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课时提升作业(十三)必修5Unit 1. 单项填空1. (2020泰安模拟) I am _ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.A. enthusiastic B. concerned C. doubtful D. cautious2. Now that you are so eager to join the school football team, why not _ for it?A. get through B. make up C. turn away D. try out3. Mary looks depressed.So _ you if you failed your final exam.A. will B. would C. do D. did4. (2020济南模拟) Joining the firm as a clerk, Peter got rapid promotion, and _ as a manager. A. turned up B. brought up C. ended up D. showed up5. (2020杭州模拟)The terrible accident is under investigation.Actually, quicker action _ those workers trapped in the mine.A. may have saved B. must have savedC. should have savedD. could have saved6. The company is putting more money into the building of a new factory _ the fast growing demand for their products in the market.A. in response to B. in return for C. in case of D. in charge of7. Nowadays many people make their choices about what they buy _ advertisements rather than their own judgment.A. basing on B. based on C. to base on D. was based on8. (2020青岛模拟)Today we have too many choices of communication through advanced technology, but we seem _ the joy of communicating face to face.A. losing B. to be losing C. to be lost D. having lost9. The old couple decided to _ the two poor boys though they had three of their own.A. adaptB. admitC. adopt D. abandon10. Do you know Professor Steward well?Not really, just a nodding _.A. acquaintance B. applicant C. recognition D. association11. Our goal is to make higher education available to anyone who is willing and capable _ their family background and financial situation.A. apart from B. regardless of C. but for D. thanks to12. (2020安庆模拟) But for your timely help, we _ the project as scheduled.A. couldnt finish B. couldnt have finishedC. cant have finished D. cant finish13. I am sorry, but I didnt mean to keep you waiting here so long. Can you _ me?A. hesitate B. forgive C. apologize D. satisfy14. He is the first person you can think of to _, for he is always ready to help whoever is in need. A. approve ofB. rely on C. bring aboutD. keep on15. The boy was sitting at the desk, _ hard when his teacher entered the classroom.A. to pretend to work B. to pretend to be workingC. pretending to work D. pretending to be working. 阅读理解(A)Going to school from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. may sound terrible, but Sydney Shaw, a seventh grader at the Alain Locke Charter Academy on Chicagos West Side, has come to like itas well as the extra 20 days or so that hes in class every year. “Im sure every kid at this school says bad things about the schedule sometimes, ” says Sydney, who was at school on Columbus Day, when most Chicago schools had a holiday. “But we all know its for our benefit. ”Finding ways to give kids more classroom time,through longer hours,a longer school year,or both,is getting more attention. “If you want to look at schools where the achievement gap is narrowing, theyre saying they couldnt do it without the added time. ”says Jennifer Davis. “Even when you get good teachers into schools,you also need more time. ”According to studies, low-income students fall back more than two months in their reading skills over summer vacations. “Its over the summer months that poor kids fall behind, ” says Karl Alexander, a sociologist. “If you have parents who themselves didnt succeed at school and arent highly educated, kids arent going to get those skills at home. ”Schools are asked to take a full year to plan how to best use the extra timea process involving teachers, principals, students and parents. They are given outside support to help them base their plans on the best available analyses of student needs. Its still early,but officials are already seeing stronger test scores and a narrowing achievement gap.But some critics are worried. “We risk producing something thats very expensive and time-consuming, and that will give educators a lot of trouble. ” says Frederick Hess. “Before we spend all that extra money, Id much rather see if we can figure out how to get 50 percent more instructional time out of the current school day. ”(328W)1. From the first paragraph, we learn that _.A. the longer schedule is harmful to kids healthB. all Chicago students had a holiday on Columbus DayC. Sydney Shaw supports the added timeD. few kids are bored with the lack of holidays2. Low-income students fall behind in summer vacations because _.A. no good teachers are willing to teach them B. they cant get help from their parentsC. their parents are unwilling to hire private teachers
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