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Unit7 8 Wordsandexpressions 1 k lt r l 2 in klu d 3 ris t 4 p trit 5 ju nait 6 fi l 7 ein nt 8 k ntin nt 9 lit li t 10 sin si li cultural include restore portrait unite official ancient continent athlete sincerely 1Thetwofriendswere fortheclasspresidency 竞争 2Whatisyour 体重 3IlikepaintingsfromtheQing 朝代 4Theycateredforeveryoneregardlessofsocial 等级 5Thispicture asceneatKingArthur scourt 代表 competitors weight Dynasty rank represents 6Sheputthefreshflowersina 花瓶 7Her 格言 is Neversaydie 8Hehasahigh 地位 insociety 9Afterallthatrunning hewasshortof 喘气 10Wehavefreedthelakefrom 污染 vase motto position breath pollution 1capsuleAruinBsuperstarCpullDgesture2mottoAcompeteBprofessionalCrestoreDbronze3statueAfairyBartistCflameDflag4breathAbeautyBrecreatCsweatDfeature5athleteAfurtherBworthyCsmoothDcloth B D D C D Unit71 喜爱 照顾2 在做某事的竞赛中3 穿上4 至此5 需要6 在一年中喜庆的季节7 尤指暂时 关闭 使靠近8 不管 随 去9 干杯10 追溯到 过去的某个时间 11 相反12 关注 能判断 能欣赏 carefor intheracetodosth puton sofar inwantof atthisfestiveseasonoftheyear closeup leavealone toastto datebackto onthecontrary haveaneyefor Unit81 前进 进步2 弄懂 的意思3 换句话说 换言之4 冒险5 进行试验 进行实验6 一大堆 一大批 一大团7 击倒 撞倒8 也就是说9 落后10 与 不同11 与 联系 与 交流 Dictation Unit8makeprogressmakesenseofinotherwordstakerisks municatewith 12 把与区别开来13 调整 调节 使适合 使便于使用14 在进行 经过 在 过程中15 团体 共同的 公有的16 犯错误17 与 交朋友18 积极 参加19 有耐心去做 20 筋疲力尽 12 distinguish from 13 adjustto14 intheprocess15 incommon16 makemistakes17 makefriendswith18 take anactive partin19 takepatienceto20 giveout Notes 1 Everyfouryears Every 基数词 复数名词 every 序数词 单数可数名词 每 隔 Hevisitshisparentsevery4weeks every Pleasetakethemedicine 每两个小时 fourthweek every hours two 2 everyother 单数可数名词everysecond 单数可数名词everytwo 复数名词 3 everyfew 复数名词每隔几天 我就会去看一场电影 为了远离非典 他每隔几小时就量一次体温 InordertokeepSARSawayfromhim hetakeshistemperatureeveryfewhours Everyfewdays Igotothecinema 3 far fartherfarthest furtherfurthest 距离或时间上 更远的 地 程度上 更进一步的 地 Haveyouanythingfurthertoadd eg Canyougoanyfarther 你还走得动吗 你还有进一步要补充吗 4 prepare准备 prepareforsth 为 做准备 eg sheispreparinglunch 她正在准备午饭 Ipreparedmyspeechforthemeeting prepareatest准备测试prepareforatest准备应试 我为会议准备演讲稿 5 takepart in 参加 参与 活动 joinin参加 参与 活动 joinsb 和某人一起 joinsbinsth doingsth 和某人一起做 eg MayItakepartin joininthegame Whynotjoinusinplayingbasketball 我可以参加比赛吗 你何不和我们一起打篮球去呢 Hewilljoinusforlunch 他将和我们一起吃午饭 2 介词 which 引导的定语从句TheywereheldinGreece thecountryinwhichthegameswereborn Someofthegamesinwhichtheyoungmencompetedwererunning jumpingandwrestling TheoldOlympicGamesfromwhichthemoderngamescome beganaroundtheyear776BCinGreece Ihavemanyfriends somearebusinessmen 全国卷 ofthemB fromwhichC WhoofD ofwhom D 3 Theydotheirbesttodo TheydoalltheycantodoTheydoeverythingtheycantodotheydowhattheycantodo 4 InSydneytheChineseteamgot28goldmedals rankingthirdofallthecompetingcountries Europeanfootballisplayedin80countries itthemostpopularsportsintheworld makingB makesC madeD tomake A 5 Pointto at outHepointed thedistanthill Itisrudetopoint people Hequietlypointedhiscamera therareanimal Theteacherusuallypoints mymistakestome Hepointed thattheprojectlackedoneimportantthing 5 Pointto at outHepointed thedistanthill Itisrudetopoint people Hequietlypointedhiscamera therareanimal Theteacherusuallypoints mymistakestome Hepointed thattheprojectlackedoneimportantthing to at to out out Usingthephrasestowriteacompositionaccordingtothepictures takepartin 介词 which doone sbest willbedone thesameas standfor morethan liveone sdream Writingpractice takepartin 介词 which doone sbest willbedone thesameas standfor morethan liveone sdream Writing ManyThanks Bye bye
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