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英语四级句子词汇真题训练及详解NO.21. The computer revolution may well change society as _ as did the Industrial Revolution. A) certainly B) insignificantly C) fundamentally D) comparatively2. In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year. A) swallow B) dispose C) consume D) exhaust3. Id _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan. A) take into account B) account for C) make up for D) make out4. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat. A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender5. We take our skin for granted until it is burned _ repair. A) beyond B) for C) without D) under 参考答案及解析: 1. 选 C )。 题意 计算机革命完全可能像工业革命一样根本上改变社会。 A)certainly 的确, (口语)当然, 行 范例 Victory certainly belongs to the people. 胜利一定属于人民。 B)insignificantly 无价值的,无足轻重的; C)fundamentally 基础地, 根本地; 范例 She is fundamentally unsuited to office work. 她根本不适合做办公室工作。 D)comparatively 比较地, 相当地 ; 范例 Man is a comparatively new creature on the surface of the earth. 人类是地球上出现得比较晚的一种生物。2. 选 C )。 题意 在英国人们每年吃掉400万吨马铃薯。 A)swallow vt. 吞下,咽下 范例 He swallowed the pills with a cup of water.他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。 淹没,吞没;吞并(+up) 范例 The waves swallowed up the little boat.波浪吞没了小船。 耗尽,用尽(+up) 范例 The increase in travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.旅行费用的增加超出了我们的工资增长。 【口】轻信;轻易接受 范例 She is naive and would swallow anything you tell her.她很天真,你跟她讲什么她都相信。 忍受 范例 He swallowed the insults and kept on working.他忍受侮辱继续努力。 He had to swallow the insult.他不得不忍受侮辱。 压制,抑制 范例 She swallowed her displeasure and smiled.她抑制自己的不快,强颜欢笑。 取消(前言) 范例 He had to swallow his words.他不得不取消前言。 vi. 吞下;咽下 范例 He couldnt swallow because of a sore throat.他因嗓子疼而不能吞咽。 n. 吞,咽 范例 He took the medicine at one swallow.他一口吞下这药。 一次吞咽之物(+of) 范例 He took a long swallow of wine.他喝了一大口酒。 B)dispose vt. 配置,布置(+for) 范例 They disposed troops along the river.他们沿河布置了军队。 处置,处理;整理 使倾向于,使有意于(+for/to) 范例 The good pay disposed him to take the job.高薪使他接受了这份工作。 vi. 处置,处理;(能)决定(+of) 范例 I want to dispose of these old books.我想处理掉这些旧书。 Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。 C)consume v t. 消耗,花费;耗尽 范例 She consumed most of her time in reading.她把大部分时间都花在读书上。 吃完,喝光 范例 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。 烧毁,毁灭 范例 The fire consumed half the village.大火吞噬了半个村庄。 挥霍,浪费 使全神贯注,使着迷;使憔悴;充满(+with) 范例 The boy was consumed with curiosity.那男孩充满好奇心。 vi. 耗尽生命;被(烧)毁 范例 She consumed away with grief.她抑郁而死。 D)exhaust vt . 抽完,汲干;把.的内容抽空(+from/of) 用完,耗尽 范例 He had exhausted his supply of water.他已耗尽了全部供水。 使精疲力尽 范例 My father is completely exhausted.我父亲精疲力竭。 The marathon talks exhausted him completely.马拉松式的谈判使他精疲力竭。 详尽研究;详尽论述 范例 Her book on child-care exhausts the subject.她那本关于儿童保育的书写得详尽透彻。 vi. 排出气体 范例 The engine exhausts through the muffler.引擎通过消音器排气。 (气体等)被排出 n. 排出;排气(或水等) 范例 Something has gone wrong with the cars exhaust system.汽车的排气系统出了故障。 排出的气 范例 Effective measures have been taken to prevent exhaust pollution.业已采取有效措施以防止废气污染。 3. 选 A )。 题意 我得向社区的其他的农户和商人们了解他的信誉,然后再决定是否同意他的贷款请求。 A)take into account 考虑到;体谅 范例 They had to take the baby into account when they wanted to go out.每当要外出时,他们总得考虑如何将婴孩安顿好。 B) account for 说明;证明 范例 He could not account for his foolish mistake.他无法解释他所犯的荒谬的错误。 对 .负有责任 范例 Who will have to account for the misprints in the dictionary?谁必须对字典中的印刷错误负责? C)make up for 补偿 范例 Nothing can make up for what they have suffered.什么也不能补偿他们所受的痛苦。 D)make out 辨别出 范例 I could hardly make out anything in the thick fog.在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见。 填写;写出 范例 The teacher has made out a list of reference books.教师已开出了一份参考书单。 理解 范例 We cant make out what he is saying.我们不懂他在说什么。4.选D)。 题意她把肉煮了好长时间,以便使肉烂得容易咀嚼. A)mild a. 温和的,温柔的 范例 He is the mildest man alive.他是世上最和善的人了。 温暖的,暖和的 范例 Its been a mild winter this year.今年的冬天一直很暖和。 味淡的,不浓烈的 范例 Please make my drink a mild one.请把我的酒调得淡一点。 轻微的,不重的;宽大的 范例 He was given a mild punishment.他被从轻发落。 B)slight a. 轻微的;微小的;少量的 范例 She has a slight fever.她有点儿发烧。 极不重要的,微不足道的 范例 The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes.老板决定原谅他的小错。 细长的;瘦小的 范例 Ann is a slight girl.安妮是个瘦弱的女孩。 脆弱的;不结实的;不牢靠的 vt. 轻视;藐视;怠慢 范例 Mr. Paul was highly respected because he slighted no one.保罗先生非常受人尊敬,因为他不轻视任何人。 忽视;疏忽 n. 轻蔑;怠慢 (+on/to) 范例 Cinderella suffered many slights from her sisters.灰姑娘受到她姊妹的许多轻慢。 C)light 清淡的;易消化的;(酒)淡的 范例 I enjoy light wine.我爱喝清淡的酒。 D)tender a. 嫩的;柔软的 范例 There are lots of tender blossoms in the garden.花园里尽是娇嫩的花朵。 敏感的,一触就痛的 范例 Her bruised knee is still tender.她受了瘀伤的膝盖仍然一碰就痛。 温柔的,体贴的(+towards) 范例 The nurse was very tender toward the sick children.护士对生病的孩子很温柔。 微妙的,棘手的 范例 I t is hard to have the tender situation in hand.这样微妙的局势很难控制。 脆弱的,柔弱的 幼弱的,未成熟的 搭配 children of tender years年幼不懂事的孩子 vt. 使变柔软;使变脆弱 【古】温柔地对待 vi. 变柔软;变脆弱5. 选 A )。 题意 皮肤被烧伤得无法修复之前,我们想当然地认为皮肤不易受伤害
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