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Unit 1 Friendship1. add用作及物动词或不及物动词,有“增加,增添”等意思,可构成如下短语:add up 把加起来add up to 合计达;总计达addto 把增加到上add to 增加(increase)1). _ something _ what Ive said please, John.2). Please _ these figures for me.3). What he did has _ our difficulties.4). The cost _ 1000 yuan.2. upset v. 使不安,使心烦;打乱,搅乱(计划等);make sb. unhappy; change a plan or situationadj.心烦意乱的(不置于名词前);(胃等)不舒服的;(计划等)搅乱的 unhappy; worried; disturbede.g. The bad news upset him.Anne was very upset that the family had to move.3. get/ have sth done 使得某事完成Get the work finished by noon.My bike is broken. I have got to get it repaired.4. ignore: 忽视;不理睬( pay no attention to sth)e.g. He ignores the doctors advice and goes on smoking.5. calm: adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 v.(使)平静;(使)镇静calm down: make one become calm使某人平静下来e.g. Lets go and calm your angry brother down.It is calm weather. 无风的天气。Cheat: n.骗子vt.欺骗,欺诈cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物 cheat sb into doing sth 骗某人做某事vi.作弊,舞弊 e.g. He was caught cheating in an exam.7. should have done 过去本该干某事而事实上没干shouldnt have done 过去本不应该干某事而事实上干了e.g. You _( finish) your homework yesterday, but you didnt.I was really anxious about you. You _(leave) home without a word.8. reason: 理由,原因,理性1).The reason for the flood was that heavy rain.2).The cause of the flood was that heavy rain.3).The reason why most Chinese have healthy white teeth is that they eat a healthy diet.9. share v. 均分n. 一份share sth with sb 与某人分享或分担某事物share sth between/ among在之间分或分配或分担e.g. His property was shared equally among his children.Each has his share of/in the profit. 每人分得了自己的一份利润。10. go through1)经历,经受experience; suffere.g. You really dont know what we went through while working in that factory.2)审阅,检查 examine carefullye.g. I went through the students papers last night3)用完,做完use up; get through4)穿过,通过 e.g. A terrible noise went through the house. 5)通过,成功e.g. The plan did not go through.11. German n.德国人;德语adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的Germany n.德国e.g. Karl Marx was born in _.三个德国人:three GermansHe speaks _ well.12. in order (not) to do/ so as (not) to do/ to do:“目的是,以便,为了”用作目的状语,不定式的逻辑主语和句子的主语通常要一致,但so as to不可用在句首。e.g. 1) In order to / To be heard by all the students, the teacher spoke in a loud voice.2) He got up early not to/ in order not to/ so as not to miss the first bus.13.dare :敢,胆敢,敢于面对1). 作情态动词时,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态变化,后接动词原形。2).作行为动词时,后接to do,否定、疑问句中to可以省略。He doesnt/ didnt dare (to) speak to her.He darent/ dare not/ dared not speak to her.Does/ Did he dare (to) speak to her?Dare/ Dared he speak to her?14. get on/ along with 与相处;某事进展如何1)多用于进行时态 2)其后可用well, nicely, badly等作修饰语,表示“同某人相处得(不)好,某事进展得(不)顺利”e.g. He gets on/ along well with his classmates.How are you getting on with your studies?15. fall in love with sb. “爱上某人”瞬间动词,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。 be in love with sb.属于状态性动词,动作可以延续。e.g. They fell in love with each other at first sight, and they have been in love with each other ever since.16. put away 1)把收拾起来,放好)把关起来;监禁e.g. He had to put his wife away because she became mentally ill.When the guests left, she put away the tea things in the cupboard.17. face to face 面对面地(在句中作状语)face-to-faceadj.面对面的 e.g. a face-to-face interviewThey are sitting there face to face.heart to heart 坦诚地; shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;back to back背对背地; hand in hand手拉手地;arm in arm臂挽臂地; side by side并排地,并肩地;step by step逐步地; one by one一个一个地18. It/ This is/ was the first/ second/ third/ fourthtime that.是一个常用句型,意为“某人第一二三四次干某事”。引导的定语从句,that可省略,从句中的时态须用完成时态。e.g. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.This is the third time that you have been late this week.19. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.上句中while walking the dog = while you were walking the dog. While后省略了主语you 和be动词were。while或when引导的时间状语从句,如果从句中的主语和主句中的主语是同一个人或物时,可省去从句中的主语和be动词.20. Are you very hot with so many clothes on? 上句中“with so many clothes on”是with的复合结构“with宾语副词作宾补”,在句中作伴随状语或定语。作宾补的还有不定式;现在分词;过去分词;形容词;副词;介词短语。21. a series of 一系列的;一连串的;一套(丛书、邮票等)) series是一个单复数同形的名词) a series of +可数名词的复数形式a series of meetings/ exams/ textbooks two series of stamps3)“ a series of + 可数名词的复数形式”作主语时谓语用单数。22. advice为不可数名词a piece of advice一条建议give/ offer advice to sb给某人建议ask sb for advice征求某人的建议follow/ take ones advice 听从某人的建议advice的动词形式为advise: 建议,劝告advise sb to do sth advise doing advise that sb (should) do23. join: 指参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员,其宾语往往是the army/ Party/ teamjoin in: 指参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词,也可以不加宾语。join sb in sth/ doing sth 和某人一起做某事e.g. Will you join me in a walk?May I join in the game?24. Phrases:add up calm downhave got to
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