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英语:Module 6The Tang Poems词汇辅导 (外研版选修8)Introduction:1. acquaintance c. 相识的人,泛泛之交; u 相识,了解make ones acquaintance: 结识某人,与某人相见 on first acquaintance :初次相见时Reading and Vocabulary (1) 1、( P72) Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture. (adj.) be tolerant of / towards : 容忍, 对宽容 eg: She was tolerant of different views. 她容忍不同的意见。 (v.) 忍受、容忍:tolerate sth. / doing sth. 2、(P72)In 724 Seng Yixing measured the length of the suns shadow and the altitude of the North Pole. shadow : c, u 影子,阴影under the shadow of : 在的庇护下,因的影响 catch at shadows : 捕风捉影 altitude c 高度,海拔 at an altitude of :在高度上 (at the height of:在高度上)注意:attitude: c 态度,看法 + to/towards 对的态度3、(P72) Cultural development went hand in hand with technological progress . hand in hand : 关系密切地 , 手拉着手地 短语链接: by hand : 用手、亲手 in hand : 在手里、在控制下 at hand : 在近处、即将到来 hand on : 传递hand over : 移交、让与 hand in : 上交4、(P73)But during his lifetime he never became famous ; in fact , he thought of himself as a failure. think of as :把看成 同义:regard / look on / consider / treat / recognize / have as 5、(P73)It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon . take hold of = catch / get / grab hold of : 抓住,握住Reading and writing (2)1、 For children , it is a good way to explore language and have fun with words as well as to express themselves . explore : (v.) 探究、探索、勘探 explore sth. : 探究或探索某事物explorer : (n.) 考察者、探险者 exploration (n.) : 勘探、探索 fun: u. 乐趣、快乐、玩笑短语链接:for fun :开玩笑地,非认真地 in fun:开玩笑地,非故意地 have fun: 过得快乐,玩得开心 make fun of:嘲笑、拿开玩笑funny:(adj.)滑稽的、好笑的 funnily:(adv.) 奇怪地2、 Writing poetry can help people deal with changes in their lives , deal with : 与交易 ; 与打交道 eg.:Ive dealt with this company for 5 years . 对待、对付、应付、处理 eg.: There are many difficulties for us to deal with . (3)涉及;与有关 eg.: Her poems often deal with the subject of love.3、A poem might be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about in face to face. face to face : 面对面地 (常用来做状语) face-to-face : 面对面的,常作定语。 短语链接: in the face of: 面对 look sb. in the face: 正视某人 to ones face: 当(某人的)面 side by side: 肩并肩 shoulder to shoulder: 肩并肩 mouth to mouth:口对口 back to back: 背对背4、All of my thoughts too strong to reveal. reveal:(V.)显示、显露 reveal sth. (to sb.): (向某人)显示某物 reveal sb. to be:显示某人 reveal that / wh- clause revealing (adj.): 发人深省的、暴露的 revelation (n.): 被暴露的真相Reading Practice : 1、 Anyone who is addicted to reading bus tickets or cereal packets will understand the appeal of poems on the Underground. be addicted to : 对上瘾 appeal: (n.) 恳求、哀求;感染力、吸引人 (v.)哀求、恳求、求助;吸引appeal to sb. : 对某人有吸引力;有感染力 appeal (to sb.)for sth.: (向某人)呼吁(要求给予某物) make an appeal to sb. for sth.: 为某事向某人发出呼吁 appealing (adj.): 有感染力的;令人感兴趣的2、,instead of just glancing upwards at the tiresome advertisements. glance(vi.): 扫视、匆匆一看 (n.):一瞥、匆匆一看 短语链接: glance at : 看一下、浏览 glance through/over: 匆匆浏览一遍 at a glance : 一瞥 at first glance: 乍一看、看一眼 巧辩异同: glance; glare; stare 都表示“看”,均和介词at 搭配使用。 glance 表示匆忙之中迅速地看一眼。 glare 意为“怒视”,指带有一种愤怒的神情。 stare 意为“盯着看,目不转睛地看”3、 The Underground had a surplus of advertising space on the trains. surplus: (n.) 过剩、剩余、过剩量 (adj.)过剩的、剩余的、多余的短语: in surplus:过剩 eg.: Our trade is in surplus.4、 London Underground approved of the idea,approve (v.): 赞成、同意 批准、通过(计划、提案、要求等) 认可、核准approve sth. : 通过某事,批准某事approve of sth./doing sth.:赞成某事物、同意做某事eg.: I approve of your trying to earn some money , but please dont neglect your studies.approval (n.): 赞成、同意、批准 approving (adj.): 赞成的、同意的5、 It catered for all tastes and included living and dead poems fromcater:(vi.) 备办酒菜、承办酒席、提供食物、迎合、为提供服务、满足需求 cater for:为提供服务,迎合的要求 cater to:迎合、投合6、 Hundreds of people corresponded with London Underground suggesting poems,or just to say thank you .correspond: (vi.) 通信,与一致,符合correspond with sb. : 与某人通信 correspond to/with sth./sb. : 与某人/某物一致;符合eg.: I often correspond with a friend. 我经常和一位朋友通信。 His actions do not correspond with his words. 他言行不一。Cultural CornerAnother Romantic poet, Coleridge, was probably a drug addict, and the strange journeys of his mind are reflected in his poems.Reflect (v.) : 反映、映出 反射(光、热、声等) 显示、表明、表达 认真思考、沉思某物短语:reflect sth. (in sth.): (某物中)反映出某物,反射出、表达某物 reflect on/upon sth.: 认真思考、沉思某物文化链接:唐代(公元618-907年)是我国古典诗歌发展的全盛时期。唐诗是我国
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