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New Sinology in the New EraLAST December, the International Financial Center located in Shanghais Pudong New Area was decorated with colorful lights to welcome the upcoming Christmas Day. Standing nearby was the soaring landmark superstructure ?C the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the newly opened Disney flagship store, and the Shanghai International Conference Center. Kevin Rudd, former prime minister of Australia and president of the Asia Society Policy Institute, came to participate in the Seventh World Forum on China Studies held in the Shanghai International Conference Center. Called Old Lu by his Chinese friends, Kevin Rudd used the Chinese expression for retired official to describe himself in his keynote speech, which made the audience burst into laughter. He said over the past 30-plus years, he has been to China more than 100 times in different capacities such as the prime minister, foreign minister, parliament member, and businessman.Pudongs Dream Came TrueHaving a special affection for the city of Shanghai, Kevin Rudd started with a story that began 30-plus years ago.He was then the acting Australian consul-general in Shanghai, and often strolled on the Bund with his wife and children. One day Wang Daohan, then Shanghais mayor, invited him to dinner, on which occassion Wang asked all foreign friends to offer ideas and advice for Shanghais development. Five years later, when Kevin Rudd came back to Shanghai, the newly appointed city mayor Zhu Rongji also invited him to dinner, at the old HSBC building where the municipal governments offices were located. Zhu told Kevin Rudd that the Shanghai municipal government was going to announce the establishment of the Pudong Economic Development Zone.“We looked out of the window and found there was nothing on the other side of the Huangpu River. I then thought, Mayor Zhu must be kidding me and was telling a dream,” Rudd said, he still remembered that day clearly.Nowadays, standing in the Financial Center in Lujia-zui, Rudd discovered that dream had been realized.“The 19th CPC National Congress has just closed, and now the whole world is watching China. Barely 35 years ago, only foreign scholars or diplomats would pay attention to the CPC National Congress; however, today almost everyone shows an interest in it. The reason is simple. China is rising up,” said Rudd.China Is RejuvenatingWith a retrospect of Chinas past 30 or 40 years both historically and internationally, we find some real changes. Rudd explained, in the 1980s, Chinas economy was about the same size as that of Australia. Today, measured by purchasing power parity(PPP), Chinas economy has become No. 1 in the world; measured by the market rate, it is expected to be the world leader in the next 10 years.Meanwhile, Chinas foreign policy has changed. When he was working in Beijing, policies during the Deng Xiaoping times could be summarized as “keeping a low profile.” However, in the times of President Xi , the policies have changed into “being aspir- ing and ambitious to make outstanding achievements.”Abundant new concepts such as a new type of international relations, a new model of relationships between major countries, reform of the diplomatic system, dispute of the international order, and international system reform, all appeared during the central foreign affairs work meeting held in November 2014.Rudd recalled, “I was right in Beijing, watching the television in a hotel, and subtly I captured the hint of Chinas new foreign policies.” Since then, a series of new concepts came out, for example, new world patterns, new global governance, new framework of major-country relations, Asia-Pacific community, and a community with a shared future for mankind. Most of these new expressions have been discussed in the 19th CPC National Congress report.Institutional innovations also exerted a huge influence on the international community, such as the successful establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Belt & Road Initiative. There is no doubt that China is a big nation, and also a great power. From a historical perspective, China is now rejuvenating.Guiding Principles“Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC in 1978, China has ushered in an astonishing path which led to the countrys successful transformation and great achievements. All these reforms and developments were not easy, and those of us who study history carefully understand there were many twists and turns. Therefore, Chinas achievements are remarkable.”Rudd delivered the first half of his speech in fluent Chinese, for the last part he switched to his native language. He could adeptly quote any term from traditional Chinese culture, policies of domestic and foreign affairs, and Chinese jargons. The audience could strongly feel his mastery of each aspect of Chinas politics, economy, and culture. Talking about foreign interest in
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