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Languagepoints 1 I vebeenquitebusyplanningmyholidaywithmyolderbrother bebusydoingwithsth 学生们正在忙于为十二月份的考试作准备 ThestudentsarebusypreparingfortheexaminDecember Thestudentsarebusymakingpreparationsforthe somany c n sofew c n somuch u n solittle u n 2 We regoingtovisitsomanyexcitingplaces Iwasastonishedtofindthat littlechildrencouldcarry manybooks little少的 such so soadj adv thatclause adj a an c n s thatclause sucha an adj c n sthatclause adj c n padj u n bycamel onthecamel s oncamelsbybike onthebike s onbikesbycar inthecar s incarsbybus on inthebusbyplane ontheplanebytaxi inthetaxi 3 We regoingtotraveloncamels We llbetravellingbycamel Thecar hegoestoschoolismadeinJapan A bywhichB inwhichC bythatD withwhich B gowhite waterraftingmountainclimbingInternetsurfingswimmingskatingskiing 4 So we llgowhite waterrafting 5 Youhavetowearspecialclothing ahelmetandalifejacket justincaseyourraftgetsupsidedownorsinks incaseincaseofinthiscase要是这样的话inthatcase要是那样的话inanycase无论如何innocase决不 我决不会支持他的 InnocasewillIsupporthim 5 We lllivewiththelocalpeopleintheirvillages andeatanddrinkwhatevertheydo includingcow sblood whateverconj 无论什么引导名词性从句或让步状语从句 无论你说什么我都相信 你可以写你喜欢的任何主题 Iwillbelievewhateveryousay Whateveryousay Iwillbelieveyou Youmaywriteonwhateversubjectyoulike supplysth to forsb sb withsth 给某人提供某物 6 i llneedtobuyalarge strong lightbackpacktocarrymysuppliesoffoodandwater supplyn 供应 补给 必需品v 提供 供给 供应 offersb sth sth tosb providesb withsth sth forsb 我们的工厂给他们提供汽车零部件 我保证我的宾馆会给你提供最好的服务 他主动给我一个工作 但是我婉言拒绝了 Ourfactorysuppliesthemwithcarparts carpartsto forthem Ipromisethatourhotelwillprovideyouwiththebestservice thebestserviceforyou Heofferedmeajob butIturneditdown Step4Multiplechoiceforconsolidation 1 ThoseflowersaresospecialthatIwoulddo Icantosavethem A whateverB nomatterwhatC whicheverD that A 2 Hesat againstthewallandlistenedtotheteacher A close closeB closely closelyC closely closeD close closely D 3 Johnmayphonetonight Idon twanttogoout hephones A aslongasB inorderthatC incaseD sothat4 Wehave inyourbillthecostoftheteapotyoubrokejustnow A increasedB includedC containedD charged C B 5 Youshouldtrytogetagoodnight ssleep muchworkyouhavetodo A howeverB nomatterC althoughD whatever6 Amiddle agedwomancame tothebusstoponly thebushadgone A torun tofindB running tofindC andran findingD running finding A B 7 HaveyouheardfromJanetrecently No butI heroverChristmas A sawB willbeseeingC haveseenD havebeenseen8 With electricalequipment woodandpaperinoneplace thereisadangeroffire A somanyB somuchC suchmanyD suchmuch B B
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