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2020;2020届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第24天I重点词汇1.roast(adj)烤制的(v)烤,烘2.rude粗鲁的,无礼的3.scenery景色风景4.scream尖叫声,喊叫声5.seasonal季节的,季节性的6.slightly轻微的,微小的7.sigh叹息,叹气(v/n)8.sign牌示标记(n)9.spy(v)窥视,秘密监视,(n)间谍侦探10.starve(v)饿死。挨饿(n)starvationII重点短语1.seek ones advice 向某人请教2.seek after/for寻求,探索,追求3.seek out 寻求,搜寻出4.set off 出发,动身,引爆,引发5.set about doing 开始做某事6.set out to do开始做某事7.set aside 留出,拔出,把置于一旁,忽视8.set up 建立,树立,搭起9.set down放下,写下,认为,归因于10.set fire to=set sth on fire 放火11.settle down定居下来,安静 下来,解决问题12.a historic spot 名胜古迹13.spy on 暗中监视,侦查14.stare at 盯着看,凝视15.starve to death饿死16.starve for 急需,渴望17.be starved of sth 缺乏某物18.die of starvation 死于挨饿III佳句赏析1.They are restructuring and slimming down the workforce.他们正在对职工加以重组和裁减。2.Have you been spying on me.?你是不是一直按章监视我。3.Video spy cameras are being used in pubilc places. 隐蔽的摄像机在监视着公共场所。4.If the players think they can win this match easily, they are in for a rude awakening.如果选手认为们可以轻而易举地赢得这场比赛,他们会遭到当头棒喝。5.we sought to change her mind.我们试图改变她的主意。IV词汇练习1.I hate it when young people speak to the elderly in a _ way2.The English spoken in the United States is only_(稍微) different from that spoken in England.3.Shortly after the accident, two dozen police were sent to the_(地点场所) to keep order.4.The plant was_of light and died.5.There was a loud _from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,wasnt there ?V短语练习1.Its ten years since the scientist _on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical.A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up2.With a lot of difficult problems , the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.A. to settle B. settling C. settled D. being settled3.The door and the windows were all closed and there was no _ of forced entry.A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight4.On the way to the west they were accustomed to _ their animals _ from heat, thirst, and starvation .A. seeing; to suffer B. see; to suffer C. seeing; suffering D. saw; suffered5.him and then try to copy what he does (1999全国)A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare atD.Watch24天Rude slightly spot starved screamBACBD
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