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高中课型课例交流与研究ComputersNSEFC Module2 U3(中学篇稿件)高中课型课例交流与研究ComputersNSEFC Module2 U3一 教学课型:综合技能课(reading,speaking and writing)二 教材分析1 教学内容(教学内容见文末)2 教学内容分析及教材处理本单元的中心话题是计算机,内容包括计算机的发展历史,计算机的应用,各种信息技术载体的介绍,以及智能机器人的发展。而本堂课由reading(机器人Andy自述),speaking(讨论设计和描述机器人) 和writing (用纸笔设计和描述智能机器人)三个部分构成,是建立在学生对课文有了一定的了解和理解的基础上,要求学生能够结合相关的话题进行语言的输出,具有一定的难度。但教师如果能前期做好知识铺垫,课堂上利用学生对智能计算机的兴趣,通过阅读,讨论,写作几个步骤肯定能使学生设计好和描述出他们心目中的最佳智能机器人。为了使课堂更加富有梯度感,层次感,笔者把课文中写作用的范文省略,而采用Doraemon(机器猫)这个艺术形象进行代替,作为从读 到说和写的过度。为了激发学生的兴趣和参与积极性,笔直还设计了导入时变形金刚片段赏鉴;增加了写后的当堂呈现-说出机器人,和让学生共同参与的当堂评价。3 教学目标(1) 通过阅读,了解机器人的相关特征,掌握从课文中获取所需信息的方法和技能,(2) 通过小组讨论和共同写作,激发学生的思维,培养学生创造性思维, 使学生掌握知识的模仿和迁移。并使学生进一步了解写作的过程,培养他们对写作的兴趣和信心。(3) 在交流中培养学生的合作,探究,同伴互助的学习策略。(4) 通过共同参与评价,让学生品尝学习成功的快乐和培养思考、总结、归纳等学习能力。4 教学重点和难点(1) 组织学生讨论设计智能机器人。(2) 组织学生写作并描述智能机器人。三 教学设计1 总体思路教师首先利用多媒体展现变形金刚片段,引出智能机器人的话题,激活学生的思维。接着通过“读”(要求学生阅读机器人Andy的第一人称叙述它参加足球比赛的经历、感受和想法并找出有关Andy的相关信息)和“说”(学生小组讨论,模仿Andy的信息表,设计自己机器人的信息表)顺利过度到“写”(要求学生以小组为单位设计、写作描述机器人),然后再“说”(口头描述和展示自己设计的智能机器人,达到有效使用语言的目的),最后,让每个学生参与自评和互评,选出最佳设计奖和最佳写作奖。这几个部分内容一步一步递进,步步相扣,过渡自然。让学生在完成教学设计任务的同时,不仅掌握语言知识的各种技能,还感受到学习知识的快乐。2 教学设计Step1. lead-in1. Greeting(1minute before class)Show students several funny pictures to make them laugh and then ask(1)Are you happy?(2)Do you want to make me happy? If so, please follow me and make your imagination fly?2. Enjoy a videoAsk students to enjoy a video with two questions(1)Whats the name of the android in the video?(2) What can the android do in the video?3. Ask students to imagine what android can do in our everyday life(If the students cannot present the information successfully, the teacher may use several pictures to help them.)(1) fire-fighter (2) singer/hostess (3) waiter(4) chess-player robot (5) dancer (设计说明)通过课前一分钟观看图片使学生处在快乐的接受信息状态。然后通过欣赏变形金刚电影片段引出话题智能机器人,使学生在兴趣的促使下,想象人类可以设计哪些类型的机器人,在现实生活中代替人类做哪些事。Step2.Fast- ReadingRead the passage as quickly as possible and find the answers to the following questions:1. Who is the speaker in the text?2. What is he? It is an android which can play football like human race .3. From the picture in the book, we can guess 4. the passage is about_A. a football match between humansB. a football match between androidsC. a football match between human and androidsD. a basketball match between androids(设计说明)通过快速阅读和简单的问题设计,训练学生抓主旨大意的能力和预测信息的能力。使学生对主人工Andy有了大概的了解。Step3. Careful- Reading1. Read the text carefully and decide whether the following sentences are true or false(1). The androids can often play games together.(2). Andy can communicate with his teammates by using the human language.(3). Andy first competes in Nagoya, Japan.(4). Andy thought his opponent cheated, because they had a new kind of program, which had just been developed before the competition.(5). Andy is an android, so intelligence is all of him.2. Reading comprehension (multiple choice)(1)Andy thinks the match in Seattle is_A. wonderful B. important C. unfair D. fair(2) Why can Andy play football like human ? A. Because he has a computer in it.B. Because he is a human.C. Because his coach told him.D. because he is a real man.3. Finish Andys ID card:Name :AndyAppearance:looks like a humanSize : as big as humanCharacter:competitive, cooperativeAbility: can move and think like a humanJob: a striker(1)I have learnt to signal to may teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.-Clever, Quick-minded, co-operative(2) On the football team Im a striker so I have to be able to run very fast.-Strong, competitive(设计说明)此部分为详细阅读,主要训练学生把握文章细节的能力。通过是非题,理解题,使学生对机器人足球运动员有了深入了解。而Andy的身份证的填写,不仅深化理解,而且为下一步讨论填写自己设计的机器人身份证做好铺垫。在填写Andy的身份证时,学生有可能会觉得它的性格特征比较难找,教师可以通过课文中的原句进行提示,训练学生归纳的能力Step4. Group discussion1 The teacher Talks about her own android using the information belowName: DoraemonSize: as big as a 10-year-old childJob: a kind of toy(玩具)Ability: can think and speakAppearance: like a catCharacter: clever, helpful, have magic power2 Android DIYAsk the students to finish ID card of their own androidName:Size:Ability:Appearance:Character:(设计说明)此环节先由教师以自己最喜欢的Doraemon这个智能机器人 的身份证为辅助,详细描述Doraemon ,为学生下一步的写作树立一个范本。然后要求学生讨论完成他们的智能机器人的身份证填写,为写作提供详细的素材。在此,笔者用Doraemon代替教材最后的写作用的范文,并且提前到此处使用,是为了使课堂更贴近学生;使写作更具有梯度性。这个环节中的教师描述,应注意让学生注意文章的描述点。Step5. Pre-writing1. A creative composition contest about the robot designing will be held in our school. Ask the students to compete for the best writer and best designer ,who will be awarded.2. Show the students the passage structureMy Dreamy AndroidPart1: Brief introduction (name, looks, etc.)Part2: What you wish it to do (function)Part3: A fancy/wonderful ending3. Reference:Words or expressions from the text: with the
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