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2020;2020届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案牛津译林版Module 2 Unit3 Amazing people一、根据词义或首字母填写单词。1. You shouldnt be c_ about the things that you shouldnt know.2.This morning they _ _ (起航) for London.3.Im sorry to d_ you. It doesnt matter.4.The plane was put off as a r_ of the bad weather.5.All the people _ (在场的) at the meeting knew this thing.6.He caught a bad cold and had a high f_.7.This is a _ (科学的) research.8.C_ with the sun, the moon is very cold.9.Lets learn the new words and e_.10.These photos call up my sense of c_.11.The film was b_ on my hometown.12.He s _ in the air crash.13.There is a w_ that a storm will come.14.O_ published, the book will be a best-seller.15.A friend in need is a friend i_.16.The theory he sticked to p_ true at last.17.Mr Smith is a s_ man. He is satisfied with his own achievement.18.His ability does not l_ up to his fame.19.Can you p_ out your brother in the crowd?20.We m _ to cross the river at last.二用所给词组的适当形式填空Set sail as well as manage to be proud of result in hold ones breathhave something to do with look up to live ones dream be (not)certainpay off base.on 1.I _ whether he is honest.2. His patience and hard work finally _ with a gold medal.3.If _, you will feel well soon.4. One should always _ ones opinions _ facts.5.This kind of poison can _illness or even death.6.Last month he visited Beijing _ Shanghai.7.We _ all_ our country.8.The man insisted that he _ the murder. He was not on the spot.9.The professor was _ by his students because of his rich knowledge.10.When she was young, she wanted to be a famous actress. After many years hard-working, she became a success. She _ at last.三、重点句型1.Upon entering the tomb, carters lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake. Upon 表示“一 就” 类似的有As soon as / once , the moment/ minute / second, immediately/ directly/ instantly/ , no sooner.than / hardly when他一看见我就告诉了我这个消息_.2. would rather He would rather stay at home watchint TVRather than take a bus , he would ride a bike.= He would _ a bike _ _ _ a bus.我宁愿自己不知道这件事 I would rather I _ _ this thing.四、语法倒装句英语的基本句型是主语 + 谓语。如果将主语与谓语调换, 称倒装句。倒装句分全倒装句和半倒装句。全倒装: 主语与谓语交换位置不需任何助动词, 叫全倒装。全倒装有以下三种 情况:1、当here, there, out, in, up, down等副词放在句首时, 句子需全倒装:There goes the bell! 铃响了!There lived an old man. Here comes the bus.注意:在这种情况下倒装仅限于不及物动词或be动词, 像go, come, must等。主语如果是代词时不需倒装如Away he went. 他走远了。2、方位状语在句首, 如: In front of the house stopped a police car.Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.Under the tree sat a boy.3 、直接引语在句首, 这种情况可倒装也可不倒装What does it mean? asked the boy或the boy asked.二、半倒装: 主语与谓语的助动词交换位置称半倒装, 有以下数种情况:否定意义的词在句首, 句子半倒装, 例如: little, never, not, no, hardly, rarely,seldomNever shall I forget you.At no time was the man aware of what was happening.Little did I understand what he said to me at that time.几对并列连词如not onlybut also, hardly when等连接两个并列句, 连词在句首, 前句半倒装, 后句不倒装:Not only was everything he had taker away from him, but also his Germancitizenship was taken away.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.注意:not onlybut also连接两个并列主语时不需倒装, 如:Not only you but also I like playing chess.neithernor在句首时, 前后两句都需倒装,Neither do I have a sister nor does my husband.3、only在句首强调状语, 主句半倒装:Only then did I realize that I was wrong.Only in this way can I learn from my fault.Only when the war was over in 1918, was he able to get back to work.注意: only强调主语不倒装: Only the teachers can use the room.4、sothat句型, so在句首时, 主句倒装, that从句不倒装:So easy is it that a clild can learn it. I saw the film, so did he.So hard did he work that he finally won the fame.过去完成时1表示在过去某一时刻或动作之前已经完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”。请记住:by the end of +过去时间 be the time +从句(用一般过去时)引导的句子或主句用过去完成时) The film had already begun when I got there.They had left before I returned.We had finished the work by last month( by the time he came.)2 表示由过去某一时间开始,一直延续到过去另一个时间的动作或状态。I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.3 用于hardly when ;no sooner than (一.就)等句子中。Hardly had we arrived when she started complaining.4 hope ,think expect ,intend ,mean ,suppose ,want ,imagine等,用于过去完成时,表示过去未实现的希望或意图。I had hoped to be able to take my seat in all this noise without being found.我本希望能乘着这些噪音不被发现地坐到位置上。(但实际上未实现)5 It is the first time +从句(从句用现在完成时);It was the first time +从句(用过去完成时)。It is the f
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