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外研新标准book1 module 2 period 4 教案Module 2 My New Teachers Period 4 教学目标 Listening and Vocabulary + Pronunciation +Function and speaking Stressed sound Expressing preference-Id prefer to do / Id rather do (than) do. To study the following words and expressions: choice, exam, headmaster, headmistress, timetable, topic, period, revision , translation, vocation, firstly, at present 教学重点: Listening and vocabulary Stressed sound Expressing preference 教学难点: Function and speaking 教具学具准备: A tape recorder, dictionaries, textbooks and exercise-books 教学过程: Step 1 Revision Ask the students to show the class the dialogue they prepared in Everyday English on Page 18. Step 2 Prepronunciation Ask “What do you like to do before an exam, do some revision or do some translation?” Make the students choose their answers and ask them to pay attention to the following words and word formation. revise revision translate translation choose choice Step 3 Pronunciation Stressed sound Open the books of Page 16. 1. Ask the students to listen and repeat the words and find the stressed sound in the words of Activity 1. 2. Listen again and check the answers. 3. Ask the students to underline the stressed sound in Activity 2. Then listen and check. Step 4 Learning to learn Ask the students to read “Learning to learn” on Page 16 and answer this question: “What do you remember when you listen to spoken English? Why?” Step 5 Function and Speaking 1. Ask the students to tell which subject they like better, English or PE. 2. The teacher writes some of the students possible answers on the blackboard: I like PE better. I like PE better than English. I dislike English. My favorite subject is PE. I prefer PE to English. Id like to study PE. 3. Introduce new expressions of preference: Id prefer to study PE. Id rather study PE. Id rather study PE than English. 4. Ask the students to make sentences with substitute words and encourage them to use different sentence pattern. e.g. Id prefer to play basketball. Hed / Shed prefer to play baseball. Theyd rather choose music than PE. 5. Ask them to open their books on Page 17 and do Activity 1, 2 and 3. * Activity1 Read the sentences, choose the right answers and then present their answers to the class. * Activity 2 . Read the sentences to the students. .They can write the answers individually, and check with a partner. .Choose to do two or three sentences in this activity, the others can be done as homework if you have limited time. * Activity 3 .Read aloud the expressions, and make sure the students understand them all. .Ask the students to find a good friend in the class and do the questions and answers in pairs. They may choose anyone and leave their seats. Dont forget to limit their time. Then encourage them to present their work to the class. Step 6 Listening and vocabulary * Activity 1 .Read the words in the box and have the students repeat them after you, paying particular attention to stress. .Ask the students to work in pairs to find the meaning of the words in the box first and then do questions and answers. . Check the answers in class. * Activity 2 .Read the sentences and make sure they understand the words. . Ask the students to decide which words might go into the spaces. If necessary, explain the words or expressions. . Check the answers in class by listening to the conversation and ask a few students to write their answers on the blackboard. * Activity 3 . Play the tape again, and ask them to choose the right answers individually, and then check with their partners in group of four. . Then ask the groups to give their answers in class. . If necessary, play the tape once more for a final check and ask them to pick out the sentences which begin with “ Id ”. e.g. Id rather do translation than revision. Id like to do translation. So the rest of you would prefer to do revision. Id rather do Life in the Future. Id prefer to do Travel. Step 7 A short summary Ask the students to tell something about what theyve learned in this lesson. (esp. Id prefer to do./ Id rather do.) Step 8 Homework 1. Finish Activity 4, 5 and 6 on Page 16. 2. Preview “Cultural Corner”. 点评:本堂课在精心策划下,力求突出本课的重点,解决难点问题,先有词汇方面的铺垫,一方面复习上堂课中的部分单词,另一方面解决接下来将要进行的听说活动中的部分生词,使学生在接受本堂课重要任务之前做好热身。在个别课堂教学步骤中,如果能够再做一些调整,效果可能会更好。(例如:“Learning to learn”可以放在“Pronunciation”之前进行,这样,可以为学生在头脑中建立一个较明确的学习目的,使学生的目的性更强。再例如,“Listening and vocabulary”可以放在“Function and Speaking”之前进行。一方面,在强调注重听说中单词的重音后,引入听力练习,衔接到写,而且借此机会可让学生在具体的听力练习中体会单词的重读,另一方面,“Function and Speaking”中内容基于听力练习的部分内容,可为说的练习,提供一定的情景,但对于听力能力较差的学生来说,本教案中的安排比较合适。) 3用心 爱心 专心
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