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迎战2020高考高三英语经典试题回眸(一)-经典试题 直击高考提示:以下所有试题均是本人近十年教学的结晶。所有试题绝对经典,而且解题方法新颖,富有启发性。有利于培养学生的整体思考能力以及解题迎战高考的能力。所有试题均跟有精确解析。各位学生以及老师可以根据题后注释来解答试题。使用过程中最好有所筛选的利用。本试题系列适合高三复习,同样适合于其它年级中段加强及巩固练习。1.The boss said to the secretary, “If you work well, you _ have a rise.”A. mustB. ought C. would D. shall注释:主要测试情态动词的特殊用法。解题规律:只要答案中均是情态动词,一般情况都是考察四个答案的汉语意思区别,当然特殊例子例外。例如:(2020全国高考III)I often see lights高考资源网 in that empty house. Do you think I _report it to the police?A. should B. may C. will D. can此题既是考察四个答案的汉语意思区别:A,应该 ; B,可以/可能 ;C,将要 ;D,可能。直接把答案放进试题中看是否适合即可。w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m2.Do you expect_to be a possibility that Palestine and Israel will make a peace agreement after YasserArafat died.A. that B. there C. one D. It注释:本试题主要考察一下两方面:第一,名词possibility的特殊用法;第二,动词expect的用法。可以说属于兼www.ks5u.com容结构。例如:What about our going out for a walk?中about our going 既属于兼容结构。又如I dreamt of there being a chance to go abroad to receive further education。3.She is standing there, perfectly_.A. calm B. calming C. calming down D. to calm注释:主要考查形容词作主语补足语。在英语中说明状态时通常用形容词。比如:The door is open。门开着。另外,形容词可以做主语补足语。例如:The girl reached home after a long journey,tired andhungry。走了很长的路以后,小女孩疲惫的,饥饿的到家了。4.Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _. A.takes off B.is taking off C.has taken off D.took off注释:主要考察表示将来时间的时态区别,尤其是答案中的一般现在时与现在进行时均可以表示将来的区别。其关键在于是否又表示将来的时间状语。例如:The train leaves at eight oclocktomorrow。(火车明天八点钟发车。)I am changing my hotel 。(我打算换个旅馆。)5.Is it true _ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?A. when B. that when C. whenever D. That注释:结合第4题。千万注意:句子与句子之间一定要有连词连接,否则不能构成句子,只能属于短语即所谓的独立主格结构。并且连词的个数=N - 1 (N代表句子个数)。关键找主谓结构(即句子的个数)。w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m6.-Jack is _ a brave person.-So he is . And we cant admire his perseverance _.A. actually , very much B. indeed, a lot C. truly , a little D. really , too much注释:主要考察副词以及固定句型结构。第一空测试副词的汉语意思区别;第二空测试cant + 动词 + too+ 其它句型的固定搭配。例如:You helped me to finish the task;I cant thank you too much 。你帮我完成了工作;我怎样感谢你也不为过。7.They traveled by _ day without a rest in order to reach the destination by_ day of July 4.Aa; / B/; / C/; the Dthe; /注释:主要考察平时的学习积累,第一空可以归为固定搭配;第二空结合语境来考虑。8.The word “media ”basically refers to _we commonly call newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions.A. which B. what C. 不填 D. That注释:把主要考察连词的用法。英语里面的what比较特殊:既可用来引导句子又充当句子成分。例如:What you said is right。句中what既引导了主语从句同时又充当了said的宾语。本题还应注意黑体字的特殊用法9.Most children in Britain are educated at public _.A. cost B. price C. expense D. Salary注释:主要考察名词的汉语意思区别,直接和平时的记忆挂钩。10._ others might have been satisfied, Dawson had higher ambitions.AWhat BWhy CWhich DWhere注释:主要考察连词的汉语意思区别,采用直接法来解题。逐一试用即可找到答案。例如:You should make some marks where you dont understand 。11.-Whats the problem, officer?-You _ at least 75 in a 55 zone.A. are driving B. drove C. were driving D. have been driving注释:主要考察时态,注意语境以及黑体字。12.- You dont like this oil painting, do you?-_. I like it better _ I look at it.A. Yes, the moment B. No, as C.No, when D. Yes, the more注释:主要考察否定反意疑问句的回答,Yes为不,no为是。例如:-You didnt come to school last morning,did you? -Yes,I did。(不,我的确来了。)13.Dr Brown has the habit of _ the room when he is thinking about something troublesome.A. pacing B. stepping C. walking D. marching注释:主要考察两个方面:动词的汉语意思区别;动词宾语的搭配。14.Im afraid well have to work extra hours for there are still some problems _.A. remaining to settle B. remaining to be settledC. remained to be settled D. to remain to settle注释:注意以下两方面:动词remain是否存在形容词以及其形式;动词settle与some problems的关系:主谓海曙动宾关系?15._, Jack couldnt get the door open. He had to dial 911.A.As he might try B. Try as he might C.As might he tryD. Might as he try、注释:主要考察连词as引导让步状语从句时特殊的用法。16.-How did you spend the holidays? w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m-I went nowhere but stay at home. Id like to _ to the beach, but my mother was ill.A. go B. having gone C. be going D. have gone注释: 主要考察语境以及特殊结构。句子中黑体词属于题眼。例如:I had planed to go on a trip to Beijing but I couldnt afford time 。17.The newly-founded expedition was _ lots of trouble, _ the financial problem is not the worst.A. up against; of which B. faced with; whichC. facing; to which D. up with; among which注释:主要考察固定短语的记忆以及定语从句中整体和部分的结构。18.We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it _ easy.A. turned B. resulted
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