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山东省新泰市第二中学英语选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion单词新课标要求:1、 熟练运用以下单词和短语:classify, remark, condemn, compromise, overlook, fade,make ones acquaintance, generally speaking, in terms of, show.in, once more, in need of, fade out2、 其他课标词汇:adaptation,classic, professor, whistle, hesitate, uncomfortable, troublesome, outcome, mistaken, brilliant, betray, extraordinary, properly, pass.off as.,acquaintance,handful, fortune, superior, rob, musical, cookie, teapot, cream, nail, shabby, referee, horrible, sob, vest, disgusting, alphabet.【预习案】重点单词1 n适应(性);改编本 vt.改编,(使)适应2 vi.吹口哨;发出汽笛声n.口哨声;汽笛声3 vi.犹豫;踌躇 n犹豫;踌躇4 n结果;效果5 adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的6 vt.编排;分类;归类 n分类;归类7 n谈论;言论;评述 vt. & vi.谈论;评论;说起8 vt.谴责;使注定9 n相识,了解,熟人10 n机会;运气;大笔的钱11 n身份;地位;职位12 adj.优秀的;较高的,上级的 n上级;长官13 vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺 n抢劫(行为)14 adj.古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的 n文物;古董;古玩15 adj.破旧的;寒酸的16 n. & vi.妥协;折衷17 adj.可怕的;恐怖的 n恐怖18 adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的 vt.厌恶,反感19 vt.俯视;忽视;不理会20 vi. & vt.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失重点短语1pass.off as. _2make ones acquaintance _3in amazement _4generally speaking _5in terms of. _6rob sb. of sth. _7show.in _8once more _9in need of _10fade out _【探究案】一、检查反馈,导入新课。Have a dictation._二、目标定位,确定重点。1. 学会正确地读单词。2. 学习本单元词汇知识。3. 能够灵活运用本单元的词汇造句和做练习4. 三、自主探究,教师点拨;1hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇hesitant adj. 犹豫的;踌躇的;迟疑的hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫hesitate to do sth. 迟疑做某事hesitate about/at/in/over (doing) sth. (做)某事犹豫不决without hesitation 毫不犹豫地即学即练1(1)Dont _ that. Do it at once.对于那件事不要再犹豫,马上去做吧。(2)In case you need something, please dont _ me. 如果你需要什么东西,请不要犹豫,尽管对我说。(3)He _ is lost. 谚当断不断,必受其患。(4)_, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child. 他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。2classify vt. 编排;分类;归类classify sth. by/according to 根据分类classify sb./sth. as 把某人/物归入类;分等级classify sb./sth. in/into. 把某人/某物归为类即学即练2(1)Zoologists _ them _ the structure of their bodies.动物学家按它们的身体结构进行分类。(2)Eggs can _ their size. 鸡蛋可按大小分类。(3)Would you _ her novels _ serious literature or other?你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其他类?3remark v. & n评论;评述;谈到remark on/upon.对发表看法;评论remark that.说;评论说;注意到make(some) remarks on/upon.对评论;评论即学即练3(1)Its rude to _ others appearance.议论别人的相貌是不礼貌的。(2)He _ it was getting dark. 他说天色已晚。(3)The speaker restricted his _ to the proposal.主讲者将他的评论限制在计划的范围内。4betray vt. 显露出(本来面目),背叛,泄露(机密)betrayal n. 背叛,出卖,泄露betray sb. (to sb.) (向)出卖betray a secret to sb. 向某人泄露秘密betray ones trust 辜负某人的信任betray oneself 暴露本来面目,原形毕露即学即练4(1)His accent _ the fact that he was a foreigner.他的口音显露出他是外国人。(2)He _ the state secrets _ the enemy.他向敌人泄露了国家机密。5condemn vt. 谴责;使注定condemn sb. sth. for/as sth. 由于而谴责某人condemn to sth. 把(某人)逼入(某种状态)condemn to do sth. (某人)注定要condemn sb.s behaviour 谴责某人的举动be condemned to 被宣告即学即练5(1)The editor of the newspaper _ lacking integrity. 这家报纸的编辑被指责不够正直。(2)He was found guilty and _. 他被判有罪处以枪决。(3)The meat _ unfit for human consumption.这种肉已不适合人们食用。(4)As an old person, one is often _ alone.老人经常出于无奈而独自生活。6acquaintance n. C认识的人,熟人;U认识,有交情;了解have acquaintance with sb. 与认识,有交情have acquaintance with sth. 对了解make sb.s acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.与某人初次相见、结识某人on first acquaintance 初次相见时即学即练6(1)I _ at a party. 我是在一个聚会上认识他的。(2)He has some little _ the English language.他稍微会一点儿英语。7superior adj. 优秀的;优等的;较高的;上级的n. 上级,长官be superior to sb./sth. 在品质、级别、重要性上更好或更高be inferior to 低于be senior to 比年长(资深)be junior to 比年轻(资浅)提示:以上这些词表达比较含义,常与 to连用,而不与 than连用。联想:A is Bs senior/ junior by . years _即学即练7(1)Show respect for _.对我们的上级要尊敬。(2)His knowledge of French literature _ mine.他在法国文学方面比我强。(3)They _ number _ us.他们在数量上超过我们。8. rob v. 抢劫, 抢掠, 剥夺三单形式:robs 过去式:robbed 过去分词:robbed 现在分词:robbingrob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的东西 剥夺, 使失去拓展:accuse sb. of sth. _ 比较:charge sb. with sth. _
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