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宠儿The Favourite中英剧本1 我刚才的演讲怎么样 How was my speech?2 完美无缺 You were brilliant.3 我说话大舌头了吗 才没有 Did I lisp? You dont lisp.4 我知道 但我总是担心 I know. That was what was so troubling about it.5 怕我突然大舌头 你没有 The thought that I suddenly did. No.6 Sarah 你得跟小家伙们打个招呼 Sarah, you must say hello to the little ones.7 不要 这太诡异了 No. It is macabre.8 来嘛 Please.9 不要 No.10 我爱你 但我不要这么做 I love you, but that I will not do.11 如果你真的爱我就 爱是有限度的 If you love me. Love has limits.12 不该如此 It should not.13 你没大舌头 但你疯了 You do not lisp, but you are mad.14 你要给我一座宫殿吗 Giving me a palace?15 我一直想给你点礼物 Ive been wanting to give you something for quite some time now.16 这次马尔博罗公爵凯旋而归 是个完美时机 Seemed like the perfect opportunity with Marlborough winning.17 第一代马尔博罗公爵 即Sarah的丈夫John Churchill18 安妮女王和Sarah之间用的昵称 安妮是Morley夫人 Sarah是Freeman夫人19 Morley夫人 这是巨大的浪费 现在是战时 It is a monstrous extravagance, Mrs. Morley. We are at war.20 我们获胜了 We won.21 战争还没结束 我们必须继续 It is not over. We must continue.22 是吗 Oh.23 噢 我不知道是这样 Oh, I did not know that.24 吃口面包 Take a hunk of bread.25 然后Sally会带你收拾一下 And then Sally will take you to clean up26 然后去见夫人 and then to Her Ladyship.27 泥巴臭死了 This mud stinks.28 他们在附近的路上拉屎 They shit in the streets round here.29 称之为政治评论 Political commentary, They call it.30 从这进去 Go through here.31 把自己弄干净 Clean yourself up.32 非常感谢 Thank you so much.33 马尔博罗公爵夫人 Lady Marlborough.34 我倒不知新修的下水道通到这里 I didnt know the new sewer ended in here.35 是我 Abigail It is I, Abigail.36 亲爱的表姐 Dear cousin.37 这有我们姨母写的信 I have a letter from our aunt.38 还有 and.39 请您原谅 我不是故意打扮成这样出现 Im sorry, I did not mean to present as a.40 我从马车上摔下来了 I fell out of a carriage.41 车上还有个男的在撸 And a man was pulling his.42 别说那个人了 Never mind the man.43 姨母的信 The letter from our aunt.44 你带来的朋友吗 Friends of yours?45 请原谅 Im sorry.46 报上名字 姑娘 如果我们是亲戚的话请自报家门 Your name, girl. If we are blood, name it.47 我没说吗 我是Abigail Hill 萨默塞特郡的Hill一家吗 I did not? Abigail Hill. The Somerset Hills?48 那个发狂烧房子 把自己也烧死在里面的人吗 The one who went mad and burnt his own house down, himself in it?49 打惠斯特牌把钱输光了 Lost all his money at whist.50 惠斯特牌 十七世纪英国的一种纸牌游戏 桥牌的前身 打法很复杂51 怎么有人敢拿惠斯特牌下赌注 No one bets on whist.52 我叔叔就这样与众不同 My uncle was one of a kind.53 我为我这幅样子道歉 I apologize for my appearance.54 女仆让我进来的 我猜是个无伤大雅的玩笑 The staff led me here. A harmless prank of some sort, I suspect.55 所以你来做什么 And you want.56 我希望您能雇我在这 I hoped I might be employed here by you.57 做点什么工作 as something.58 扮怪兽逗孩子们玩吗 A monster for the children to play with, perhaps?59 可以 只要您想 Yes, if you like.60 一座宫殿 A palace.61 你似乎对我所得的馈赠有意见 You seem angry at my good fortune62 我还以为我们是朋友 and I thought we were friends.63 我才不相信你会这么想 I really doubt youve made that mistake.64 开个玩笑罢了 我以为你懂 I was actually just teasing. I thought youd see that.65 它建不起来的 It will not stand.66 当然能建起来 Well, it will if I build67 只要我用国家最好的工匠 it using the finest craftsmen in the land.68 我希望它能屹立百年 I hope it will stand for 100 years69 象征着我丈夫的英勇胜利 as a symbol of my husbands gallant victory.70 听着 我为你丈夫的英勇胜利鼓掌 Listen, I applaud your husbands gallant victory71 但考虑到目前国库空虚 but considering the parlous state of the treasury72 女王应该听听 it seems something the queen shouldve taken advice73 Harley所代表的是托利党(保守党前身) Sarah夫妇和首相属于辉格党(自由党前身) 两党派为敌对关系74 她忠诚的反对党的意见 from her loyal opposition on.75 但这样就不是惊喜了 Oh, but then it wouldve lost its delightful surprise element.76 贱人 Cunt!77 Horatio又获胜了 Horatio has done it again.78 首相大人 我们该讨论一下派谁到法国 Prime Minister, we need to discuss who will go to the French79 进行和平协议磋商 with the peace treaty proposal.80 我们不需要和平协议 We do not need a peace treaty proposal.81 我们打得他们落荒而逃 We have them on the run.82 因此他们会对我方让步 So they will give in to us.83 一场战役的胜利不代表赢得战争 One battle will not win the war.84 我举全党之力 I have held my party together85 我们这些乡村地主 as we the country landowners86 负担起战争的大部分开销 have essentially paid for this entire war.87 我们自然感激不尽 And grateful we are, too.88 但城里的商贾因此发了大财 .while city merchants enrich themselves from it.89 你那肥头大耳 衣着花哨的父亲 And yet I do not see your fat tweedy dead90 我在战场上举目四望也没瞧见他 when I look out upon the battlefield.91 我只是要指出 我们没钱了 Were out of money. My point.92 法国人只是被压制 还没有被打败 Harley The French are chastened, but not defeated, Harley.93 我们必须彻底击溃他们 We must destroy them.94 让他们向我方求和 Make them sue for peace95 带着残破的心卑躬屈膝 with broken hearts and begging backs.96 马尔博罗公爵 你夫人真善良 善良且明智 How sweet your wife is, Marlborough. Sweet and right.97 我不同意 我们应该询问女王的意见 I cannot agree. We must take it to the queen.98 不知马尔博罗公爵夫人能好心安排个时间吗 If youd be kind enough to arrange a time, Lady Marlborough.99 当然可以 Of course.100 我准备好见俄国大使了 Im ready for the Russian ambassador.101 是谁帮你化的妆 Who did your makeup?102 我们想化得夸张点 你喜欢吗 We went for something dramatic. Do you like it?103 你看起来像只獾 You look like a badger.
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