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Unit 15 Learning重点词及其同根词1. correct vt. 更正,改正 adj. 正确的 correction n.2. instruct vt. 指导,吩咐 instruction n. 指导,说明(书)3. punishment n. 惩罚,处罚 vt. punish4. misunderstand vt 误解 understand vt.5 select vt. 挑选 selection n.6. reflect vt.反射,反映 reflection n.7. loose adj. (言行)不严谨的,放荡的,松散的 loosen vt 放松,使松弛8.simplify vt. 简化 simple adj. 简单的 simply adv. simplify simplification n .单一化9. acquire vt. 获得,得到10. religion n.宗教 religious adj. 宗教的11. defence n. 保卫,保护 defend vt.12. ignore vt. 忽视,不顾 ignorance n. ignorant adj.无知的13. worthy adj. 值得的,有价值的;配得上的,相称的;可尊敬的;应的n. 杰出人物;14 urge vt 力劝,强烈要求 n.15. inspire vt. 启发,鼓舞 inspired adj. 受鼓舞的 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的16.present v.呈现 presentation n.呈现17. explain v.解释 explanation n.解释18. spit vi (spitted, spitted) 吐口水, 吐痰19. add v. 增加 addition n.添加 additional adj.附加的,额外的20. access n.(使用或见到的)机会,权利;通道重点词组1.frankly speaking 老实说,说实话 2. lay off 裁员,解雇3. go blank (脑子)一片空白 4. swell with anger 充满愤怒5. set up建起,创立 6. aside from 除之外 (还有)7. do sth. in person亲自做某事 . 8. fall behind 落后,掉队9. loose conduct 行为不检点,品行不端10 a learner-centered approach 以学习者为中心的方法11.care for 在乎,关心 12. to a certain extent 在某种程度上13. add up to 总计达. 14 give a presentation to sb. 向某人发表演说15 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 16. set off 引起,使爆炸17 lack confidence in缺乏自信 18.have access to ones mind19 be eager to do sth.渴望做某 20. to start with 起初,开始时;首先21. be accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯于(做)某事22. go against 违背,违抗 23. tend to do 趋向于做某事24 . put forward 提出 25 . approve of 同意,赞同26. be beneficial to 有益于 27. adapt to适应27. as a whole 总的来说 28. urge sb. to do sth 催促某人做某事重点句型Sentence pattern:it is + adj. + that在该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句。用于该句型的常见形容词有:necessary, strange, clear, possible, natural, important, likely, obvious 等。语法 虚拟语气一) 虚拟语气在条件句中的运用If clauseMain clause与现在事实相反的假设if+主语+did(动词be用were)主语+ should,would,might, coulddo与将来相反的假设1、If+主语+did2、If+主语+were to do3、If+主语+should do主语 should, would, might, coulddo与过去相反的假设If+主语+had done主语 should, would, might, couldhave done 二)常见句式中的虚拟:完成句子,观察归纳1. John wants to see me today, but I would rather he _ (come) tomorrow.Now I regret going to the cinema with him. I would rather that I _(stay)at home.Would rather 引导的从句中表示愿望或尚未发生的动作,用动词的过去式;表示已经发生的动作用had done.2. I wish I _(be) as strong as you.John wished he _(be rude) to his parents.3. You treat the elderly as if/though they _(be)your parents.动词wish后的宾从或as if/though引导的状从中,表示与现在情况相反的情况,从句动词用过去式,与过去事实相反的情况,从句动词用had done; 表示对于未来的主观愿望,从句中动词用would/might do。4. It is high time that we _(take) measures to protect these endangered animals.It is time that you_(make up) your mind.It is (high/about) time后定从中,谓语要用虚拟语气.5. Jackson suggested that we_ (get) everything ready by tonight.Experiments demand that accurate measurements _(make).在于suggest,demand,order,request,require,insist, command,desire,urge,recommend等动词后的宾语从句,其谓语用(should) do, should可省6. The doctors suggestion is that I _ (stay) in bed for another three days.在于suggestion,idea,order, plan, request,proposal等连用的表语从句或同位语从句中,其谓语用(should)do, should 可省。7. It is necessary that a college student _(master) a foreign language在It is/was+形容词或过去分词+that从句结构的主语从句中,表示命令,建议,愿望等,谓语动词用(should)do, should 可省。8. 虚拟语气用于以if only开头的简单句中,表示“但愿,要是多好”,表示现在,用动词过去式;表示过去,用had done;表示将来,用would/might/should do。9. 通过某些介词短语,副词but for, without, or, otherwise等来表达“含蓄的虚拟”。
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