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BBC News with Stewart MacintoshStewart Macintosh为你播报BBC新闻。The official Chinese news agency has said anyone violating Communist Party discipline will be severely punished no matter how high their position. The warning was published a few hours after an announcement that the disgraced former politburo member Bo Xilai had been expelled from the party, and would be facing serious charges. Damian Grammaticas reports from Beijing.中国官方新闻机构称任何违党纪律的人将被严惩,无论职位高级。就在几小时前,一声明宣布名誉丧尽的前政治局成员B被驱逐出党,并面临重大指控。顾求真在北京报道。For months, Chinese leadership has appeared paralyzed by the scandal surrounding the death of the British businessman Neil Heywood. Today, it has sought to reassert its authority on the main evening news.几个月来,该国领导层显然因英国商人HWD死亡一案有关的丑闻而显然瘫痪,今天,他们在晚间新闻中重申了自身的权威。Denouncement came that Bo Xilai, once a contender for a top leadership post, has been expelled from the Communist Party. Hes accused of a litany of crimes: abusing his power, protecting his wife from investigations, receiving huge bribes and having improper sexual relations with a number of women. Hes now expected to face criminal trial.声明称曾试图争取高层领导职位的B已被驱逐出党。他被指控犯下多项罪行:滥用职权、保护妻子不受调查、收取贿赂、与多名女性保持不正常性关系。他将面临刑事指控。The American State Department has removed the Iranian opposition group, the Peoples Mujahideen of Iran, or MEK, from its list of terrorist organizations. The move comes after intense lobbying by the MEK and its renunciation of violence. MEKs assets will be unfrozen, and Americans can have contact with the group, which was established in the 1960s to oppose the Shah. The MEK now says it wants to overthrow the government in Tehran through peaceful means.美国国务院将伊朗反对派伊朗人民圣战组织(MEK)从恐怖组织名单中删除。此举是该组织多方游说和放弃暴力的结果,该组织的资产已解除冻结,美国人可以这个成立于60年代意在反伊朗国王的组织进行接触。MEK称希望通过和平途径推翻德黑兰政府。The Nigerian ambassador to Saudi Arabia says hes been denied access to hundreds of Nigerian women being held under detention at Jeddah airport. Saudi officials say theyd arrived as Hajj pilgrims without the required male escort, and a spokesman said they violated Saudi regulations. More than 1,000 have already been deported. One of the Nigerian women, who was detained, said theyd received discriminatory treatment.尼日利亚驻沙特大使称,自己要求接触被拘留在吉达机场的数百名尼日利亚妇女却被拒绝。沙特官员称她们是来麦加朝圣的,但没有按照要求由男性护送,发言人称这些妇女违反了沙特规定。已有1000多人被驱逐,一名被拘留的尼日利亚妇女说自己受到歧视待遇。The way they are treating us is unfair. Firstly, they said that all the men should go to Medina. They went forth accordingly and they went off successfully and they left us there. Then they blocked us for four days.“他们这样对待我们是不公平的。首先,他们说所有男人都应该去麦地那市。男人们就去了,成功地过去了,却把我们留在这里,让我们滞留了4天。”Kenyan and Somali government forces are confronting Islamist fighters of al-Shabab after landing on the outskirts of the Somali port of Kismayo. The city is the last main urban stronghold of the Shabab rebels. Gabriel Gatehouse reports.肯尼亚和索马里政府军到达索马里基斯马尤港口边缘时,就遭遇到伊斯兰阿尔沙巴布武装分子。该市是沙巴布叛军最后一个重要的城市根据地。Gabriel Gatehouse报道。Kenyan troops launched airborne and amphibious landings before dawn, supported by Somali government forces. But despite an early declaration of victory from the Kenyan military, by late afternoon, the fighting was still some miles distant from the city center. Residents said they could hear and see military aircraft overhead, but that inside Kismayo itself, al-Shabab was still in charge. It is probably a matter of when, not if Kismayo falls, and when it does, it will be a severe blow to the Islamists.在索马里政府军的支持下,肯尼亚军队天亮之前就通过空运和海上方式着陆。尽管肯尼亚军方早早宣布胜利,但下午的时候,战斗仍只是在市中心数英里外。居民称能听到和看到头顶有武装飞机飞过,但阿尔沙巴布仍控制着基斯马尤城内。现在的问题不是基斯马尤是否能被攻下,而是时间的问题,这将对该伊斯兰组织是个重大打击。Fighting over Syrias second city Aleppo has intensified with reports of some of the fiercest battles in several weeks. Rebel forces launched a new offensive against the Syrian army on Thursday, saying the decisive battle for Aleppo had begun; but reports from the city suggest they have struggled to make any significant advances. Activists and residents of Aleppo say fighting has spread to several previously peaceful districts.叙利亚第二大城市的战斗已然加剧,据悉这是数周来最激烈的战斗。周四,叛军对叙利亚军发起新的攻势,称阿勒颇最决定性的战斗已经开始,但来自城市的报道称他们艰难地取得了重大进展。阿勒颇的活动人士和居民称战斗已蔓延到此前平静的几个地区。An independent audit of Spains banks has calculated that they need an extra injection of more than 50bn euros of reserve capital to be able to survive any sudden, new economic downturn. The findings will help the Spanish government decide how much money it needs from the eurozone rescue fund.西班牙银行界的独立审计估算称,要使西班牙安然度过任何新的经济低谷,需要另外500多亿欧元的储备资金。这个结果将帮助西班牙政府决定需要欧元区救助基金那里得到多少资金。A man armed with a replica pistol has fired several plastic pellets at the Czech President Vaclav Klaus. Mr Klaus suffered minor bruising in the incident, which took place while he was opening a bridge in the north of the country. Rob Cameron reports.一名男子用复制手枪向捷克总统克劳斯发射几枚塑料小球。克劳斯在事故中受了点皮外伤,当时他正在为该国北部一座大桥举行揭幕式。Rob Cameron报道。Serious questions have been asked about the presidents security after a young man in camouflage gear pushed
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