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高中英语听力突破II Unit 10(一)asf听力文件无病毒,请放心打开听力风向标时间与数字在听力测试中会大量、多次出现,这类试题通常涉及到:1. 数字:基数词、序数词、分数、百分数;2. 时间:年代、日期、星期、小时、时刻;3. 编号:街道、楼层、车牌、房间及电话号码;4. 其他:路程、距离、价格、金额、比例。这类试题的特点是:对话双方在对话中谈及时间或数字之处往往不止一个,其中前者话语中的时间是得到正确答案的基础,后者话语中的时间是被加上或减去的部分,只有将它们正确地联系起来考虑,才能得出答案。平时训练时应养成对关键信息做笔记的习惯,对时间、日期和数字尽量用阿拉伯数字记录下来,同时做些简单的心算。注意分辨-teen与-ty,-ties与-tieth等;注意信息词before,ago,after,notuntil,ahead of,early,later,fast,slow,more,less,more than,over,left等;注意具有倍数意义的词times,twice,double,half,one third,quarter,couple,pair,as many/ much as等;当然,这类试题一般难度不大,多数情况下,只要捕捉到相关日期或数字,确定数字之间的关系,略加计算即可得出正确答案。必备工具箱常用词汇:time 时间;year 年;month 月;day 日;long 长;short 短;when 何时;today 今天;tomorrow 明日;yesterday 昨天;date 日期;oclock 点钟;morning 早晨;noon中午;afternoon 下午;evening 晚上;a.m. 上午;p.m. 下午,晚上;sharp 整,正好;later 晚,后来;earlier 早;than 比;hour 小时;minute 分钟;second 秒;first 第一;third 第三;fourth 第四;fifth 第五;January 一月;February 二月;March 三月;ten 十;hundred 百;thousand 千;million 百万;billion 十亿;pound 磅;kilogram 公斤;kilo 公斤;gallon 加仑;inch 英寸;yard 码;mile 英里;foot/ feet 英尺;centimeter 厘米;meter 米;kilometer 公里;dial 拨号;call 打电话;zone 地区;sell 销售;price 价格;cost 费用;dollar 美元;pound 英镑;cent 美分;penny/ pence 便士;score 得分;attempt 尝试;beat 击败,战胜;left 剩余的;before 在之前;ago 以前;after 在之后;fast 快;slow 慢;more 更多;less 更少;more than 多于;over 超过;times 倍,次;twice 两倍;double 两倍;half 一半;quarter 四分之一;couple 一对;pair 双,对;get through 接通;once more 再一次;telephone number 电话号码;call up/ ring up 打电话;write down记录下来;on sale 在销售,削价销售;charge for 收费;how much/ many 多少;pay for 付款;come to 数字,价格是;a set of 一套;in a tie 平局;catch up 赶上;draw the game 平局;by ones watch 某人的表;half past ten 十点半;ten to five 五点差十分;a quarter past five 五点过一刻;not until直到才;ahead of 在之前;one third 三分之一;as many/ much as 多达,和一样多;arrive in 到达;leave for 离开去;in all 总共;local time 当地时间;in three hours 三小时后常用句型:Can you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在的时间吗?Could you tell me the time? 能告诉我几点了吗?What time do you have? 你的表几点了?What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了?Whats the hour? 现在几点了?Whats the date? 今天几号?What day is it? 今天星期几?What was the date yesterday? 昨天是几号?Its later than 5:20 p.m. 过了下午五点二十分了。Its something like 3:25. 好像是三点二十五分。My watch says three minutes past nine. 我的表是九点过三分。Therere still five minutes left. 还剩下五分钟。It costs me about four solid hours to finish the job.这项工作花了我整整四个小时才做完。It starts at 9:00 a.m. 上午九点整开始。Its May the first. 今天是五月一号。Its Monday today. 今天是星期一。Today is the 3rd, March. 今天是三月三日。Its time for a rest. 该休息一下了。Its time to start the game. 该比赛了。Can you get me through to 4453643? 请给我接通4453643好吗?Give me 3845678, please? 请给我接3845678。Im trying to call 010-88456782. 我想打010-88456782。Remember, my telephone number is 84898840.记住,我的电话号码是84898840。Would you mind trying 49876543 for me again?请你再拨一次49876543好吗?Please did 66457890. 请拨66457890。Is that 4456780? 你是4456780吗?Wait a minute please, and I just write down your telephone number. Yes, 8-6-5-7-9-9-0-1.请等一下,我把你的电话号码记下来。好的,8-6-5-7-9-9-0-1.The number is outside of this zone. Its two dollars for three minutes.这个电话不在服务区内,电话费是每3分钟2美元。Are these shirts on sale? 这些衬衫降价吗?How do you sell the apples? 这些苹果怎么卖?How much do you charge for the flowers? 这些花要多少钱?How much will that be together? 这些总共多少钱?How much shall I pay for it? 我应该付多少钱?What do the pears start at? 这些梨起价是多少?Whats the price of the rice? 这些稻米卖什么价?It comes to $ 45, sir. 先生,一共是45美元。It costs 25 yuan. 这个要25元。Its 50 cents each. 每个50美分。It sells 5 pounds a packet. 一袋5英磅。They are 10 yuan per jin. 每斤10元。They are $ 60 for a set of six. 六件套是60美元。The game ended with a score of 3-1. 比赛的比分是3比1。The game ended in a tie. 比赛打成平局。Theyve won by a score of 4-1. 他们以4比1赢得了比赛。Hes got 26 scores. 他得了26分。Both teams are tied at two-all. 两个队打成了二平。His first attempt was 2.00 m. 他的第一跳是2米。No. 102 in line 3 is catching up. 第3道的102号现在赶上来了。The half-time score is 2-0 for Bull. 公牛队上半场以2比0的比分领先。They have beat Hongtashan 3-2. 他们以3比2击败红塔山队。They drew the game. 他们打成平局。听力练功房Part A 真题回顾听下面3段对话,回答第1至3题,对话读一遍。1. How much is the man going to pay?(NMET2020北京卷)A. 20 pence.B. 25 pence.C. 30 pence.2. When is the man checking in?(NMET2002)A. Friday.B. Thursday.C. Tuesday.3. At what time does the train to Leeds leave?(NMET2001)A. 3:00.B. 3:15.C. 5:00.听第4段对话,回答第4至6题,对话读两遍。(NMET2002)4. How does the man feel about Davids way of sleeping?A. Its practical.B. Its strange.C. Its the best.5. How many hours does David sleep a day?A. Four.B. Six.C. Seven.6. What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?A. People should develop a habit like Davids.B. People need longer hours of sleep.C. People have different sleeping habits.听第5段对话,回答第7至9题,对话读两遍。(NMET2002北京卷)7. Why is the man making the telephone call?A. He is inviting Mr. Brown to go to Australia.B. He is giving information about Mr. Brown.C. He is fixing a time to meet Mr. Brown at the airport.8. When does Mr. Brown have to be at the airport?A. By 8:30.
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