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Unit 11、 survey n._2、 add up _3 upset adj.vt.(upset, upset) _4、 ignore vt. _5、 calm vt. & vi.adj. _6、 calm()down _7 、have got to _8 、concern vt. n. _9、 be concerned about _10、walk the dog _11、loose adj. _12、vet n. _13、go through _14、Amsterdam n. _15、Netherlands n. _16、Jewish _17、German adj. n _18、Nazi n. adj. _19、set down _20、series n. _21 a series of _22、Kitty n. _23、outdoors adv. _24、spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound) _25、on purpose _26、in order to _27、dusk n. _28、at dusk _29、thunder vi. n _30、entire adj. _31、entirely adv. _32、power n. _33、face to face _34、curtain n. _35、dusty adj. _36、No longer/notany longer_ 37、partner n. _38、settle vi. vt. _39、suffer vt. & vi. _40、suffer from _41、loneliness n. _42、highway n. _43、recover vi. & vt. _44、get/be tired of _45、pack vi. & vt. n. _46 、pack (sth) up _47、suitcase n. _48、Margot n. _49、Overcoat n. _50、teenager n. _51、get along with _52、gossip vi. & n. _53、fall in love _54、exactly adv. _55、disagree vi. _56、grateful adj. _57、dislike n. & vt. _58、join in _59、tip n. vt. _60、secondly adv. _61、swap vt. _62、item n. _Unit 263、 subway n. _64、elevator n. _65、petrol n. _66、gas n. _67、official adj. _68、voyage n. _69、conquer vt. _70、because of _71、native adj. n. _72、Amy n. _73、come up _74、apartment n. _75、actually adv. _76、AD _77、base vt. _78、at present _79、gradual adj. _80 、gradually adv. _81、Danish n. adj. _82、enrich vt. _83、vocabulary n. _84、Shakespeare_85、make use of _86、spelling n. _87、Samuel Johnson _88、Noah Webster _89、latter adj. _90、identity _91、fluent adj. _ fluently adv. _92、Singapore n. _93、Malaysia n. _94、such as _95、frequent adj. _96、frequently adv. 、_97、usage n. _98、command n.& vt. _99、request n. & vt. _100、dialect n. _101、expression n. _102、midwestern adj. _103、African adj. _104、Spanish adj. _105、play a part (in) _106、eastern adj. _107、southeastern adj. _108、morthwestern adj. _109、recognize vt. _120、lorry n. _121、Lori n. _122、Houston n. _123、Texas n. _124、accent n. _125、Buford n. _126、Lester n. _127、catfish n. _128、lightning n. _129、straight adv. adj. _130、block n. _131cab n. _Unit 3132、journal n. _133、transport n. _134、prefer vt. _135、disadvantage n. _136、fare n. _137、route n. _138、Mekong n. _139、flow vi. n. _140、ever since _141、persuade vt. _142、cycle vi. _143、graduate vi. n. _144、finally adv. _145、schedule n. vt. _146、fond adj. _147、be fond of _148、shortcoming n. _149、stubborn adj. _150、organize vt. _151、care about _152、detail n. _153、source n. _154、determine vt. _155、determined adj. _156、change ones mind _157、journey n. _158、altitude n. _159、make up ones mind _160、give in _161、atlas n. _162、glacier n. _163、Tibetan adj. n.;_164、rapids n. _ 165、valley n _166、waterfall n. _167、pace vi. n. _168、bend n. vt. (bent, bent) vi. _ 169、meander n. _170、delta n. _171、attitude n. _172、Qomolangma n. _173、boil vi. _174、forecast n. & vt. _175、parcel n. _176、insurance n. _177、wool n. _178、as usual _179、reliable adj. _180、view n. vt. _181、yak n. _182、pillow n. _183、
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