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否定句1. Here there is _ as they talked of.A. no such a man B. not such manC. no a such man D. no such man答:D. no=not a 或 not any.如: There is no water left. =There isnt any water left.2. Isnt Tom a student? _, it is four years since he was a college student.A. Yes, he is B. No, he isntC. Yes, he isnt D. No, he is答:B否定问句的回答,若答语是肯定的就用Yes,若答语是否定的就用No。No. It is.sinee.句式中,若since 后接延续性动词译成“他不多久了”。如 It is four years since he was a college student. 他不是大学生四年了(他大学毕业四年了。) It is three years since he lived here. 他不住在这(离开这里)三年了。3. Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?_.A. 1 dont believe B. I dont believe itC. I believe not so D. I believe not答:D用Do you think提问,通常用以下一些回答方式: tinkI believe so/not. 否定回答还可用I dontsupposeexpectthinkbelieve so.supposeexpect4. I dont like chicken _ fish.I dont like chicken, _ I like fish very much.A. and, and B. and, butC. or, and D. or, but答:D。在否定句中表示并列用or。and用于肯定句中表示并列。5. Are the two answers correct?No, _correct.A. no one is B. both are notC. neither is D. either is not答:C。neither 两者都不6. Im not a student._.A. Nor they are B. Neither are theyC. Nor are they D. Neither they are答:C。neither指两者。nor指两者或两者以上。7. _ into pop musie. Some of them like it but the others dont like it at all.A. None of the students areB. All the students arentC. No one isD. All the students are答:B部分否定用all(every,both)not相当于 not all (every, both) 句式。如:All the pupils dont want to go there. 不是所有的学生都想去那。 Every student doesnt like the idea. 不是每个学生都喜欢这个想法. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西未必都是金若表示全部否定,应用 none, no one 和neither。如None of them speak Chinese. 他们中没有能说汉语的。 No one is interested in the idea. 没有人对这个主章感兴趣。Neither of them ean speak English. 他们两个都不懂英文。8. Will you go with us tomorrow?Im afraid_.A. no B. not C. cant D. wont答:B。 Im afraid not. =Im afraid I cant go with you.9. He pretended_ me.A. not see B. not seeingC. not to see D. didnt see答:C。pretend后只接不定式做宾语,not.to.do.是不定式的否定式。如:When I went to see him, he happened not to be there.我去看他时,他碰巧不在He seems not to be happy. 他似乎不太高兴,也可以说 He doesnt seem to be happy.10. I _think he _ come this evening.A. /, will not B. dont, willC. dont, will not D. do, will not答:B当believe,think,suppose等词后接宾语从句时,若从句是否定的,常将否定前移。如: I dont believe he can win the game.11. Smoking is harmful to your health. So yous_moke.A. had not better B. had better not toC. had not better D. had better not答:D。 had better do (not do) 否定在better 后加 not,后接省to的不定式。类似的句式还有would rather do (not do) 宁愿做(不做)。12. They_go there.A. would like not B. would like not toC. wouldnt like to D. wouldnt like答:Cwould (should) like to表示“宁愿”,否定为 wouldnt (shouldnt) like to.13. He is _. He can hardly stand up.A. not tired at all B. not a bit tiredC. not a little tired D. not at all tired答:C根据He can hardly stand up说明他相当累了。 not a bit 一点不;not a little非常,相当地。14. The problem is by no means difficult, _ students have worked it out.A. Few B. LittleC. Quite a few D. Only a few答:Cquite a few相当多,D项 only a few只有几个,与句意不符。15. How much water is left in the bottle?_.A. Nothing B. Only littleC. No one D. None答:D。A项答非所问,若问Whats in the bottle? 来回答。B项only(just)后只接肯定用法的词,而little(few)为否定用法,只能说 Only (just) a little (few), no one 不能用以回答针对不可数名词提问的句于。16. How many students are there in the reading-roomy?_.A. Only few B. No oneC. None D. Nothing答:C。None常用来回答就不可数名词或可数名词复数提问的句子,no one用来回答针对可数名词单数提问的句子。如:Who is in the reading-room? No one.17. He would rather _ than _.A. to die, to give in B. die, give inC. to die, give in D. die, to give in答:B。would rather.than.宁愿而不,后接动词原形。than引导的从句用肯定形式来表示否定意义。18. He arranged for me to meet Professor Wang at the airport, but I failed_him.A. meet B. meetingC. to meet D. having met答:Cfailtod。投能做成某事,是用肯定形式表示否定意义的句式。19. Would you give me a hand? The box is _ heavy.A. too B. so C. hardly D. to much答:A此句相当于The box is too heavy for me to carry, too.to.句式表示“太以至于不“。如:The child is too young to go to school. 孩子太小,还不能上学。20. One cannot be too careful. Make as _ mistakes as you can.A. few B. much C. many D. little答:Acannot be too.或can never be too. 表示“越越好”。第一句意为“一个人越仔细(认真)越好”mistake为可数,应用few修饰。21. _ enough time. we didnt finish the work.A. Not there being B. There being notC. There not being D. There wasnt答:C分词傲状语相当于状语从句,there be句型的分词形式为therebeing,其否定式为there not beingD项没有连词,不成立。22. He felt unhappy for _ to the party.A. not his being invi
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