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Body language综合练习单词拼写:根据下列句子所给汉语意思或所缺单词的首字母,写出该单词的正确形式。1You can pass on m _ to others by your expressions and body movements, even if you cant talk.2In some Asian countries s _ the head means “agreement”.3People now c _ over long distances by means of telephone, telegraph, radio, television and E-mail as well.4The g _ people use for “yes” and “no” are different around the world.5As is known to all, love and hate are opposite e _.6The young lady went over to the window and l _ against it.7I can still remember every _(详情)in my old dormitory room at school.8From this time on the man _(避开)fruitless discussions with such kind of people.9It is d _ to talk of your headmaster as “the old man”.10It was c _ of you to go skating on such thin ice.句型转换:每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。1They will try to get it for you. They will _ _ _ to get it for you.2About 2,000 people worked on the project, many of them came from Europe. 2,000 people _ _, many _ _ were _, worked on the project.3Its better for you to leave now. You _ _ _ now .4I dont want to have a walk there tonight. I dont _ _ _ a walk there tonight.5Now the girl doesnt want to watch TV. She wants to read newspapers instead. The girl _ _ read newspapers _ _ watch TV now.完成句子:根据所给的中文提示完成下列各句。(每空一词)1这些身势语对说汉语的人和说英语的人来说,都具有相同的意思。 These gestures _ _ both by Chinese and English speakers _ having the same meaning .2在亚洲的某些地方,你不可以坐着把脚跷起对着别人。 In some parts of Asia, you _ _ sit _ your feet _ _ another person.3正确运用身势语使人在外国逗留时感到轻松而愉快。 Using body language _ _ _ way _ the stay in a foreign country _ and _.4这幅油画从远处看更好。 This oil-picture _ better _ _ _.5对于这次事故你还有什么解释的? Do you have _ _ to _ about this accident?词语填空:用括号中所给词汇的适当形式填空,使句意准确。1One of the _ asked ms for a piece of bread.(beg)2This _ problem hasnt been solved.(society)3On hearing the news, everyone there shouted _. (excite)4His invitation filled all the _. (require)5The _ of new building has been continuing over the past ten years.(construct)6It is none of your business. This is my _ affair.(impersonal)7The _ in the new language lab of our school is up-to date.(equip)8It is very easy for a foreigner to get _ in a big city like Shanghai.(loss)9You are late again. I am _ sorry.(terrible)10The boy was _ in the head.(injurious)参考答案1messages2shaking 3communicate4gestures 5emotions6leaned7detail 8avoided 9disrespectful10crazy1make every effort2or so, of whom, Europeans3had better leave4feel like having5prefers to, rather than1are accepted, as2must not, with, pointing at3in a correct, makes, easy, comfortable4looks, at a distance5anything else, explain1beggars2social3excitedly4requirements5construction6personal7equipment8lost 9terribly10injured3用心 爱心 专心
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