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一、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Many Chinese students studying abroad like to stay with host families to learn their language and culture. Nowadays,many Shanghai whitecollar workers have received native English speaking _1_(nation)students as their host families,too,in order to learn English from them.It is usually free for foreign students to stay in a host family in Shanghai,but he/she must take_2_the responsibility of teaching English to at least one certain members of the family. Miss Li has always worried about her_3_ (limit)English. “I never knew what to say to an Englishspeaking person,” said she.She has taken a number of English courses,but_4_has proved to be useful. Last year,she saw_5_advertisement recruiting(征募) host families for foreign students,and that was how Carey (from Chicago,US)came to her home.Carey is actually not a student,but a manager. She stays in Lis apartment for free,_6_has to teach Li oral English for 1 hour every day.“She could hardly speak Chinese at the beginning,and we had to guess_7_each other meant through gestures,” said Li.Two months later,they could talk to each other_8_gesticulating.Now,Li can communicate with any Englishspeaking person freely. About one hundred Shanghai families have received foreign boarding students,and the figure_9_(rise)However,foreign boarding students can only help improve oral English,but_10_examination skills.二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant,waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I_1_that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction,_2_he knew me. The man had a newspaper_3_in front of him,which he was_4_to read,but I could see that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my _5_the man was clearly puzzled (困惑)by the_6_way in which the waiter and I chatted with each other.He seemed even more puzzled as time went on and it became _7_that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the _8_.When he came out,he paid his bill and left without another glance in my direction.I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had_9_.“Well,” he said,“that man was a detective (侦探)He_10_you here because he thought you were the man he was looking for.” “What?” I said,showing my_11_.The owner continued,“He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man.I_12_say he looked very much like you ! Of course,since we know you,we told him that he had made a_13_.” “Well,its really_14_I came to a restaurant where Im known,” I said.“ _15_,I might have been in trouble.”1A.knewBunderstoodCnoticed Drecognized2A.since Beven ifCthough Das if3A.flat BopenCcut Dfixed4A.hoping BthinkingCpretending Dcontinuing5A.menu BbillCpaper Dfood6A.direct BfamiliarCstrange Dfunny7A.true BhopefulCclear Dpossible8A.restaurant BwashroomCoffice Dkitchen9A.wanted BtriedCordered Dwished10A.met BcaughtCfollowed Ddiscovered11A.care BsurpriseCworry Dregret12A.must BcanCneed Dmay13A.discovery BmistakeCdecision Dfortune14A.a pity BnaturalCa chance Dlucky15A.Thus BHoweverCOtherwise DTherefore三、阅读理解专题训练(九)说明文的阅读(4)阅读下列材料,然后按要求完成读写任务(2020;2020年广州高三英语调研测试) Maurice Sendaks childrens book, Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963,has become very successful throughout the years and was made into a movie earlier this year.The books main character is a boy named Max who gets into trouble with his mother and is sent to bed without any supper.Before long,Maxs room magically becomes a forest,and he sails away to a land where monsters live.Max isnt scared,though,and becomes king of the wild things,but after a while,he begins feeling homesick.Max sails back home and his supper is still hot when he arrives in his bedroom.Many teachers and professors like this story and use it to help children develop creativity and imagination.Melina Davis,an education professor,said she likes how the book contains a couple of pages that have only pictures on them.“This allows children to shape the story themselves,” she said.The book contains a few of larger words that some parents worry may confuse children,but experts say those words help improve childrens reading skills and challenge them.Davis said the book is well written which helps kids get invo
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