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2020;2020届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册 Unit 8.单词拼写1He lost his _(职位) because he was not honest.2The war hero received many _(奖章) for bravery.3We can make ourselves understood by making _(手势)4Most of the people on the course were _(专业的) women.5Have you got well _(准备) for the exam?6Last year, Chinas tourism earned 17.8 billion US dollars, _(排名) fifth in the world.7The young man dreams of becoming a _(职业的) player through hard work.8Our team finally won the gold _(奖牌) in the relay race in this sports meeting.9The _(格言) of the international company is “Believe you can do something”10Two of the _(参赛者) failed to turn up for the race.答案1position2.medals3.gestures4.professional5prepared6.ranking7.professional8.medal9motto10.competitors.完成句子(湖北专用)1I cant find my purse. I _(一定是丢了) while shopping.(must)2He _(可能通过了驾驶考试) but Im not sure.(pass)3I _(本可能解决这个问题), but I didnt.(work)4She won the first prize in the national English competition, and _(她的努力最后得到回报)(pay)5_(你要价多少) this coat?(charge)6_(我花了) one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week.(cost)7_(毫无疑问) they will agree with you on this matter.(doubt)8Weve put _(许多时间和精力) into this project.(deal)9The government _(已号召毕业生到西部工作)(call)10He _(同玛丽结婚有三年了)(marry)答案1must have lost it2may(might) have passed the driving test3could have worked out this problem4her efforts at last paid off5How much do you charge for6It cost me7Theres no doubt that8a great deal of time and effort9has called on the graduates to work in the west10has been married to Mary for three years.单项填空1Beijing is wellknown _ the capital of China, while Hangzhou is famous _ the West Lake.A. as; as B. for; asC. as; for D. for; for2_ the speech, there will be a few minutes for questions.A. Following B. To followC. Followed D. Follow3At last my dream of _ good political leader has come true.A. turning B. turning aC. becoming D. making4The three letters PRC _ the Peoples Republic of China.A. represented B. meaningC. stands for D. stand for5Im at least _ age _ Robert if I am not older than he.A. the same; as B. the same; withC. as same; as D. as same; with6Henry would rather his mother _ in the school where he is studying.A. not work B. not workedC. didnt work D. not working7The conference has been told to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area.A. in B. onC. at D. with8To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air.A. as B. toC. than D. while9Your job _ open for your return.Thanks.A. will be kept B. will keepC. had kept D. had been kept10China, which has the largest population of the world, joined the WTO last week, _ 15 years of talks.A. to end B. endedC. ending D. ends11Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _ her to do so.A. forbid B. allowC. follow D. ask12Shall I offer you a hand right now, Julia?Definitely. Such a lot of work is _ I could manage myself.A. less than B. rather thanC. more than D. no more than13_ to our surprise, he went over all his notes in such a short time, _ for the next days examination.A. Very; preparing B. Much; preparedC. Greatly; to be prepared D. Rather; being prepared14He practised his English day and night and _ the competition at last.A. beat B. wonC. get D. defeated15(2020;2020吉林省高三模拟)We are discussing the most _ way of heating this building in winter.A. economic B. economicalC. economist D. economy答案1C。句意:北京作为中国的首都而闻名,而杭州则以西湖出名。北京是中国的首都,用as;杭州因西湖而闻名,用for。2A。following“在之后”。句意:演讲完之后,将留出12分钟供大家讨论。3A。turn good political leader或become/make a good political leader“成为一名好的政治领导”。4D。主语the three letters是复数,且空格处填入的谓语动词应用一般现在时,因此答案为D。5A。“the same名词as”“与一样的”。6C。would rather后带从句表示现在或将来的事情时,从句的时态应用一般过去时表示虚拟。7B。由句中的effects可知,应选择on,表“对的影响”之意。8C。本句考查“would rather do.than do”的用法。9A。句意:你的工作将被保留到你回来。谢谢。keep宾语形容词/副词/介词/doing“使保持(某种状态)”。又如:This coat will keep you warm.这种外套会让你暖和。The illness kept her in hospital.这场病使她一直住在医院里。Im sorry to keep you waiting.不好意,让你一直等。由此可首先排除B项和C项,此两项未使用了被动形式。过去完成时的动作发生在过去的过去,当上下文中没有过去时间提示时,是不能单独使用的,故排除D项。10C。此处ending为现在分词作状语,表结果。11B。句意:玛丽想独自环球旅行,可是她父母不允许她这样做。12C。本题考查more than用法。句意:“朱莉娅,要我给你帮忙吗?”“一点也不错(肯定是这样),这么多的工作我自己应付不了”。more than与含有情态动词can或could的从句连用,表示“不能”,如My love to my father is more than I can describe.我对父亲的爱难以用言语表述。less than“小于”;rather than“而不是”;no more than“仅仅”。
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