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课时作业(十四)必修3Module 2Developing and Developed Countries.单项填空1The TV programmes today are really boring._How about going fishing?ALets find some of the action.BHow do you find it?CIts totally fascinating.DI didnt get that.2The stones each_one ton,which makes them difficult to transport by truck.AmeasureBare measuredCis measured Dmeasures3We were wandering in the street when from behind_,which made us scared.Aa frightened voice came Bcame a frightened voiceCdid a frightened voice come Da frightened voice did come4From our_on the hillside,every detail of the landscape was clearly in view.Aoccasion BpositionCcondition Dsituation5Hangzhou,known_a paradise on earth,is known_the ten scenic sights of West Lake.Aas;as Bas;forCfor;for Dfor;as6They all promised to come but in the end half of them didnt turn up_urgent business.Ain terms of Bbecause ofCregardless of Din spite of7_hes not perfect in many respects,I do actually quite like the man.AAlthough BIfCAs DUnless8Id like to eat out,but_,I should be trying to save money.Ain a nutshell Bin other wordsCas a result Don the other hand9_either she or you going to attend the meeting?No,neither she nor I_.AIs;is BAre;amCAre;is DIs;am10Reading is_good habit.Stick to it and youll make_great progress.Aa;/ Ba;aCthe;a D/;a11The little boy sat_to his father and listened_with great interest.Aclose;close Bclosely;closeCclose;closely Dclosely;closely12Great efforts must be_to improve the living conditions here.Ataken BmadeCput Dthrough13What do you want to do next?We will have half an hour before the basketball game begins._.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just depends BIts up to youCAll right DGlad to hear that14She is in a poor_of health.As a result,she has to give up her job.Aposition BsituationCstate Dcondition15(2020;2020潍坊统考)Off_without so much as a “goodbye”Awent Jenny Bdid Jenny goCgoes Jenny Ddoes Jenny go.完形填空(2020;2020烟台调研)Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a_1_of about eighty miles. It was late and I was in a hurry. However,if anyone asked me how fast I was_2_,Id say I was not overspeeding. Several times I got_3_behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road,and I was holding my fists tightly with_4_.At one point along an open highway,I_5_a crossroad with a traffic light.I was alone on the road by now,but as I_6_the light,it turned red and I braked to a stop.I looked left,right and behind me.Nothing.No cars,no suggestion of headlights,but there I sat,waiting for the light to_7_,the only human being for at least a mile in any _8_.I started_9_why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being_10_,because there was obviously no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no_11_in going through it.Much later that night,after I_12_a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight,the question of why Id stopped for that light_13_me.I think I stopped because its part of a contract (合同) we all have with each other.Its not only the_14_,but its an arrangement we have,and we trust each other to_15_it:we dont go through red lights.Like most of us,Im more likely to be_16_from doing something bad by the social convention that_17_it than by any law against it.Its amazing that we ever_18_each other to do the right thing,isnt it?And we do,too.Trust is our_19_preference.I was so_20_of myself for stopping for the red light that night.1.A.flight BdistanceCroad Dlength2A.thinkingBdrivingCcomplainingDrunning3A.stopped BchangedCstuck Dlost4A.horrorBstrengthCunderstandingDimpatience5A.ran offBcame toCpassed byDleft behind6A.passedBwatchedCapproachedDfound7A.stop BchangeCturn Ddie8A.way BsideCcity Ddirection.9.A.wonderingBsuspectingCstrugglingDregretting10A.abusedBfinedCinjured Dkilled11A.danger BsignCtime Drecord12A.met withBgot overCgot rid ofDcalled back13A.turned out toBcame back toCreferred toDoccurred to14A.virtue BsuggestionClaw Dorder15A.honor BsolveCbreak Djudge16A.stoppedBprotectedCrejectedDfrightened17A.speaks ofBstands byCtakes inDdisapproves of18A.suspect BtrustCteach Dcare19A.only BfirstClucky Dliving20A.sorry BdoubtfulCsure Dproud.阅读理解(2020;2020宝鸡检测一)Full Name:Cristiano Ronaldo Santos Averir,a worldfamous football player.Age:25.Born in 1985.Nationality:Portugal.Position:Winger (边锋)Shirt number:7.Former club:Sporting Lisb
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