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Module 5 CloningPeriod 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary学习目标: 1.通过阅读理解词汇,通过词汇学习加深对短文的理解。 2.自主学习、合作探究;掌握略读和查读技能。 3.了解克隆技术的意义与危害,激发学生学好科学文化的决心和信心,爱惜身体,尊重生命。重点:了解一些有关克隆技术的词汇及基本常识 难点:长难句分析预习案使用说明学法指导 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。2.完成时间30分钟。背景展现Can We Cloning?Nowadays, cloning is a topic which causes intense debates among scientists and ordinary members of the society. Obviously, cloning isnt a term from the fiction novel any more but a reality we have to meet and react accordingly. It seems to me that we should stop using cloning any longer because we may suffer emotional risks from cloning. Suppose a child grows up knowing her mother is her sister, her grandmother is her mother, what kind of pressures will he or she feel, knowing they were made as a direct replacement for another? It is a human experiment doomed to failure because the child will not be identical in every way, despite the hopes of the parents. It will place great pressures on the emotional development of the child. Another element that plays a vital role in against cloning is that it threatens human beings health. If scientists could transfer human genes into animals and vice-versa, diseases may be transmitted from animals to humans. It can create a worldwide catastrophe that no one would be able to stop.Theres a news poll out tonight on another major controversy: human cloning. When asked whether scientists should be able to clone human, 85% said no, 11% said yes. Congress is working on legislation that would ban human cloning. It heard today on one scientist who intends to clone humans. 一、一轮阅读做题目Reading task 1 Fast ReadingRead Part 2 quickly and match the main ideas with each paragraph.Para.1 A.The monster became a creature from my worst nightmare.Para.2 B.The monster didnt give what I had expected in return but gave much trouble.Para.3 C.The description if the monster and how I felt when I saw itfor the first time.Para.4 D.When the monster came into being.Reading task 2 Careful Reading1. Read Part 1 carefully and fill in the form.How to create the monsterThe monsters appearanceThe monster asks Frankenstein toFrankensteins feeling about the monsterThe ending of both Frankenstein and his creation2、 二轮阅读找重、难点根据所给单词的首字母或中文释义写出各单词的完整形式,或者根据单词写出其汉语含义。(方法引导:先默写,然后核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确答案并加以巩固)1.使惊恐,使受惊吓_2.追逐,追踪_3.使觉得恶心,使厌烦_4.谋杀_5.拒绝_ 6.对照_7.害怕,恐惧_8.有益的,有用的_9.皱纹_ 10.翅膀_ 11 .up and down_ 12. to ones disgust _13.disgust at/with _ 14. chase after _15 again and again=over and over again=time and time again=time and again=now and again=once and again _ 16.stand against the wall_17.refuse to do sth _18 .for fear of n/doing_19.end ones life _ 20 put out a hand _21赋予生命_22.燃尽_23与形成对照_24.扑倒在上_25发出声音_26 冲出房间_27在一个寒冷的晚上_ 28 创造生命_29 借着它微弱的光_ 30 站在旁_三、重点句子1. _ _ at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life.2.I wish I _ _ created this creature,I wish _ _on the other side of the World, I wish I could disappear!3.At last I _ myself _ the bed in my clothes, _ to find a few moments of sleep. 我的疑惑:_探究案.质疑探究质疑解疑、合作探究探究点一 语篇探究Choose the best answers according to the text.1.What did Frankenstein happen to learn when he was studying at university?A.He learned how to clone humans.B.He learned how to give life to lifeless matter.C.He learned how to create monsters.D.He learned how to terrify people.2.By which did we know the creature is intelligent and has human emotions?A.The creature loved and respected his masterFrankenstein.B.The creature is more creative than his master-Frankenstein.C.He wanted Frankenstein to create a wife for him and hated him because of his refusal.D.The creature knows how to end his own life.3.When Frankenstein managed to give the creature life,he was_.A.proud of himselfB.excitedC.sadD.disgusted 4.What did Frankenstein regret?A.He regretted that he had not made the creature beautiful.B.He regretted that he had created the creature.C.He regretted that he had taken the creature home.D.He regretted that he had let the creature s
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