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山东省青州第一中学等四县学校2017-2018学年高二英语上学期模块监测试题(扫描版)高二英语试题参考答案 第一部分 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)15CCABC 610CCBBC 1115CBABA 1620CBABA第二部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)21-23 BCB 24-27 BCDC 28-31 CBBA 32-35DDAB 36-40 ECGAD第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41-45ABDCA 46-50DCBAC 51-55BDACB 56-60DCBDA 第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)61.description 62. furnished 63.enjoyable 64.constantly 65. to tolerate 66.up 67. that/which 68. is allowed 69.the 70.but/yet第四部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)第一节单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,5分) 71. challenge 72. convenience 73. optimistic 74.bravery 75. admirable第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) John Snow was Queen Victorias personal physician. He became inspiring when he thought inspiredabout helping ordinary people exposed cholera, a deadly disease of its day. Many thousands of topeople died whenever there was a outbreak. John wanted to help solve the problem. an He got interested in two theory explaining how cholera killed people. He doubted about the theoriessecond theory where suggested that people absorb the disease with their meals. In 1854, when that absorbedanother outbreak hit London, he was determined to find why. In the help of the map he made, he Withgot a valuably clue about the cause of the disease. He announced with certainty that the water valuable was to be blame. “King Cholera ” was final defeated. finally第三节 书面表达(满分25分)Goodmorning,everyone!Imverygladto share my ideas with you. As we all know, some bad habits and uncivilized phenomena do exist in our school. For example, some students often throw rubbish everywhere or spit in public. Some dont turn off the tap after washing hands. Some are even addicted to smoking. I strongly suggest we get rid of these bad habits. We should behave ourselves and try to obey school rules. Wed better wear school uniform , be polite to others and keep our classroom tidy. Lets join hands together to build a civilized and harmonious class. As long aseverybodymakesacontribution, we can make it.Thatsall.Thankyou!听力原文:Text 1W: I just bought some orange juice but now I cant find it. Do you know where it is?M:I broke the bottle. Didnt you hear the crash?Text 2M: Do you need much time at the shopping center?W: Not really. I want to buy a tie for my grandfathers birthday and a few things for school.Text 3W:Quiet. Its Winfield News.M:How long does it last?W:It lasts thirty minutes. It ends at 7: 00.Text 4W:I dont think the job has to be done perfectly.M:Youreright. Nothing can be perfect, but its important that you do your best.Text 5M:Mary, youve told me about your parents. So, are there any other people in your family?W:Yes. There are still my grandparents and my brother.M:Oh. You are so lucky to live in such a big family.Text 6W: Pan, have you finished your report?M: No, not yet.W: Dont forget our dinner at Mr. Johnsonshouse. He invited us for today.M: Oh! I completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me.W: I dont blame you for forgetting about it. The Americans seem to give out their invitations sofar in advance. And I dont remember the exact time myself.M: Let me check my notebook. Its at 7 oclock. Oh, time is up. Well take a taxi there.W: OK, lets go.Text 7M:Hey Jenny, are you excited about tomorrowssports meeting?W: I guess so.M:You guess so? This only happens once a year and you are the fastest girl in our school!W:Yes, last year I won almost every race. But what?M:I think you must be excited. You are sure to win again this year!W:Actually,I dont think I will win.M:How could you not win?W:Because I wont run.M:But thats impossible! You must run.W:Im certain that I will not.M:Oh, but why not?W:John, my leg has been broken for a week!Text 8W: Hello?M: Hello, is that 2332798? Id like to speak to Mr. Smith.W: Im sorry. He is out.M: May I know when hell be back?W: He will certainly be back for lunch. This is his wife speaking. Can I take a message for him?M: Thank you. Please tell him Li Ping from the Shanghai Pacific Corporation called. Ive arrived from shanghai. When I met Mr. Smith there last June, he suggested that I contact him when I arrive in New York.W: Very good, Mr. Li. Ill let him know as soon as he comes back. Where are you staying?M: The Central Hotel in Manhattan. Room number 507. Ill be in the whole morning today.Text 9M:Hello, Linda. I havent seen you for ages. What are you doing in town?W:Oh, Ive just come back from Japan.M:Oh, youve been abroad, havent you?W:Yes, I
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