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Mixed Marriages 跨国婚恋dialogue 1N: if you can choose, will you marry a foreigner or a Chinese?如果让你选的话,你是愿意嫁给一个中国人还是一个外国人?S: why? Did tom pop the question?为什么这么问,汤姆向你求婚了吗?N: not yet. But I wonder if I can get my parents consent.没有,我怕父母不同意。S: let me guess, your parents want you to marry a Chinese man, right?我猜猜,你父母一定是想你嫁一个中国人,对吗?N: you are right. It is giving me a real headache. I feel like Im between a rock and a hard place.是啊,我正头疼呢,我觉得左右为难。S: I used to have the same problem when I was with my ex.我和以前的男朋友谈恋爱时,也遇到了同样的问题。N: oh, how did you deal with it?那你怎么解决的?S: I just let it go and continued dating with my Korean boyfriend. But finally we broke up.我就顺其自然,继续和我的韩国男朋友约会,但是后来我们还是分手了。N: oh, its a pity. What was the matter?太可惜了,为什么啊?S: simple. We had personality clashes and there were too many cultural differences.很简单,我们性格不合,双方文化也有很多不同之处。N: like what?比如呢?S: he hoped to live in the Korean way and asked me to give up working and stay at home to take care of the family.他希望我过韩式的生活,要求我放弃工作,安心待在家里。N: Oh, I see. In their culture women should put family first.这样啊,在他们的文化里,女性应该以家庭为重。S: yes, he said it would be batter for me and for the whole family. But I simply can not quit working.是啊,他说这样对我,对整个家庭都好。但是我就是不想辞掉工作。N: so thats why its hard to have a happy marriage with a foreigner.所以和外国人结婚,很难幸福。S: not really. There are many successful mixed marriage around us.也不一定,我们周围不也有很多成功的例子嘛。dialogue 2N: more and more Chinese are marrying foreigners.越来越多的中国人嫁给了外国人。S: thats true. But I have a low opinion of those women who go out with foreigners.是啊,但是我挺鄙视那些和外国人在一起的女人的。N: oh, why?啊?为什么啊?S: I think some Chinese wonem marry foreigners for money while others just want to live abroad. There is no true love between them.我觉得有些人嫁给外国人是为了钱,有些人是为了去国外定居,反正他们之间没有真爱。N: I wouldnt say thats totally true. Ive met many happy intercultural couples.也不全是吧。我见过很多幸福的跨过夫妻。S: well, then why arent there many East-West couples where the man is a Chinese and the woman is a Westerner?N: I guess its because the Chinese women are more attractive to Western men.那为什么没有多少夫妻,男方是中国人,女方是外国人呢?S: or because they are less attractive to to Chinese men.可能是因为中国女人对外国男人更有吸引力吧。N: what do you mean?怎么说?S: you know, usually the woman is in her thirties and she is a left girl.这些女人大约三十多岁,是剩女。N: a left girl? Whats that?剩女?什么意思啊?S: theyre called that because theyre left behind on the shelf. Theyre also known by their three Hs-high diploma, high salary, and high degree.这么说,因为他们是别人挑剩下的。她们有三高:高文凭,高工资,高学位。N: and theyre also known as the three Sssingle, stuck, and born in the seventies.还有人说她们有三难:单身,高不成低不就,出生在70年代后。S: definitely! So most of these women go for Western men.的确!所以这些人就把目标转向了外国人。N: you have a point here, but I believe some mixed marriages are based on true love.也许吧。但是有些跨国婚姻还是有真爱的。S: that for sure but very few.那是,不过很少。
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