost book 2) 完蛋、没希望了 Its all over with him. 他全完了 3)彻底地、完全地 That sounds like my brother all over. 听起来很像我兄弟。 be wet all over Activity 3. Read the notes about the composer Tan Dun and make sentences similar to those in Activity 2.Possible answers:While he was a child, Tan Dun lived in the countryside.When he was young, Tan Dun lived with his grandmother.When he lived in Hunan Province, he collected folk songs and music.While he lived in Hunan Province, he planted rice.When he attended Central Conservatory of Music he heard western music for the fist time.III. Writing. Read the email. Ask the following questions: 1) Where does she live? 2) What instrument does she play? 3) What kind of music does she like? 4) Can her father play an instrument? etc.Now answer the questions and write down your replies. Then make a passage by adding all your answers up.IV. Write the passage down.V. Homework: Make some sentences with Adverbial clause of time.Module 3 Music Teaching plan 3Teaching aims: Enabling the students to 1. to know sth about Ye Xiaogang2. write a biography of a famous Chinese musician or composer.Teaching steps:I. Ask some students to say something about Mozart. Give as many details as possible. II. Try to think of a Chinese musician or composer, eg. Xu Peidon
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