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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Section Learning about Language.单词拼写1There was a _ (有系统的) approach to solving the problem.2The meeting is of such great _ (意义) that I have to attend it.3We must stop him seeing her _ (以某种方式)4Its very rude to s_ at someone.5He wanted to d_ my name from the list.6The photos belong in an a_7She sends her little daughter to the k_ every day.8I want a _(滑板)9When I was a child, I didnt like _ (洋葱), but I dont mind it now.10The hotel r_ wants to know when we will be checking out tomorrow morning.答案:1.systematic2.significance3.somehow4.spit5.delete6.album7.kindergarten8.skateboard9.onion10.receptionist.根据汉语提示,完成句子1这个项目的失败在很大程度上是由于他的粗心。The failure of the project was largely _ _ his carelessness.2不知怎么地,我感觉事故的目击者在说谎。_, I felt the witness to the accident was telling a lie.3贝拉受够了无趣的工作,决定再找一份新的。Bella was _ _ _ the boring job and decided to find a new one.4格雷丝代表公司在会议上介绍了新产品。_ _ _ her company, Grace introduced a new product at the meeting.5互联网的使用在社会发展中具有重大意义。The use of the Internet is _ _ _ in the development of society.答案:1.due to2.Somehow3.fed up with4.On behalf of5.of great significance.单项填空1. Can you understand the _ of the work that we will do?A. choice B. significanceC. celebration D. welcome答案:B考查名词在具体语境中的使用。choice“选择”;significance“重要性,意义”;celebration“庆祝”;welcome“欢迎”。句意为“你能理解我们将要做的工作的重要性吗?the significance of.“的重要性”,故选B项。2Tomorrow is the deadline, so if you want to finish the work on time you must get some help _.A. somehow B. howeverC. meanwhile D. finally答案:A考查副词在具体语境中的使用。somehow“以某种方式,设法,不知怎么地”;however“然而”;meanwhile“与此同时”;finally“最后”。句意为“明天是最后期限,因此如果你想按时完成工作的话,就必须设法得到帮助”。故选A项。3. The little boys face is black and blue,because he _with other boys all the afternoon.A. has fighted B. is fightingC. has been fighting D. was fighting答案:C考查现在完成进行时的用法。句意为“这个小男孩的脸青一块紫一块,因为他和其他的男孩打了一下午的架”。从句意看,打架是脸青一块紫一块的证据,应使用现在完成进行时,故选C项。4. It _ without stop for almost a week here.A. rained B. has rainedC. rains D. has been raining答案:D考查现在完成进行时的用法。句意为“这里雨几乎不停地下了一周了”。强调雨下得继续,应使用现在完成进行时,故选D项。5. Im really _ his endless talking.A. fed back B. fed onC. fed to D. fed up with答案:D考查fed短语的辨析。fed back“反应,反馈”;fed on.“(动物)以为食”;fed.to.“喂给”;fed up with“受够了,饱受,厌烦”。be fed up with.“对厌烦,对不感兴趣”。句意为“我真厌烦他那无休止的谈论”。故选D项。6I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your maths.Thats OK. I can manage it by myself.A. had been working; had hadB. have been working; hadC. have been working; haveD. am working; will have答案:C第一句句意:我近期一直很忙,没有时间帮你学数学。现在完成进行时表示一段时间内一直进行的动作;第二个空格表示现在没时间,因此用一般现在时。7I havent heard from Henry for a long time. What do you suppose _ to him?Awas happening Bto happenChas happened Dhad happened答案:C用现在完成时表示到现在为止已经完成的动作,根据题目提供的语境havent heard from可知C项正确。8The scientist _ the experiment for half a year, but he _ yet.Amade; didnt succeedBmade; hasnt succeededCwas making; didnt succeedDhas been making; hasnt succeeded答案:D句意:那位科学家已经做这个实验半年了,但他没有成功。第一个空用现在完成进行时表示动作从过去开始,一直持续到现在,将来还可能继续下去;第二个空表示到现在为止的动作及对现在造成的影响或结果,因此用现在完成时。9I _ in London for many years, but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China.Alived Bwas livingChave lived Dhad lived答案:A句意:我在伦敦住了许多年,但我从没后悔最终做出回中国的决定。由此可知作者现在在中国,以前在伦敦住,强调了过去与现在的对比,因此A项符合要求。10Liu Fang, I didnt know you could play the Pipa and Guzheng so well.Well, actually I _ them since I was six years old.Aplays Bhave been playingCplayed Dhad been playing答案:B在含有since引导的时间状语的句子中,主句谓语用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a young girl, I know how easy it is to lose your selfesteem(自尊). I used to, and I admit that I sometimes still_1_my opinion of myself on other peoples opinions on me. But in order to_2_anywhere in life, we must learn to have selfappreciation.When I was in middle school, I was a pretty_3_student, so when tryouts(选拔赛)came around for a tutoring programs, I_4_tried out, thinking I was suitable enough for a_5_. We went through a round of_6_, in which I had thought I did pretty well. But when the final_7_came out and my name wasnt on it, I was discouraged. Why didnt_8_it? Was there anything wrong with me? I thought over these questions for weeks_9_my mother sat down and told me plain and simple: There is_10_you can do now. Your sadness will not change anything._11_, my mother told me to look back at the
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