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葫芦岛市普通高中2014-2015学年教学质量检测高二英语答案听力15 CABCB 610 ABBCA 1115 CBBCC 1620 AAACB阅读理解2124 BCAD 2527 BCD 2831 ADCB 3235 DCBD 3640 GCDFA完形填空4145 CBDCA 4650 BADCB 5155 ADCAB 5660 DCDBA61 hottest 62 held 63 of 64 which 65 quickly 66 hoping 67 or 68 sufferers 69 a 70 has been received短文改错During the monthly test, every one is buried in the paper except Tom, who was looking wasaround constantly, as if to look at for something. The teacher on watch found a note with the answers under Toms desk. He asked Tom if it was his and Tom denied. With that note in hisbuthand the teacher added: “Be honest. Does this note really belong to yours or not? You know youthe school rules. You shall punished seriously if you are found cheated in any test.” Tom be cheatingasked a teacher what if he told the truth. The teacher firm promised that Tom could escape the the firmlypunishment. After hesitating for a moment, Tom reached into his left pockets and pulled out pocketother note and told the teacher, “Mine is here!”another书面表达Nowadays square dancing has been becoming more and more popular with Chinese people in many cities. Some public places are usually crowded with happy dancers, especially in the morning and evening. People have different opinions on this phenomenon.Most people say yes to square dancing, considering it a good form of taking exercise. It can not only bring health and happiness, but also save money. Besides, it also provides a chance for people to communicate with each other.But meanwhile, some others are strongly opposed to square dancing. The loud noise disturbs the people living near the square. They argue that they cant rest or sleep well. With their peace of life disturbed, they are angry with and even run into conflict with the dancers. In my opinion, square dancing is beneficial to the whole society, but the time when people dance on the square should be limited and the music noise be reduced. Whats more, our government should invest more money to build some specialplaces for people to enjoy themselves. - 14 -
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