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Unit 1 period 6 Language Points 2学习目标:1. 复习上节课学过的重点单词和短语2. 掌握阅读中出现的一些重点句子3. 更好地理解文章内容4. 提高阅读和完型能力预习案】:从课文中找出包含下列单词和短语的句子,写在横线上1 in the fancy style_2 in return_3 less than_4doubt_5 remove_将上面的句子翻译成中文【课内探究】I want to have my bike repaired.翻译_ have sth. done 还可表示 “遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”I had my watch stolen last night.翻译2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train.There is no doubt that . 毫无疑问=We have no doubt that There is no doubt that we can finish our task ahead of time._There is no doubt about/of sth. 毫无疑问=We have no doubt about/of sth.There is no doubt about/of his honesty._doubt 也可作及物动词,“怀疑,不信”,(1) doubt sth.I doubt the truth of it._-(2) 在肯定句中常接whether / if 从句,在否定句和疑问句中常接 that 从句I doubt whether we can get the first place in the competition._3. could never have imagined that(1)_对过去发生事情的肯定推测。“一定“(7)_对过去发生事情的否定推测。“一定没有”(2)_过去可能做却未做。“本来可以可能做”(3)_过去可能做了某事(可能性小)。“可能已经”(4)_过去愿意做某事却不能做。“本来想要愿意做”(5)_ 过去应该做某事却没做。 (6)_本来不应该做却做了。(8) _过去没有必要做却做了。【课堂练习】&【课后练习】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,选出最佳选项。When dawn came, they realized that the boat was blocked in ice. The captain had fallen asleep but the rest of the crew hurriedly woke him. He took a small axe (斧), and with great care, so as to make a hole in the ice on the deck (甲板), he began to knock. From time to time, a wave burst over the boat and swept over him, but he kept working for ten minutes 21 the others looked on 22 . By this time he was 23 cold that he could no longer trust what he was doing.Each member of the crew took it in turn to cut the ice away as long as he could bear it.First, they had to knock off enough ice to get down on their knees. Standing on that rolling deck meant death, because a man who had fallen into the sea could not have been rescued.Then the captain discovered that ice was forming inside the cabin(船舱). He called 24 one of the crew and together they managed to get the stove alight, hoping that it would 25 enough heat to warm the cabin above 26 point. Unless the ice in the bottom could be melted enough so that the 27 could be raised, they were in dangerIt took an hours work before the boat began to float better. But by this time they had succeeded in removing most of the ice.Throughout the afternoon, the coating of ice began to build up again 28 their work. In the face of this danger, Captain Slater 29 the crew to clear the ice so that the boat would 30 until the next morning. Then they settled down to wait for anther day.21. A. until B. before C. after D. while22. A. excitedly B. anxiously C. happily D. strangely23. A. too B. so C. as D. very24. A. to B. on C. up D. at25. A. get out B. give off C. get over D. give in26. A. boiling B. marking C. freezing D. melting27. A. boat B. deck C. sail D. back28. A. whichever B. though C. as long as D. in spite of29. A. demanded B. made C. ordered D. agreed30. A. sink B. live C. float D. ;flow
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