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3“无法实现的愿望”if only感叹句中的虚拟语气if only常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,主要用在虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件,意为“但愿”、“要是该多好啊”,意思和wish相似, 用法和wish基本相同,可表示对现在,过去和将来的虚拟,只是比wish感情色彩更强烈一些。本节课我们就一起来学习一下if only 感叹句中的虚拟语气。一. 时态规则时间感叹句的时态对现在的虚拟did/were对过去的虚拟had done对将来的虚拟would/could +动词原形注意:if only 后的虚拟语气时态规则和wish的用法相同。对现在的虚拟:If only I were taller. 我的个子要是能再高一点就好了。If only I were better looking. 要是我长得漂亮些就好了。对过去的虚拟:If only I had not married before I met you!要是遇见你之前,我没有结婚就好了。If only she had had more courage!她再勇敢一些就好了。对将来的虚拟:It has been raining for three days. If only the rain would stop.已经下了三天的雨了,要是雨能停就好了。I felt sure that I could be a grownup if only my parents would get out of my way.我肯定,只要父母不阻挠,我一定可以做个大人二. 解题方法1. 看到if only,想到需要使用虚拟语气;2. 根据句子中的时间状语或语境判断出虚拟的时间;3. 根据虚拟的时间,找出对应的时态;4. 牢记时态规则三. 经典例题1. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I_your advice.A. followB. had followedC. would followD. have followed答案:B解析:看到if only 要想到后面需要使用虚拟语气。本题中未出现时间状语,那么我们只能从语境中来推测事情发生的时间了。由前一句“Look at the terrible situation I am in!看看现在我所处的糟糕的情况”可以推断出“听取建议”这件事情应该是发生在过去。由时态规则可知,对过去的虚拟,应该使用过去完成时,所以答案为B。2.If only we_a phone! Im tired of queuing outside the public phone box.A. hadB. had hadC. would haveD.have had答案:A解析:看到if only 要想到后面需要使用虚拟语气。本题中未出现时间状语,那么我们只能从语境中来推测事情发生的时间了。由后面的句子“Im tired of queuing outside the public phone box.我厌烦了在公共电话厅外面排队打电话”可知“我们目前并没有手机”,所以if only后面是对现在情况的虚拟,应该使用一般现在时,所以答案为A。四.总结1. 时态规则时间宾语从句的时态对现在的虚拟did/were对过去的虚拟had done对将来的虚拟would/could +动词原形2. 解题方法根据语境或时间状语判断出if only感叹句句中虚拟的时间;根据虚拟的时间,选择正确的时态;牢记时态规则。3. 辨析if only与only if(1) if only常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此,主要用在虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。常被译为“但愿”、“要是该多好啊”等。If only I were as clever as you!要是我像你一样聪明该多好啊!The snow was soft and deep outside. If only he could get out to try his new sled.外头的雪下得柔软又深厚,如果他能出去试试他的新雪橇该多好啊。(2) 在only if 这个短语中,副词only是中心词, 而从属连接词if则只是用来连接从句的,因此,它表示“只有(才);只有在的时候,唯一的条件是”的意思。I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard.我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。You can make progress only if you are modest.惟虚心乃能进步。注意:only if 引导的条件状语从句如果位于句首时,主句部分需要使用部分倒装。Only if the case is urgent should you call out the doctor in the middle of the night.只有患者情况紧急时,你才可以在半夜叫医生看病。Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上学。五.巩固练习1.If only I _as young as you are.A. beigB. amC. areD. were2.If only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. liesB. layC. had lainD. should lie3.【2020安徽卷】_ the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it.A. If onlyB. AfterC. AlthoughD. In case4. If only I _ what you wanted!A. knewB. had knownC. knowD. have known5.Do you have a minute? Ive something to tell you?OK, _you make it short.A. now thatB. if onlyC. so long asD. every time6. 【2020年北京卷】I took my driving license with me on holiday, _ I wanted to hire a car.A. in caseB. even ifC. ever sinceD. if only参考答案与解析:1. 解析:本题考查if only后的虚拟语气。句意:我要是和你一样年轻就好了。由句意可知是对现在事实的虚拟,所以谓语动词应该使用过去时were。答案为D。2. 解析:本题考查if only后的虚拟语气。句意:要是他按照医生的嘱咐安静地躺着就好了,他现在就不会那么难受了。由句意可知是对过去事实的虚拟,应该使用过去完成时,答案为C。3. 答案: C4.解析:本题考查if only后的虚拟语气。句意:但愿我知道你想要什么。由宾语从句what you wanted可知是对过去事实的虚拟,所以应该使用过去完成时。答案为B。5. 解析:本题考查状语从句。句意:你有时间吗?我有点事情想告诉你。好的,只要你说的简短一点。now that意为“既然”引导原因状语从句;if only意为“但愿,要是.就好了”后面接虚拟语气;so long as意为“只要”引导条件状语从句; every time意为“每次”引导时间状语从句。由对话内容可知“你说的简短一点”是“我可以和你说话”的条件,所以应该使用so long as,答案为C。6. 答案:A解析:考查状语从句.句意: 度假时我带上了驾驶证, 万一我想要租车时使用.in case意为“以防万一”引导目的状语从句; even if意为“尽管,即使”引导让步状语从句; ever since意为“自从”引导时间状语从句; if only意为“要是就好了”后面接虚拟语气.根据语意可知应该使用 in case。六.英语诗歌赏析If You Were Coming In The FallEmily DickinsonIf you were coming in the Fall,Id brush the summer by,With half a smile, and half a spurn(拒绝,唾弃),As housewives do a fly.If I could see you in a year,Id wind the months in balls,And put them each in separate Drawers,For fear the numbers fuse(熔合)。If only centuries delayed,Id count them on my hand,Subtracting(扣减), till my fingers droppedInto Van Diemans Land.If certain,when this life was out,That yours and mine should be,Id toss it yonder like a rind (果皮),And take Eternity。But now, uncertain of the length,Of this, that is between,It goads(刺) me, like the Goblin BeeThat will not state its sting.如果你在秋天到来艾米莉狄金森如果你在秋天到来,我会把夏日拂去,半含微笑,半含轻蔑,一如管家婆把苍蝇赶跑。如果要在一年后见你,我将把月份绕成团,分置于不同的抽屉,以免将时间混淆。如果要耽搁几个世纪,我将掰着手指数计,直到我的手指落进亡者的国度里。如果注定此生已了,你我皆如此,我会把它像果皮样远远抛去,而品味永恒。但是现在,这不确定间的茫然,却如毒蜂般剌我,而不见它的毒剌。
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