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SectionWarm-up & Lesson 1 Whats So Funny一、单词拼写1.How do you (逗乐,娱乐)yourself during the vacation?答案:amuse2.What is his (回应)to our suggestion?答案:response3.Thank you for writing and allowing me to (澄清) the present position.答案:clarify4.The room is (凌乱的).Lets clean it up.答案:messy5.I should show you something more (滑稽的).答案:ridiculous6.The progress of our society is based on (和谐).答案:harmony7.There can be no excuse for any further (耽搁).答案:delay8.It is easy to (忽视)such a small detail.答案:overlook 9.My grandmother has become very (健忘的)with old age.答案:forgetful10.He (叫喊)with anger at the young man.答案:yelled 二、选词填空cash a chequeburst out laughingwait in lineblack eyewithdrew.from.1.While watching his ridiculous performance,we .答案:burst out laughing2.Could you until a table is free?答案:wait in line3.I want to and take some money from ATM.答案:cash a cheque4.She $1,000 her account and bought a gift for his mother.答案:withdrew;from5.The boy had a after the fight.答案:black eye三、根据课文内容完成句子1.他的故事逗得那些小孩们十分开心。His storygreatly.答案:amused the children2.当某些人理解了一个笑话时,他们可能会大笑起来。Someone might when they understand a joke.答案:burst out laughing/burst into laugher3.你有没有拼不出单词的时候?Have you ever to spell a word?答案:had trouble trying4.我本打算从我们的账户中取出40美元,可我太健忘了,记不住40是拼作“fourty”还是“forty”。I wanted to $40 our bank account,but Im so forgetful that I couldnt remember if 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”.答案:withdraw;from5.他觉得他女儿很成熟了,他不想忽视她的意见,于是他问她,He felt his daughter was and he didnt want to overlook her opinion so he asked her,.答案:mature enough6.他对她的回答迷惑不解,为了弄清楚是怎么回事,他问了她另一个问题。He wondered about her ,and just ,he asked her another question.答案:response;to clarify7.去年冬天,大雪导致了希思罗机场航班的长时间延误。Heavy snow last winter at Heathrow airport.答案:caused long delays8.一天下午,一直盼着飞往纽约的数百名倒霉的乘客被告知航班已被取消。One afternoon,hundreds of unlucky passengers who to to New York were told it .答案:had been expecting;board a flight;had been cancelled9.一位倒霉的柜台工作人员正忙于应付这些顾客,突然一个在队伍中等候多时怒气冲冲的男子挤上前来。One unfortunate counter agent all the passengers when an angry man,who for some time,to the front.答案:was dealing with;had been queuing;pushed his way10.他大声质问这位年轻姑娘,以便让在他身后排队的乘客都能听到他说:“你知道我是谁吗?”He the young girl,the passengers behind him could hear,“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” 答案:yelled at;so that;waiting in line11.她不敢看恐怖片。She a thriller.答案:was scared to watch四、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.She couldnt hide her (amuse)at his foolish mistake.答案:amusement2.Clive (response)to my suggestion with a laugh.答案:responded3.We are living happily in such a (harmony)society.答案:harmonious4.She was able to (identification)her attacker.答案:identify5.He rose to his feet in one (swiftly)movement.答案:swift6.You look nervous.Just now the thunder made me (scare).答案:scared7.What he said is (believe),I think,as he is not honest.答案:unbelievable8.Though you are very young,sometimes youre very (forget).答案:forgetful9.His room is always (mess).答案:messy10.The meal was (ridiculous) expensive.答案:ridiculously五、根据所学内容完成句子1.当听到那条坏消息时,她突然大哭起来。When she heard the bad news,she tears.答案:burst into2.这个男孩试图澄清他和同桌之间的误解。The boy made an attempt to between him and his deskmate.答案:clarify the misunderstanding3.当H1N1型病毒在2009年4月袭击墨西哥时,世界卫生组织立刻向人们发出了警告。The World Health Organisation gave a warning to the public when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April 2009.答案:without any delay4.这对同卵双胞胎之间的相似之处经常让我们忽视他们的差异。The similarities between identical twins often cause us to .答案:overlook their differences5.在线游戏行业激烈的竞争迫使一些表现差的企业退出市场。The keen competition in on-line game industry forced the firms with poor performance to .答案:withdraw from the market6.他还不够成熟,不宜给他太多责任。Hes not be given too much responsibility.答案:mature enough to六、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The boy was delighted with his new story book which he (expect)for a long time.答案:had been expecting 2.It was midnight and he was tired because he (work)since dawn.答案:had been working3.He (try)to get her on the phone,but he didnt get through it.答案:had been trying 4.He (paint)the door and after that he had a drink at a small cafe.答案:had been painting5.His brother was good at playing table tennis.He (pla
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