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四川省德昌县2020高考英语完形填空和阅读理解暑假选练(4)【2020届河北省唐山一中高二下学期期末考试】完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I went to India for a 2-week vacation to visit my relatives. We stopped on a red light, and as always, there were a lot of activities outside the cars near the 41 . People walked in, between the cars 42 newspaper, water and a number of kids looked for a bit of charity from the car owners. Its a familiar 43 in most poor developing countries.While we were 44 for the red light to turn green, I noticed a man outside a couple of 45 in front of ours trying to sell bottles of water. Its 46 unusual at first. He was a man in his 40s with relatively 47 clothes. But he walked around in a strange way. He kind of 48 his way around the spaces. He was blind.Carrying a couple of water bottles on one hand, he 49 got to the outside of our car. Out of 50 , my mum decided to buy one water bottle. As she gave the man the money, the light turned green. The car behind sounded loudly and 51 , trying to get ahead of traffic. Seeing this, my mum kindly told the man to 52 the change. However, with his 53 sense of touch, he quickly went through his shirt pocket and threw the money at my mums 54 . It was the exact change. The cars behind us were really getting out of control, 55 we decided to go on our way.I broke down and even 56 when I got home. Heres a blind man, born in 57 , trying to sell water bottles on the streets to make ends meet. He 58 our sympathy. Life hasnt been 59 to him, yet hes giving it his best shot. I think that is what 60 is all about facing life bravely.41. A. signs B. crossroads C. stations D. theatres42. A. giving B. buying C. selling D. throwing43. A. scene B. play C. activity D. street44. A. watching B. asking C. waiting D. changing45. A. blocks B. crossings C. turns D. cars46. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing47. A. expensive B. fashionable C. ragged D. fastened48. A. pushed B. drove C. cleared D. felt49. A. eventually B. quickly C. frequently D. happily50. A. curiosity B. sympathy C. thirsty D. politeness51. A. impatiently B. casually C. naturally D. carefully52. A. keep B. return C. borrow D. count53. A. poor B. superior C. limited D. enlarged54. A. hand B. arm C. face D. lap55. A. still B. yet C. so D. but56. A. smiled B. shouted C. complained D. cried57. A. pain B. poverty C. sadness D. loneliness58. A. refused B. enjoyed C. doubted D. cheated59. A. rich B. unfair C. kind D. bad60. A. kindness B. courage C. experience D. challenge【答案】41.B考查名词辨析:A. signs 标志,B. crossroads十字路口,C. stations车站,D. theatre戏院,从上文的句子:We stopped on a red light,可知他们在十字路口停车,选B42.C考查动词辨析: A. giving给,B. buying买,C. selling 卖,D. throwing扔,人们在汽车中间卖报纸,水,选C43.A 考查名词辨析: A. scene场景,B. play玩,C. activity活动,D. street街道,从上文的句子:People walked in, between the cars newspaper. water and a number of kids looked for a bit of charity from the car owners.可知这是发展中国家常见的场景,选A44.C 考查动词辨析:A. watching观看,B. asking问,C. waiting等待,D. changing改变,我们在等待红灯变绿,选C45.D 考查名词辨析:A. blocks.块,街区,大楼,大厦B. crossings十字路口,C. turns转弯,D. cars汽车,一个人在我们前面的几辆车外面卖瓶装水。选D46.D 考查不定代词:A. everything每个人,B. something一些事情,C. anything任何事情,D. nothing没有什么,一开始没有什么事情不寻常的,选D47.C 考查形容词辨析:A. expensive昂贵的,B. fashionable时尚的,C. ragged破烂的,D. splendid完美的,辉煌的,穿着有些破烂,选C48.D 考查动词辨析:A. pushed推动,B. drove驾驶,C. cleared清除,D. felt感觉,摸索,从下文的:He was blind.可知他是摸索着前行,feel ones way摸索着前行,选D49.A 考查副词辨析:A. eventually最后地,B. quickly快地,C. frequently频繁地,D. happily快乐地,手里拿着几瓶水,他最后来到我们的车外面,选A50.B考查名词辨析:A. curiosity好奇心,B. sympathy同情,C. thirsty渴望,D. politeness礼貌,从下文的:He our sympathy.可知出于同情妈妈决定买一瓶水,选B51.A 考查副词辨析:A. impatiently不耐烦地,B. casually随意地,C. naturally自然地,D. carefully仔细地,后面的车大声地,不耐烦的按喇叭,想抄到前面。选A52.A 考查动词辨析: A. keep保持,B. return回来,C. borrow 借,D. count数,妈妈好心的让这个人不要找零钱了,选A53.B考查动词短语:A. searched for寻找,B. went through经历,翻阅;翻找;整理C. turned over翻转,D. looked for寻找,他凭借非凡的触觉在衬衫口袋里面翻找,选 B 54.D 考查名词辨析:A. hand手,B. arm膀子,C. face面容,D. lap膝,下摆,一圈跑道,因为妈妈是坐在那里的,所以是将钱扔在妈妈的膝盖上,选D55.C 考查副词辨析:A. still仍然,B. yet 然而,C. so因此,D. but但是,我们后面的汽车已经真的失控了,所以我们决定继续开车,所以选C56.D 考查动词短语辨析:A. gave up放弃,B: set off出发,引爆,C. held on别挂断,D. broke down崩溃,从下文的:even cried可知作者到家的时候崩溃了,甚至哭了,选D57.B 考查名词辨析:A. pain痛苦,B. poverty贫穷,C. sadness悲伤,D. loneliness孤单,从下文的:trying to sell water bottles on the streets to make en
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