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解释短期丛林流浪这是澳大利亚土著词语,听Aaron解释一下吧。Todd: Aaron, sometimes I hear from Australians, the term, have a walk-about, or walk-about!Aaron: A walk-about is an aboriginal word. It basically, means an aboriginal boy, when he is growing up goes for a long walk, maybe for twelve months, and he doesnt see his family and he has to live off the land. He cant, he doesnt have money so he cant buy food, he cant buy anything, and he just hunts for food. Its not so common now, and Ive never had to do it, but its more of an old story from the aborigines who tell you about a walk-about. Todd: Do you know anybody whos ever done it?Aaron: No, Ive never know anybody to do it, but I dont know if its a true story or, I dont think its common now, but maybe in the old days, maybe a hundred years ago, it was common for them to do it, but now they dont. Todd: So, theres lots of different aboriginal people in Australia. Where does, which aboriginal tribe does this come from, or group?Aaron: OK, Im not sure what tribe it comes from but the aboriginals in the Northern Territories, which is all desert are probably the most famous for it, near Darwin and the top end we way, the north of Australia, where its very mountainous, and you could walk for a year, and never find your way anywhere.
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