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陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题 (全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 第卷(选择题,70分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The speakers will go to watch the game together. B. The man will go to watch the game alone. C. Both the speakers wont watch the game.2. Where does the woman feel like going? A. To London. B. To New York. C. To Sydney.3. What is the woman worried about? A. Her sons ability. B. Her sons study. C. Her sons health.4. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Ask someone else for advice. B. Buy a gift for his girlfriend. C. Give her more information.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. An exam. B. The womans son. C. The mans teacher.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Try the box office before the show. B. Come to get his tickets in two days. C. Go to the concert on Sunday.7. How much should the man pay if he buys two tickets? A.10. B.15. C.20.听第7段材料,回答第8 、9题。8. Where are the speakers? A. At a library. B. At a bookstore. C. At a research center.9. Who borrowed the Historical Society Yearbook? A. Dennis. B. David. C. John.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Whats wrong with the mans car? A. It was hit by another car. B. It cant start. C. It has a flat tire.11. According to the woman, when can she send a person to the man? A. At about 3:00. B. At about 3:30. C. At about 4:30.12. Why will the man call another garage? A. The woman is rude to him. B. The woman cant send a truck over. C. He wants to know which garage is quicker.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Who does the man want to buy a book for? A. His wife. B. Himself. C. His daughter.14. What kind of history book does the man prefer? A. One about the Civil War. B. One about the life history of Abraham Lincoln. C. One about the early period of American history.15. How long does the man have to wait? A. About two days. B. About two weeks. C. About two months.16. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man will send his daughter an e-mail. B. The mans daughter has a history course in college. C. The woman will deliver the book to the man in person.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the woman mainly talk about? A. The importance of good manners. B. The secret of staying pretty. C. The art of saying “Thank you”.18. What does the woman say about the people of the past? A. They paid more attention to their appearance. B. They were friendlier and gentler. C. They were more aware of changes in fashion.19. What is the relationship between elegance(优雅) and good manners? A. They are closely connected. B. They are independent. C. They are the same.20. According to the woman, how could we improve our image? A. By wearing a little make-up. B. By changing hairstyles. C. By being kind and generous.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AHere are the top four activities for families in Edmonton, the capital of Alberta, Canada.West Edmonton MallHere there is truly something for everyone with 800 stores, 10 world-class attractions, two hotels and over 100 dining venues. There is lots of parking, but it can be hard to find a spot later in the day, so plan to arrive early. You can also take a bus if you want to avoid driving in this busy area of the city.Tip: Get a 10% discount when you buy your tickets online.Fort Edmonton ParkThe park is the perfect kid-friendly attraction. This trip down memory lane will introduce your family to four periods in Edmontons history. Youll want to spend at least three hours, so your family will have time to take part in as many activities as possible.Tip: If you want to avoid the trouble of carrying a lunch with you, pre-order a picnic lunch basket from the Jasper House Bakery.The High Level StreetcarThe beautifully restored streetcars and informative conductors will take your family on an unforgettable trip down memory lane. Youll also enjoy a wonderful view of the river from the worlds highest streetcar bridge.Tip: If you plan your trip on Saturday, youll also be able to pay a visit to the Old Strathcona Farmers Market.Telus World of ScienceIt is a hands-on educational experience the whole family will enjoy.
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