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M2 Unit 5Music.单词拼写1Its not a good idea to discipline the class by giving them _ (额外的) homework.2His research _ (形成) the basis of his new book.3He has _ (赚) a lot of money this month by working on a parttime job.4I hear the concert will be _ (广播) live on TV tomorrow evening.5Applying for jobs can be a long and _ (痛苦的) process.6She is in a relaxed, _ (自信的) mood.7He _ (表演) quite successfully on the stage last night.8The toys are _ (有吸引力的) to children due to the appearance.9He gave a _ (幽默的) account of their trip to Spain.10She _ (假装) that she likes them so that she can get their help.完成句子1说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。(to be honest)_ _ _, I dont think_ _ _ _ _winning.2杰克老是开我们的玩笑,但没有人记恨他。(play jokes on)Jack_ _ _ _ _ _, but_ _ _hates him.3猎人离开了屋子,后面跟着他的狗。(分词作状语)The hunter left his house,_ _ _ _.4重视控制环境污染是非常重要的。(attach.to)Its important_ _ _ _ _pollution.5警察用了大约一个小时的时间才把人群驱散。(break up)The police spent_ _ _ _ _ _the crowd.单项填空1 When you are physically _ to weather changes, maybe its a sign that youre getting aged.Aflexible BattractiveCsensitive Dactive2Dont be worried about his safety._, he is an eighteenyearold young man.AIn all BAfter all CAbove all DFirst of all3Both students and parents appreciate the great importance schools have_to eyesight protection.Areacted BattendedCattached Dadapted4Mom, Im so tired. I cant walk any further._, my dear. You can make it.ACome on BNo worry CThats impossibleDNo problem5Much to our surprise, they carried on_the extremely difficult conditions.Ain spite of Bno matter howCeven if Ddespite that6Many experts hold the view_protection awareness is_the key to better environment lies.Athat; where Bwhich; in which Cwhich; whereDthat; in which7_you write so well?By reading and keeping diaries every day.AHow is it BWhat is it CHow is it that DWhat is it that8The students will_for the Christmas vacation next week.Abreak off Bbreak downCbreak through Dbreak up9We need a drink.Im really thirsty._.Lets have one.AGenerallyBStrictlyCExactlyDPossibly10I invited Mary and Jane to dinner, but_of them came.Anone BeitherCboth Dneither11He climbed silently_of seizing the thief_.Aon purpose; by surpriseBon purpose; surprisinglyCfor the purpose; surprisedDfor the purpose; by surprise12My brother is a_person. He feels sure about his own ability.AconfidentBselfish Cpatient Dhumorous13How did she lose so much weight as expected?_ eating less, she jogged for several miles every day.AIn spite of BIn addition toCInstead of DThanks to14How many employees are there in the company?We have_500 people working there.Anear BmoreCsomething like Dor so15He broke_a piece of chocolate and gave it to me before he broke the rest_into pieces.Aup; down Boff; upCdown; up Dthrough; down3
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